Hey guys. I'm going too be DMing a homebrew campaign, and I'm looking for some players. I'll tell you what I expect when you post your characters in a minute. The campaign will be a 'stereotypical' setting, with dungeons, monsters, swords, and maybe some dragons. I don't have much of a plan on what's going to happen, so the players are truly going to shape the game. I have DMd several games this way, and it's a lot more fun for me, since I love having to make/fix/whatever situations on the spot. I'm looking for 3 or 4 players, who can post pretty frequently. Personally, I can normally post several times a day, though sometimes I forget to look at D&DB, or just don't have the time. You don't have to post several times a day, but I require at least one post every two days. if you have nothing to do because I'm not posting myself, than obviously you don't have to post, assuming any of that makes sense. I am very new to DMing on PBP, though I have DMd in person countless times. If you have any advice on how to handle combat, that would be appreciated.
About the characters. You are level one, and can be any published race/class/background and such. If you would like to use something homebrew, please post here to claim your spot, and say that you are going to PM me about homebrew. When PMing me about this, tell me what you would like to use homebrew for, (species, subclass, etc.) and basic info on the homebrew you would like to use. Please also provide a link to the homebrew. for ability scores, you can either roll in the thread, or you can use standard array. If you roll here, come back and add your character to the same post you rolled in. If you do not have time to make your character right this moment, or do not know what exactly you want to do, feel free to just post a spot holder, as long as you come back and add your character within a day or two.
When posting your character, heres what I expect. (If you are using homebrew, just add 'homebrew' after whatever it is you're using it for.) Name (please include a clan/family name) Gender Species Class/subclass Background Passive perception Ability scores BEFORE any bonuses are added Basic backstory Reason you're out adventuring Any long or short term goals you have for your character Anything else.
For story hook purposes, you all will be out adventuring or traveling for one reason or another. If there is any more info I should add, please let me know. Obviously, feel free to ask questions.
EDIT 1: Sorry, forgot to mention. Everything is 2014. Also, if rolling for ability scores, reroll all ones until you get something higher. Also, because it has been requested, and I'm just so nice, players start at level 3. One more thing I forgot to mention, if I upvote your post, you are in.
I would be willing to enter. It sounds like perhaps either a "DMless campaign," (where the DM serves more of a guide) or maybe a "rotating/shared DM" experience. I'm on one "DMless," and on another game, the DM seemed to vanish, so I sort of stepped in (I've been playing less than a year). I have PHB, MM, DMG, Tasha's, and the solo adventure's toolbox...and several other online tools to help with generating encounters, npcs, etc...I just came across "1 page adventures," which I'm adapting, as well, and willing to help contribute in shaping the campaign. I think having the big goal to be to find legendary artifacts, to eventually confront "avatars" of Tiamat or Sul Katesh (maybe both?) would be epic.
I can generally post at least once every 2 days...but if the game really takes off, I may be able to post more frequently.
I do have one request: would you be willing to start us at level 2, or maybe 3? I'm wanting to use a Hexadin for the game, so that I can have my Paladin not be MAD. With Hexblade, I can have pretty much everything be on CHA...3 will also let me have my Divine Smite. If not, then I have either a Twilight or Peace Cleric I can use, at L1.
If the Hexadin, Jason Castle. If Cleric: Richie Snare (Male).
I have mainly been using a variant human, so that I can start with the War Caster Feat.
If Hexadin, pre bonus, point buy ASI:
Ability Scores:
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 10 (some say dump dex, but I don't want a negative on initiative)
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 15
Either Cleric
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 15
Charisma: 8
Hexadin would be a solider. Cleric would be a folk hero.
The basics, for each, is that his sons have been kidnapped by a trafficking ring, and that he is working with The Raven Queen, both to free his sons, and to free those trafficked that fate has shown her to be future devotees; the specifics vary a bit, depending on which build I can use.
Name:Eldrin Nienor Gender: Male Species: Elf, High Elf Lineage Class/subclass: Wizard Background: Merchant (Con +1, Int +2) Passive perception: 13 Ability scores: 8, 14, 15, 14, 12, 8 Basic backstory: Eldrin Nienor is a traveling elf wizard. As an infant, he was a refugee of war, raised by human merchants and also a merchant by trade. During his formative years, his mind was ablaze with arcane knowledge, he learned form books and tomes and couldn't get enough. Now an adult, he peddles his wares, mostly potions and scrolls with wanderlust, always looking over the horizon as if he knows that he was meant to do more. Reason you're out adventuring: As a merchant, times are hard and Eldrin needs money to support himself. Long Term Goals: To become an established wizard Short Term Goals: To have a decent meal
To clear some things up. Everything is 2014, and reroll ones until you get something higher. or, if you don't want to risk getting like a 3 or something, you can choose to turn all ones into eights. EmileTherese, ddo you plan on joining? or were you just posting to check, in case you did want to. I have upped the starting level to level 3, at the request of luminarystarr. Speaking of luminarystarr, I should clarify. I will be the DM the entire time, unless things go drastically wrong and something happens. I was more saying that I don't have the story plotted out much, so you you the players will be changing the story constantly. Who knows, maybe half way through, y'all will do something and the entire plot changes. I have edited my original post at the bottom and added this info.
My bad, I didn't understand. Since this is a Legacy 2014 campaign, I'll pass.
To clear some things up. Everything is 2014, and reroll ones until you get something higher. or, if you don't want to risk getting like a 3 or something, you can choose to turn all ones into eights. EmileTherese, ddo you plan on joining? or were you just posting to check, in case you did want to. I have upped the starting level to level 3, at the request of luminarystarr. Speaking of luminarystarr, I should clarify. I will be the DM the entire time, unless things go drastically wrong and something happens. I was more saying that I don't have the story plotted out much, so you you the players will be changing the story constantly. Who knows, maybe half way through, y'all will do something and the entire plot changes. I have edited my original post at the bottom and added this info.
To clear some things up. Everything is 2014, and reroll ones until you get something higher. or, if you don't want to risk getting like a 3 or something, you can choose to turn all ones into eights. EmileTherese, ddo you plan on joining? or were you just posting to check, in case you did want to.
Yeah, I'll decide my character once I see how my rolls go.
Sounds cool. I'm going to roll stats for my character here. I'll post the full character later and PM some homebrew stuff. I don't think it's actually homebrew in the truest sense but it does mix a lot of actual rules in a way that I think it's a good idea to clear with the DM beforehand.
Sounds cool. I'm going to roll stats for my character here. I'll post the full character later and PM some homebrew stuff. I don't think it's actually homebrew in the truest sense but it does mix a lot of actual rules in a way that I think it's a good idea to clear with the DM beforehand.
Sounds cool. I'm going to roll stats for my character here. I'll post the full character later and PM some homebrew stuff. I don't think it's actually homebrew in the truest sense but it does mix a lot of actual rules in a way that I think it's a good idea to clear with the DM beforehand.
Stat rolls:
Rerolling 1s
3: 2
5: 3
Final Set: [12, 10, 8, 11, 11, 12]
Huh... these stats are... actually really bad. I don't think these would work with the character I had in mind. I'll think of a different character to play.
Name: Taxidea Taxus Gender: Male Species: Stout Hafling Class/subclass: Sorcerer Background: Urban Bounty Hunter Passive perception: 11 Ability scores BEFORE any bonuses are added: Str: 12; Dex: 15; Con: 12; Int: 14; Wis: 13; Cha: 15 Basic backstory: Taxidea fled a kingdom where those with Draconic ancestry were seen as a threat to the King and were either forced into his service or killed outright. Reason you're out adventuring: Taxidea has anger issues - he has discovered that adventuring, bounty hunting, and similar occupations allow him to channel his anger in ways that are generally not only socially acceptable, but profitable as well. Any long or short term goals you have for your character: Long term goal: Taxidea wants to continue to grow his magical abilities. Short term goals: kick someone's ass.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Name: Armeros Vyralis Gender: Male (Refers to self with royal We to be fancy) Species: Tiefling Class/subclass: Warlock/The Fiend, may multiclass into Bard Background: Custom, Will PM Passive perception: 11 Ability scores BEFORE any bonuses are added: Above Basic backstory: He used to be a Cambion noble in the Hells, but kept failing so got banished to the Material Realm and turned into a Tiefling as punishment. Reason you're out adventuring: To build his power and influence. Short Term: Fame, power. Long Term: Somehow earn his place in the Hells and Cambion form back. (Don't expect this to happen in the game though lol.) In game, just more power and influence, maybe some adoring fans.
Basic backstory: Urchin child/teen that stowed away in the Dundar farmers cart to avoid authorities. The Dundar's discovered the big kid and kept him as a farm hand. When the farm got sold Xondario left for a life of adventuring taking the old fencing maul he used to drive fence posts with.
His old life as a farmland concluded when the farm was sold. Based on his size he took to the life on the road to pay for his meals as a adventurer for hire.
Long term goal: Make enough money to buy and support his own farm.
This is my Hexadin, and the current campaign he's in. As DD&B limits to just 6 (I've a couple more to use), I'm not sure if you want me to use the same sheet, or copy it. This includes the ASI boots as a V.Human, some "better than starter gear," being that he's had a few years to solider, and got some good stuff on a recent encounter (rolled and got lucky). I can make any adjustments, if needed, or keep it "as is."
More of Jason's background:
In the corrupt system in the rural townships I came from, there was a ring trafficking people, with at least one dedicated to taking children. I helped return children form that trafficking ring, only to learn after the connections with some of the towns’ leaders. As a result of my actions of taking down part of that ring, between a judge and lawyer, allowed abusers took take my sons, and my long term life goal is to have them restored to me.
I also learned that the top leaders of my post were a part of it, and ordered the slaughter of all that weren't trafficked. After this, I was called by The Raven Queen. The Raven Queen wants willing devotees who will choose her of their own will, to provide memories, to help her exist. The sacrifices of children denies her devotees, as she can see the threads of fate in the multiverse, and to have good, or even extraordinary devotees—in any part of the multiverse—denied to her, is detestable, for it is through devotees that her powers grow. In this faucet of the multiverse, my thread has been selected, as I have had my sons stolen, thus will be a willing devotee, and to rescue not only the stolen children, to bring them to her for facilitating their rescue, but those who love the children, to open the path for them to be devotees, as well.
For each mortal responsible for corrupting a child away from the patron, or ending the child before the child can become a devotee, I shall cast a ritual, to summon the Raven Queen, and the she shall, in the space of the rite, come to collect the person who trespassed upon her devotee, and the Raven Queen will do as she will.
You will not be granted your sons, but will be granted the methods to bring about the opportunity to restore your sons to you, in full. Should you succeed in the restoration of your sons to you, you may end your quest as one of my HexBlades. HOWEVER, the tools to maintain their safety will only be provided if you will continue your duties to restore future devotees, and bring to justice those who abscond with them.
When one of the devotees are in the same city, the Raven Queen will guide me to them, and will let me know what she thinks are needed to rescue devotees and bring the wrong doers to her for their judgment. The Raven Queen will answer me at her discretion, based on how much she decides the interaction will benefit the overall task set by her. It is to our mutual benefit: I get powers, insights, and tools to rescue my sons, and keep them safe. Raven Queen has one—of many—agents, Raven Clerics, Hexblades, and others, bringing her new devotees from the rescued, and gets to have those who trespassed upon her domain brought to them for her direct justice. The more devotees she has, the more extensive her powers.
I had previously helped others regain their lost children, and in retaliation, mine were taken. Word has spread not only in the small and far away town, but to others. While no one else has dared to stand up to these corrupt rings, sometimes, I can find someone who will provide me and companions with room and board.
For my Hexadin, I've not really decided which way I want to take the build. I do plan (when we level up) to take my Oath, in game. From there, well, it depends on how far we go. I look forward to a great campaign!
Usually do point buy but let's see how the dice treat me.
Ability scores: 1781681514
Ability scores: 161518121112
Ability scores: 161514141013
I'll go with the Second set and I'll be going Fighter/Rune Knight. I'll flesh out the character and post it in a bit.
Name Flynt Westaire Gender Male Species Human Class/subclass Fighter/Rune Knight Background soilder Passive perception 13 Ability scores 161518121112 Basic backstory
Flynt is a former soilder. Disillusioned with the chain of command he left the service. Retiring to a small outpost town you executed the will of the local council to maintain order as the local law enforcement officer
Reason you're out adventuring
A recent band of outlaws has caused havoc. The main gang had been dealt with but the leader had escaped. His brother and wife had been one of their victims. Swearing to bring the fugitive to justice, Flynt now travels about searching.
Any long or short term goals you have for your character.
Hey guys, thanks for posting. I have determined that I will probably do 5 players, and maybe sometime in the future add a sixth depending on what happens. I have already selected 3 players, who are the first three that posted. I likely will not choose the other players today, but hopefuly by tomorrow evening I will have selected two more players.
EDIT: I just realised that only six people have posted. I'll say everyone who posted can join if they so desire. We should be able to start playing in a few days. (actually, we may end up just waiting until this coming monday EST) If you won't be ready, just let me know, and I'm happy to work you in whenever. There will be a campaign to join some time shortly, as well as a private messaging group.
So I just went for a walk and realised you guys may be wondering what to do about equipment and gold. I'm guessing this is what everyone did already, but just use the standard gear/gold that they offer when you create your character. If you want, go ahead and do max gold. If you want anything else in regards to weapons/armour/other things, feel free to grab some basics like a torch, some rope, cooking supplies and the likes, assuming you think your character would have it. I'd also like to talk about eating expectations, since sometimes players don't know what is expected of them. I'd like characters to eat at least on good meal a day, especially if they are at a tavern/inn. In general though, I won't bother to much about it. However I will occasionally go through and any characters who haven't eaten anything in the last few days will gain one level of exhaustion. While writing this, I also realised there was something else I forgot to mention before. When it comes to posting during the game. When it is your character talking, please colour the text. otherwise, leave it black. Example: "Well." Jenson moves closer to the rock to investigates it. Investigation 19. "Whatever this thing is, it's dangerous. we know that much." Also, I would appreciate it if somewhere in your post you could try to include your character's name. This is to help both me and the other players connect user names and player names.
Hey guys. I'm going too be DMing a homebrew campaign, and I'm looking for some players. I'll tell you what I expect when you post your characters in a minute.
The campaign will be a 'stereotypical' setting, with dungeons, monsters, swords, and maybe some dragons. I don't have much of a plan on what's going to happen, so the players are truly going to shape the game. I have DMd several games this way, and it's a lot more fun for me, since I love having to make/fix/whatever situations on the spot.
I'm looking for 3 or 4 players, who can post pretty frequently. Personally, I can normally post several times a day, though sometimes I forget to look at D&DB, or just don't have the time. You don't have to post several times a day, but I require at least one post every two days. if you have nothing to do because I'm not posting myself, than obviously you don't have to post, assuming any of that makes sense.
I am very new to DMing on PBP, though I have DMd in person countless times. If you have any advice on how to handle combat, that would be appreciated.
About the characters. You are level one, and can be any published race/class/background and such. If you would like to use something homebrew, please post here to claim your spot, and say that you are going to PM me about homebrew. When PMing me about this, tell me what you would like to use homebrew for, (species, subclass, etc.) and basic info on the homebrew you would like to use. Please also provide a link to the homebrew. for ability scores, you can either roll in the thread, or you can use standard array. If you roll here, come back and add your character to the same post you rolled in. If you do not have time to make your character right this moment, or do not know what exactly you want to do, feel free to just post a spot holder, as long as you come back and add your character within a day or two.
When posting your character, heres what I expect. (If you are using homebrew, just add 'homebrew' after whatever it is you're using it for.)
Name (please include a clan/family name)
Passive perception
Ability scores BEFORE any bonuses are added
Basic backstory
Reason you're out adventuring
Any long or short term goals you have for your character
Anything else.
For story hook purposes, you all will be out adventuring or traveling for one reason or another.
If there is any more info I should add, please let me know. Obviously, feel free to ask questions.
EDIT 1: Sorry, forgot to mention. Everything is 2014. Also, if rolling for ability scores, reroll all ones until you get something higher. Also, because it has been requested, and I'm just so nice, players start at level 3.
One more thing I forgot to mention, if I upvote your post, you are in.
2024 rules or 2014? Also for ability scores, reroll ones or no?
I would be willing to enter. It sounds like perhaps either a "DMless campaign," (where the DM serves more of a guide) or maybe a "rotating/shared DM" experience. I'm on one "DMless," and on another game, the DM seemed to vanish, so I sort of stepped in (I've been playing less than a year). I have PHB, MM, DMG, Tasha's, and the solo adventure's toolbox...and several other online tools to help with generating encounters, npcs, etc...I just came across "1 page adventures," which I'm adapting, as well, and willing to help contribute in shaping the campaign. I think having the big goal to be to find legendary artifacts, to eventually confront "avatars" of Tiamat or Sul Katesh (maybe both?) would be epic.
I can generally post at least once every 2 days...but if the game really takes off, I may be able to post more frequently.
I do have one request: would you be willing to start us at level 2, or maybe 3? I'm wanting to use a Hexadin for the game, so that I can have my Paladin not be MAD. With Hexblade, I can have pretty much everything be on CHA...3 will also let me have my Divine Smite. If not, then I have either a Twilight or Peace Cleric I can use, at L1.
If the Hexadin, Jason Castle. If Cleric: Richie Snare (Male).
I have mainly been using a variant human, so that I can start with the War Caster Feat.
If Hexadin, pre bonus, point buy ASI:
Ability Scores:
Either Cleric
Hexadin would be a solider. Cleric would be a folk hero.
The basics, for each, is that his sons have been kidnapped by a trafficking ring, and that he is working with The Raven Queen, both to free his sons, and to free those trafficked that fate has shown her to be future devotees; the specifics vary a bit, depending on which build I can use.
Let me know, and I can fill out the rest.
Name: Eldrin Nienor
Gender: Male
Species: Elf, High Elf Lineage
Class/subclass: Wizard
Background: Merchant (Con +1, Int +2)
Passive perception: 13
Ability scores: 8, 14, 15, 14, 12, 8
Basic backstory: Eldrin Nienor is a traveling elf wizard. As an infant, he was a refugee of war, raised by human merchants and also a merchant by trade. During his formative years, his mind was ablaze with arcane knowledge, he learned form books and tomes and couldn't get enough. Now an adult, he peddles his wares, mostly potions and scrolls with wanderlust, always looking over the horizon as if he knows that he was meant to do more.
Reason you're out adventuring: As a merchant, times are hard and Eldrin needs money to support himself.
Long Term Goals: To become an established wizard
Short Term Goals: To have a decent meal
My bad, I didn't understand. Since this is a Legacy 2014 campaign, I'll pass.
Zim Eaglecleft, Fighter 1 (Farmer Dwarf), Descent into Avernus (Hardcore)
To clear some things up. Everything is 2014, and reroll ones until you get something higher. or, if you don't want to risk getting like a 3 or something, you can choose to turn all ones into eights. EmileTherese, ddo you plan on joining? or were you just posting to check, in case you did want to.
I have upped the starting level to level 3, at the request of luminarystarr.
Speaking of luminarystarr, I should clarify. I will be the DM the entire time, unless things go drastically wrong and something happens. I was more saying that I don't have the story plotted out much, so you you the players will be changing the story constantly. Who knows, maybe half way through, y'all will do something and the entire plot changes.
I have edited my original post at the bottom and added this info.
Yeah, I'll decide my character once I see how my rolls go.
Ability scores: 12 13 15 15 12 12
Sounds cool. I'm going to roll stats for my character here. I'll post the full character later and PM some homebrew stuff. I don't think it's actually homebrew in the truest sense but it does mix a lot of actual rules in a way that I think it's a good idea to clear with the DM beforehand.
Stat rolls:
3 4 4 4
2 3 2 5
1 3 2 3
3 3 2 5
2 4 1 4
5 3 3 4
Rerolling 1s
3: 2
5: 3
Final Set: [12, 10, 8, 11, 11, 12]
Huh... these stats are... actually really bad. I don't think these would work with the character I had in mind. I'll think of a different character to play.
Name: Taxidea Taxus
Gender: Male
Species: Stout Hafling
Class/subclass: Sorcerer
Background: Urban Bounty Hunter
Passive perception: 11
Ability scores BEFORE any bonuses are added: Str: 12; Dex: 15; Con: 12; Int: 14; Wis: 13; Cha: 15
Basic backstory: Taxidea fled a kingdom where those with Draconic ancestry were seen as a threat to the King and were either forced into his service or killed outright.
Reason you're out adventuring: Taxidea has anger issues - he has discovered that adventuring, bounty hunting, and similar occupations allow him to channel his anger in ways that are generally not only socially acceptable, but profitable as well.
Any long or short term goals you have for your character: Long term goal: Taxidea wants to continue to grow his magical abilities. Short term goals: kick someone's ass.
"...at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
Ability scores: 12 14 9 13 16 12
Gods of dice be merciful
Name: Armeros Vyralis
Gender: Male (Refers to self with royal We to be fancy)
Species: Tiefling
Class/subclass: Warlock/The Fiend, may multiclass into Bard
Background: Custom, Will PM
Passive perception: 11
Ability scores BEFORE any bonuses are added: Above
Basic backstory: He used to be a Cambion noble in the Hells, but kept failing so got banished to the Material Realm and turned into a Tiefling as punishment.
Reason you're out adventuring: To build his power and influence.
Short Term: Fame, power. Long Term: Somehow earn his place in the Hells and Cambion form back. (Don't expect this to happen in the game though lol.) In game, just more power and influence, maybe some adoring fans.
I'd like to join.
Usually do point buy but let's see how the dice treat me.
Ability scores: 13 12 10 15 13 10
Ability scores: 12 17 15 11 11 10
Ability scores: 13 14 15 10 14 9
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
If there is still room:
Ability scores: 14 11 15 13 11 17
I can work with those!
Name Xondario Dundar* (adopted surname)
Gender: Male
Species: Half Goliath (Custom Lineage)
Class/subclass: Champion Fighter
Background: Urchin
Passive perception: 11
Basic backstory: Urchin child/teen that stowed away in the Dundar farmers cart to avoid authorities. The Dundar's discovered the big kid and kept him as a farm hand. When the farm got sold Xondario left for a life of adventuring taking the old fencing maul he used to drive fence posts with.
His old life as a farmland concluded when the farm was sold. Based on his size he took to the life on the road to pay for his meals as a adventurer for hire.
Long term goal: Make enough money to buy and support his own farm.
This is my Hexadin, and the current campaign he's in. As DD&B limits to just 6 (I've a couple more to use), I'm not sure if you want me to use the same sheet, or copy it. This includes the ASI boots as a V.Human, some "better than starter gear," being that he's had a few years to solider, and got some good stuff on a recent encounter (rolled and got lucky). I can make any adjustments, if needed, or keep it "as is."
More of Jason's background:
In the corrupt system in the rural townships I came from, there was a ring trafficking people, with at least one dedicated to taking children. I helped return children form that trafficking ring, only to learn after the connections with some of the towns’ leaders. As a result of my actions of taking down part of that ring, between a judge and lawyer, allowed abusers took take my sons, and my long term life goal is to have them restored to me.
I also learned that the top leaders of my post were a part of it, and ordered the slaughter of all that weren't trafficked. After this, I was called by The Raven Queen. The Raven Queen wants willing devotees who will choose her of their own will, to provide memories, to help her exist. The sacrifices of children denies her devotees, as she can see the threads of fate in the multiverse, and to have good, or even extraordinary devotees—in any part of the multiverse—denied to her, is detestable, for it is through devotees that her powers grow. In this faucet of the multiverse, my thread has been selected, as I have had my sons stolen, thus will be a willing devotee, and to rescue not only the stolen children, to bring them to her for facilitating their rescue, but those who love the children, to open the path for them to be devotees, as well.
For each mortal responsible for corrupting a child away from the patron, or ending the child before the child can become a devotee, I shall cast a ritual, to summon the Raven Queen, and the she shall, in the space of the rite, come to collect the person who trespassed upon her devotee, and the Raven Queen will do as she will.
You will not be granted your sons, but will be granted the methods to bring about the opportunity to restore your sons to you, in full. Should you succeed in the restoration of your sons to you, you may end your quest as one of my HexBlades. HOWEVER, the tools to maintain their safety will only be provided if you will continue your duties to restore future devotees, and bring to justice those who abscond with them.
When one of the devotees are in the same city, the Raven Queen will guide me to them, and will let me know what she thinks are needed to rescue devotees and bring the wrong doers to her for their judgment. The Raven Queen will answer me at her discretion, based on how much she decides the interaction will benefit the overall task set by her. It is to our mutual benefit: I get powers, insights, and tools to rescue my sons, and keep them safe. Raven Queen has one—of many—agents, Raven Clerics, Hexblades, and others, bringing her new devotees from the rescued, and gets to have those who trespassed upon her domain brought to them for her direct justice. The more devotees she has, the more extensive her powers.
I had previously helped others regain their lost children, and in retaliation, mine were taken. Word has spread not only in the small and far away town, but to others. While no one else has dared to stand up to these corrupt rings, sometimes, I can find someone who will provide me and companions with room and board.
For my Hexadin, I've not really decided which way I want to take the build. I do plan (when we level up) to take my Oath, in game. From there, well, it depends on how far we go. I look forward to a great campaign!
I'll go with the Second set and I'll be going Fighter/Rune Knight. I'll flesh out the character and post it in a bit.
Name Flynt Westaire
Gender Male
Species Human
Class/subclass Fighter/Rune Knight
Background soilder
Passive perception 13
Ability scores 16 15 18 12 11 12
Basic backstory
Flynt is a former soilder. Disillusioned with the chain of command he left the service. Retiring to a small outpost town you executed the will of the local council to maintain order as the local law enforcement officer
Reason you're out adventuring
A recent band of outlaws has caused havoc. The main gang had been dealt with but the leader had escaped. His brother and wife had been one of their victims. Swearing to bring the fugitive to justice, Flynt now travels about searching.
Any long or short term goals you have for your character.
Find a potential lead on his fugitive.
Rogue Quin Oberon /Mercer's Tavern
Ranger Rigel Foresyth /LMOP
Fighter Barnabus Ironheel /North lands campaign
Fighter Flynt McGraw /Stormraider
Hey guys, thanks for posting. I have determined that I will probably do 5 players, and maybe sometime in the future add a sixth depending on what happens. I have already selected 3 players, who are the first three that posted. I likely will not choose the other players today, but hopefuly by tomorrow evening I will have selected two more players.
EDIT: I just realised that only six people have posted. I'll say everyone who posted can join if they so desire. We should be able to start playing in a few days. (actually, we may end up just waiting until this coming monday EST) If you won't be ready, just let me know, and I'm happy to work you in whenever.
There will be a campaign to join some time shortly, as well as a private messaging group.
Awesome! Looking forward to it.
So I just went for a walk and realised you guys may be wondering what to do about equipment and gold. I'm guessing this is what everyone did already, but just use the standard gear/gold that they offer when you create your character. If you want, go ahead and do max gold. If you want anything else in regards to weapons/armour/other things, feel free to grab some basics like a torch, some rope, cooking supplies and the likes, assuming you think your character would have it.
I'd also like to talk about eating expectations, since sometimes players don't know what is expected of them. I'd like characters to eat at least on good meal a day, especially if they are at a tavern/inn. In general though, I won't bother to much about it. However I will occasionally go through and any characters who haven't eaten anything in the last few days will gain one level of exhaustion.
While writing this, I also realised there was something else I forgot to mention before.
When it comes to posting during the game. When it is your character talking, please colour the text. otherwise, leave it black.
Example: "Well." Jenson moves closer to the rock to investigates it. Investigation 19. "Whatever this thing is, it's dangerous. we know that much."
Also, I would appreciate it if somewhere in your post you could try to include your character's name. This is to help both me and the other players connect user names and player names.