The weather has been heating up, with summer getting underweay.Business is booming in the Yawning Portal with lots of people travelling to the city with the nice weather. You are all currently sat around tables lit by a brightly burning candles and littered with plates cleared of food and half-drained tankards. Whether you are all at the same table and know each other, or spread around the room is up to you. The sounds of gamblers yelling and drunken adventurers singing bawdy songs nearly drown out the off-key strumming of "Threestrings", three tables over.
Then all the noise is eclipsed by a male voice shouting: “Ya pig! Like killin’ me mates, does ya?” as a seven-foot-tall half-orc (Yagra) is hit by a wild, swinging punch from the screaming male human whose shaved head is covered with eye-shaped tattoos. Four other humans stand behind him, ready to jump into the fray. The half-orc cracks her knuckles, roars, and leaps at the tattooed figure — but before you can see if blood is drawn, a crowd of spectators clusters around the brawl. The sound of fighting is audible, but to get closer will take a little time, if you wish to do so. No initiative rolls needed. I like to do group initiative in PbP (all enemies grouped, all players grouped. I will do rolls based on average initiative. If you have specific abilities that require going first, let me know and I can adjust this to fit that in). In addition, there will be a few rounds of combat before you are able to get involved so you will be joining an active combat if you choose to get involved at all.
Marion adjusts herself on her seat, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Since arriving in Waterdeep, she hasn't found a chair that suits her properly. Halfling chairs are too small, but if she sits on one meant for normal-sized humanoids, her feet dangle above the ground.
Marion is a very rare species, perhaps the only one in Waterdeep—a city known for its diverse population. She is a Quarterling, or Half-Halfling, born to a Drow noblewoman and a normal Halfling boy. Typically, when Halflings mix their blood with other races, their children inherit only their non-Halfling parent's features. Marion has the appearance of a 4.5ft tall Dark Elf girl, save for the gorgeous blond hair inherited from her father.
Unlike other Drows and Half-Drows, Marion never hides her face with a hood or mask. She is proud of every inch of herself, feeling no shame in this world.
“Ha! Old Yagra, livelier than ever!” The Half-Elf jumps off her chair and strides toward the tallest of her friends, stretching out her hands as if a child seeking a hug from their father. “Xual, carry me on your shoulder, please! I want to get a good look at tonight's entertainment!”
Xaul hoists Marion up on his shoulders and grumbles as they approach the crowd ‘Yagra better not get hurt. She should know better than to fight in tavern’ He carries Marion over to the crowd to get a look, using one hand to pull her up and the other to hold still a glass of water, being cautious not to spill a drop. Those that are observant can see that the reflection of Xaul on the surface almost appears to be peering over the edge.
Huddled in her customary corner of The Yawning Portal, Boo’s presence was as much a fixture as the worn stones of the hearth. An ethereal figure against the tavern’s walls, her ashen gaze lifted from the begging bowl before her to the unfolding spectacle. She had seen many such brawls, the flare of tempers as common as the ale that fueled them, yet she watched with an impassive curiosity that belied her young years.
To her, the tavern was a microcosm of the city itself – unpredictable, vibrant, perilous – and Durnan, its unyielding sentinel. From her vantage point, she noted the towering half-orc, Yagra, a familiar force of nature, now the eye of the burgeoning storm. Marion's jubilant call to Xaul a half-orc drew a ghost of a smile from Boo’s lips. It was a smile that never quite reached her eyes, those wells of pale blue that seemed to reflect a different kind of storm.
As the scuffle turned into a melee, and others surged forward to join or spectate, Boo remained still, save for the slow rise from her seated position. The coins in her bowl remained untouched, as did she, an untouched isle in a sea of chaos. With a gaze that seemed to pierce through the crowd to the very heart of the brawl, she stood in silent observation, the beggar girl who saw everything and revealed nothing.
A native of the desert climes of Calimshan, Kismet dressed in loose, layered clothing reminiscent of a desert nomad. Her hair was a deep, lustrous black and her eyes were pale gold. She moved with an air of quiet confidence, her gaze as piercing as the desert sun. Her travels had brought her far to the north and away from her homeland. Waterdeep was her new home.
As the brawl ignited in the tavern, Kismet rose from her seat, a subtle determination in her gaze. With measured steps, she navigated through the sea of bodies, drawn towards the heart of the commotion.
Being hoisted up above the crowd, Marion gets visibility first, the rest of you manage to observe what is going on a round later. If this was a 1v1, Yagra would win easily. In fact she currently has the tattooed person pinned to the floor, and he looks barely conscious. His four companions are all ganging up on her however. The chances are that without interference, the leader will be knocked out, but so will Yagra. They do look like they would happily kill her, however Durnan would never allow a brawl to go that far.
Marion taps the head of her Half-Orc friend. “Ah, the tavern is a perfect place for fighting! We've got healers, audiences, and a referee (Marion glances at Durnan) who makes sure things don't go too far!”
She enjoys the view of the brawl, but soon becomes impatient and restless. “Ahhh, I can't stand this anymore! It's too unfair! Excuse me, Xual!”
Marion stands up, jumping off the shoulder of her friend, and delivers a surprise dropkick to a thug who is about to beat up Yagra.
OCC: DM, please advise on how to roll for the dropkick!
It will be an unarmed strike (probably already on your sheet under actions unless you turned it off). Because it made me smile, and would be unexpected, I will give you advantage (despite not being an official surprise attack)
Boo's gaze cuts through the chaos of the tavern brawl, the sense of unfairness in the air as tangible as the tension that crackles through the throng. With a beggar's unassuming guise, she watches as four assailants corner a lone fighter — a scene so far removed from the laws of honor that even the shadows seem to disdain their cowardice. It is not in Boo's nature to stand idle while the scales are tipped so cruelly.
She rises the image of a wraith given form, drifting with purpose toward the fray. Her movements are a silent whisper, her intent cloaked behind the ghostly pallor of her face. As she draws closer, the arcane words of an ancient cantrip rise to her lips, poised to breathe chaotic life into the melee and tip the odds back into balance.
And then, with a turn towards the unseen world of spirits and spells, Boo extends her hand, unleashing the curse of Infestation upon the nearest of the four assailants. The spell, a swarm of spectral insects, seeks to burrow into the fabric of the attacker's being, aiming to sow discord and disarray. The air tingles with the poison of her intent, awaiting the will of the fates to see if the target succumbs or withstands her assault.
OOC: @DM, Boo would like to attempt to cast the cantrip Infestation on the closest of the four attackers ganging up on Yagra, aiming to even the odds a bit. She'll move closer if necessary to get within range. The spell requires the target to make a CON 12 saving throw. On a fail, the target takes 1d6 poison damage and is compelled to move 5 feet in a random direction. Please advise if I need to make any rolls or is something you would prefer to handle with this type of spell.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
OOC: Thank you, DM! By the way, would Durnan allow Marion to use her Hexblade’s Curse or her sword in its sheath as an improvised club during a tavern brawl?
The quarrel had become heated, then it turned physical, then the violence spread — growing more intense — not unlike an untended fire that was quickly growing out of control.
In this rough-and-tumble watering hole, it would only be a matter of time before fists became augmented with blades ... and then risk of bruises would quickly become the risk of bloodshed and wanton violence. After the blades made an appearance ... corpses usually followed.
"ENOUGH, ALL OF YOU!" Kismet called out, standing at the edge of the fray. Her voice boomed, magically augmented to carry over the din.
Xaul spends this combat just lurking out of danger and overseeing the events. He's always up for a fight and would defend Yagra with his life but he's well aware that this scuffle will be quickly dismantled before things can get really interesting, though if it isn't halted and things get out of hand he'll happily step in. He takes the glass of water he holds and pours the water into a hip flask for easy storage, and to those looking closely, the reflection on the distorting surface of the water seems to try to claw out to escape the neck of the flask as Xaul empties the contents of his glass, before disappearing completely when Xaul inserts the cork.
Boocasts her spell, and she sees the closest attacker start to scratch and itch, moving 5ft into the crowd watching, who upon seeing a bunch of mites on them, start hitting him to try and kill the mite. (he looks quite injured now).
Marionleaps off, connecting solidly with another, leaving him shocked. He looks ready to leave Yagra alone but fight Marioninstead. (You don't know what Durnan would think about using your hexblades curse)
Kismetyells out, causing the thugs and all the crowd to look over and pause. Yagra doesn't pause though, taking another punch and knocking the leader out.
Xaul keeps his eyes out. Things seem to be under control for now. Durnan is watching closely too you notice.
Seeing that Yagra has help, and with Kismet's shouting, the thugs grab the unconscious leader and flee. As they do so, some of the crowd start screaming as a monster with warty green skin, a tangled nest of wiry black hair, a long, carrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes climbs out of the giant well that is the entrance to Undermountain in the centre of the tavern. As it bares its yellow teeth and howls, you can see that a half-dozen bat-like creatures are attached to its body, with three more circling above it like flies. Everyone in the tavern reacts in fear. The only one who is calm is the barkeep, Durnan, who shouts, “Troll!”
The bat creatures on the troll detach, and fly back down the shaft bloated, while the three above seem hungry and looking for blood. Durnan leaps over the bar, having drawn his greatsword, confronting the troll himself.
The party are up followed by the monsters. Yagra and Durnan are both fighting. And I will roll for their attacks after the party, but before the monsters
Kismet's eyes widened in shock as the monsters burst out of the well. Bar fights were one thing ... deadly monsters on the other hand, were quite another.
With a swift incantation, Kismet called upon her infernal connection to her icy stygian Lord, Levistus, and wove arcane energy around her in a protective shield. The air around her shimmered as a spectral frost enveloped her, sheathing her in a layer of ice that crackled with cold energy.
OOC — Cast Armor of Agathys, draw crossbow while moving back a bit.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
"You spineless swine! If you mess with the ladies again, I'll kick your ass to the moon!" Marion gestures crudely with her fingers towards the fleeing thugs. Smiling, she turns back to her friends but instead finds an ugly, giant green creature and its smaller companions.
"Troll!" she shouts too. "That's too much entertainment for one night! Dancer, come! I need your help!"
As Marion calls out, a slender and elegant woman-shaped figure emerges from her shadow, gliding across the floor towards the troll.
Bonus Action: Marion places her Hexblade’s Curse on the Troll.
The Half-Elf warlock surveys the bar, searching for something she can use against the monsters.
Perception: 4
How far is the troll from the well?
Are there any pole arms (long poles) that Marion can use to push the troll into the well?
As the chaos in The Yawning Portal escalates with the unexpected arrival of a troll and its bat-like companions, Booremains a beacon of eerie calm amidst the burgeoning panic. With the troll now engaged directly by Durnan's fearless advance, the smaller creatures present a more immediate threat to the gathered crowd, including Booand her newfound allies.
With the troll and Durnan locked in their monumental clash, the air in The Yawning Portal thickens with the beating wings of the bat-like creatures, their hungry eyes scanning the tavern for their next meal. Amidst the screams and the chaos, Boo focuses her attention on the nearest of these menacing flyers. The dark energy that had proved effective before once again gathers at her fingertips, ready to be unleashed as she casts Infestation.
As patrons duck and weave to avoid the swooping terror, Boo steps forward slightly, ensuring she is within range. With a whispered incantation, she releases the swarm of spectral insects toward the flying creature. The air around it shimmers as the spell takes effect, hoping to sow confusion and halt its flight. Her pale blue eyes, cold and determined, track the creature's movements.
Are there any pole arms (long poles) that Marion can use to push the troll into the well?
1. About 10-15ft away by the time it was engaged in combat. 2. No. But you could always get creative with some furniture (bar stools, chairs and tables)
Boocasts her spell and it causes the creature to fly an extra 5ft away from the troll (direction of the door so also away from the party). The creature seems pretty weak from it.
Marion furrows her brow, pondering the situation. She knows she must help Durnan, but facing a Troll is no small feat. The creature is much larger and stronger than her, and she recalls its nasty abilities. Suddenly, inspiration strikes the young Half-Elf.
Reaching into her backpack, Marion retrieves two torches. Though she doesn't typically need light in the darkness, her mentor Hilda, a Dwarf paladin, insisted she carry such equipment. Now, she realizes her mentor's wisdom. Marion lights the torches from the nearest candles, calling to her friends and fellow adventurers in the bar.
"Guys! Lend me your hands! Let's shove this beast back into its stinking hole!"
OOC:I'm going to use the Two Weapon Fighting Rule.
When you take the Attack Action and Attack with a light melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand, you can use a Bonus Action to Attack with a different light melee weapon that you’re holding in the other hand.
And shove the troll twice.
Question: If Marion uses burning torches, can she shove the troll with advantage?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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The weather has been heating up, with summer getting underweay.Business is booming in the Yawning Portal with lots of people travelling to the city with the nice weather. You are all currently sat around tables lit by a brightly burning candles and littered with plates cleared of food and half-drained tankards. Whether you are all at the same table and know each other, or spread around the room is up to you. The sounds of gamblers yelling and drunken adventurers singing bawdy songs nearly drown out the off-key strumming of "Threestrings", three tables over.
Then all the noise is eclipsed by a male voice shouting: “Ya pig! Like killin’ me mates, does ya?” as a seven-foot-tall half-orc (Yagra) is hit by a wild, swinging punch from the screaming male human whose shaved head is covered with eye-shaped tattoos. Four other humans stand behind him, ready to jump into the fray. The half-orc cracks her knuckles, roars, and leaps at the tattooed figure — but before you can see if blood is drawn, a crowd of spectators clusters around the brawl. The sound of fighting is audible, but to get closer will take a little time, if you wish to do so. No initiative rolls needed. I like to do group initiative in PbP (all enemies grouped, all players grouped. I will do rolls based on average initiative. If you have specific abilities that require going first, let me know and I can adjust this to fit that in). In addition, there will be a few rounds of combat before you are able to get involved so you will be joining an active combat if you choose to get involved at all.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Marion adjusts herself on her seat, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Since arriving in Waterdeep, she hasn't found a chair that suits her properly. Halfling chairs are too small, but if she sits on one meant for normal-sized humanoids, her feet dangle above the ground.
Marion is a very rare species, perhaps the only one in Waterdeep—a city known for its diverse population. She is a Quarterling, or Half-Halfling, born to a Drow noblewoman and a normal Halfling boy. Typically, when Halflings mix their blood with other races, their children inherit only their non-Halfling parent's features. Marion has the appearance of a 4.5ft tall Dark Elf girl, save for the gorgeous blond hair inherited from her father.
Unlike other Drows and Half-Drows, Marion never hides her face with a hood or mask. She is proud of every inch of herself, feeling no shame in this world.
“Ha! Old Yagra, livelier than ever!” The Half-Elf jumps off her chair and strides toward the tallest of her friends, stretching out her hands as if a child seeking a hug from their father. “Xual, carry me on your shoulder, please! I want to get a good look at tonight's entertainment!”
Xaul hoists Marion up on his shoulders and grumbles as they approach the crowd ‘Yagra better not get hurt. She should know better than to fight in tavern’ He carries Marion over to the crowd to get a look, using one hand to pull her up and the other to hold still a glass of water, being cautious not to spill a drop. Those that are observant can see that the reflection of Xaul on the surface almost appears to be peering over the edge.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Huddled in her customary corner of The Yawning Portal, Boo’s presence was as much a fixture as the worn stones of the hearth. An ethereal figure against the tavern’s walls, her ashen gaze lifted from the begging bowl before her to the unfolding spectacle. She had seen many such brawls, the flare of tempers as common as the ale that fueled them, yet she watched with an impassive curiosity that belied her young years.
To her, the tavern was a microcosm of the city itself – unpredictable, vibrant, perilous – and Durnan, its unyielding sentinel. From her vantage point, she noted the towering half-orc, Yagra, a familiar force of nature, now the eye of the burgeoning storm. Marion's jubilant call to Xaul a half-orc drew a ghost of a smile from Boo’s lips. It was a smile that never quite reached her eyes, those wells of pale blue that seemed to reflect a different kind of storm.
As the scuffle turned into a melee, and others surged forward to join or spectate, Boo remained still, save for the slow rise from her seated position. The coins in her bowl remained untouched, as did she, an untouched isle in a sea of chaos. With a gaze that seemed to pierce through the crowd to the very heart of the brawl, she stood in silent observation, the beggar girl who saw everything and revealed nothing.
A native of the desert climes of Calimshan, Kismet dressed in loose, layered clothing reminiscent of a desert nomad. Her hair was a deep, lustrous black and her eyes were pale gold. She moved with an air of quiet confidence, her gaze as piercing as the desert sun. Her travels had brought her far to the north and away from her homeland. Waterdeep was her new home.
As the brawl ignited in the tavern, Kismet rose from her seat, a subtle determination in her gaze. With measured steps, she navigated through the sea of bodies, drawn towards the heart of the commotion.
Being hoisted up above the crowd, Marion gets visibility first, the rest of you manage to observe what is going on a round later. If this was a 1v1, Yagra would win easily. In fact she currently has the tattooed person pinned to the floor, and he looks barely conscious. His four companions are all ganging up on her however. The chances are that without interference, the leader will be knocked out, but so will Yagra. They do look like they would happily kill her, however Durnan would never allow a brawl to go that far.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Marion taps the head of her Half-Orc friend. “Ah, the tavern is a perfect place for fighting! We've got healers, audiences, and a referee (Marion glances at Durnan) who makes sure things don't go too far!”
She enjoys the view of the brawl, but soon becomes impatient and restless. “Ahhh, I can't stand this anymore! It's too unfair! Excuse me, Xual!”
Marion stands up, jumping off the shoulder of her friend, and delivers a surprise dropkick to a thug who is about to beat up Yagra.
OCC: DM, please advise on how to roll for the dropkick!
It will be an unarmed strike (probably already on your sheet under actions unless you turned it off). Because it made me smile, and would be unexpected, I will give you advantage (despite not being an official surprise attack)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Boo's gaze cuts through the chaos of the tavern brawl, the sense of unfairness in the air as tangible as the tension that crackles through the throng. With a beggar's unassuming guise, she watches as four assailants corner a lone fighter — a scene so far removed from the laws of honor that even the shadows seem to disdain their cowardice. It is not in Boo's nature to stand idle while the scales are tipped so cruelly.
She rises the image of a wraith given form, drifting with purpose toward the fray. Her movements are a silent whisper, her intent cloaked behind the ghostly pallor of her face. As she draws closer, the arcane words of an ancient cantrip rise to her lips, poised to breathe chaotic life into the melee and tip the odds back into balance.
And then, with a turn towards the unseen world of spirits and spells, Boo extends her hand, unleashing the curse of Infestation upon the nearest of the four assailants. The spell, a swarm of spectral insects, seeks to burrow into the fabric of the attacker's being, aiming to sow discord and disarray. The air tingles with the poison of her intent, awaiting the will of the fates to see if the target succumbs or withstands her assault.
OOC: @DM, Boo would like to attempt to cast the cantrip Infestation on the closest of the four attackers ganging up on Yagra, aiming to even the odds a bit. She'll move closer if necessary to get within range. The spell requires the target to make a CON 12 saving throw. On a fail, the target takes 1d6 poison damage and is compelled to move 5 feet in a random direction. Please advise if I need to make any rolls or is something you would prefer to handle with this type of spell.
OOC: Thank you, DM! By the way, would Durnan allow Marion to use her Hexblade’s Curse or her sword in its sheath as an improvised club during a tavern brawl?
Dropkick! To Hit 23 Damage 3
OOC: Critical hit!? No additional damage but should be automatically hit. Me happy!
The quarrel had become heated, then it turned physical, then the violence spread — growing more intense — not unlike an untended fire that was quickly growing out of control.
In this rough-and-tumble watering hole, it would only be a matter of time before fists became augmented with blades ... and then risk of bruises would quickly become the risk of bloodshed and wanton violence. After the blades made an appearance ... corpses usually followed.
"ENOUGH, ALL OF YOU!" Kismet called out, standing at the edge of the fray. Her voice boomed, magically augmented to carry over the din.
OOC — Cast Thaumaturgy
Xaul spends this combat just lurking out of danger and overseeing the events. He's always up for a fight and would defend Yagra with his life but he's well aware that this scuffle will be quickly dismantled before things can get really interesting, though if it isn't halted and things get out of hand he'll happily step in. He takes the glass of water he holds and pours the water into a hip flask for easy storage, and to those looking closely, the reflection on the distorting surface of the water seems to try to claw out to escape the neck of the flask as Xaul empties the contents of his glass, before disappearing completely when Xaul inserts the cork.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Boo casts her spell, and she sees the closest attacker start to scratch and itch, moving 5ft into the crowd watching, who upon seeing a bunch of mites on them, start hitting him to try and kill the mite. (he looks quite injured now).
Marion leaps off, connecting solidly with another, leaving him shocked. He looks ready to leave Yagra alone but fight Marion instead. (You don't know what Durnan would think about using your hexblades curse)
Kismet yells out, causing the thugs and all the crowd to look over and pause. Yagra doesn't pause though, taking another punch and knocking the leader out.
Xaul keeps his eyes out. Things seem to be under control for now. Durnan is watching closely too you notice.
Seeing that Yagra has help, and with Kismet's shouting, the thugs grab the unconscious leader and flee. As they do so, some of the crowd start screaming as a monster with warty green skin, a tangled nest of wiry black hair, a long, carrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes climbs out of the giant well that is the entrance to Undermountain in the centre of the tavern. As it bares its yellow teeth and howls, you can see that a half-dozen bat-like creatures are attached to its body, with three more circling above it like flies. Everyone in the tavern reacts in fear. The only one who is calm is the barkeep, Durnan, who shouts, “Troll!”
The bat creatures on the troll detach, and fly back down the shaft bloated, while the three above seem hungry and looking for blood. Durnan leaps over the bar, having drawn his greatsword, confronting the troll himself.
The party are up followed by the monsters. Yagra and Durnan are both fighting. And I will roll for their attacks after the party, but before the monsters
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Kismet's eyes widened in shock as the monsters burst out of the well. Bar fights were one thing ... deadly monsters on the other hand, were quite another.
With a swift incantation, Kismet called upon her infernal connection to her icy stygian Lord, Levistus, and wove arcane energy around her in a protective shield. The air around her shimmered as a spectral frost enveloped her, sheathing her in a layer of ice that crackled with cold energy.
OOC — Cast Armor of Agathys, draw crossbow while moving back a bit.
"You spineless swine! If you mess with the ladies again, I'll kick your ass to the moon!" Marion gestures crudely with her fingers towards the fleeing thugs. Smiling, she turns back to her friends but instead finds an ugly, giant green creature and its smaller companions.
"Troll!" she shouts too. "That's too much entertainment for one night! Dancer, come! I need your help!"
As Marion calls out, a slender and elegant woman-shaped figure emerges from her shadow, gliding across the floor towards the troll.
Bonus Action: Marion places her Hexblade’s Curse on the Troll.
The Half-Elf warlock surveys the bar, searching for something she can use against the monsters.
Perception: 4
As the chaos in The Yawning Portal escalates with the unexpected arrival of a troll and its bat-like companions, Boo remains a beacon of eerie calm amidst the burgeoning panic. With the troll now engaged directly by Durnan's fearless advance, the smaller creatures present a more immediate threat to the gathered crowd, including Boo and her newfound allies.
With the troll and Durnan locked in their monumental clash, the air in The Yawning Portal thickens with the beating wings of the bat-like creatures, their hungry eyes scanning the tavern for their next meal. Amidst the screams and the chaos, Boo focuses her attention on the nearest of these menacing flyers. The dark energy that had proved effective before once again gathers at her fingertips, ready to be unleashed as she casts Infestation.
As patrons duck and weave to avoid the swooping terror, Boo steps forward slightly, ensuring she is within range. With a whispered incantation, she releases the swarm of spectral insects toward the flying creature. The air around it shimmers as the spell takes effect, hoping to sow confusion and halt its flight. Her pale blue eyes, cold and determined, track the creature's movements.
1. About 10-15ft away by the time it was engaged in combat.
2. No. But you could always get creative with some furniture (bar stools, chairs and tables)
1 (damage for Boo)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Boo casts her spell and it causes the creature to fly an extra 5ft away from the troll (direction of the door so also away from the party). The creature seems pretty weak from it.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Marion furrows her brow, pondering the situation. She knows she must help Durnan, but facing a Troll is no small feat. The creature is much larger and stronger than her, and she recalls its nasty abilities. Suddenly, inspiration strikes the young Half-Elf.
Reaching into her backpack, Marion retrieves two torches. Though she doesn't typically need light in the darkness, her mentor Hilda, a Dwarf paladin, insisted she carry such equipment. Now, she realizes her mentor's wisdom. Marion lights the torches from the nearest candles, calling to her friends and fellow adventurers in the bar.
"Guys! Lend me your hands! Let's shove this beast back into its stinking hole!"
OOC: I'm going to use the Two Weapon Fighting Rule.
When you take the Attack Action and Attack with a light melee weapon that you’re holding in one hand, you can use a Bonus Action to Attack with a different light melee weapon that you’re holding in the other hand.
And shove the troll twice.
Question: If Marion uses burning torches, can she shove the troll with advantage?