Thanks for that link. I didn’t know that was a thing. For anyone who wants to weigh in on that zendesk thread, you have to make a new account login; it doesn’t use your dndbeyond credentials.
You're better off making a new feature requests instead of commenting on existing requests. If more people submit individual tickets requesting this it'll garner more attention and show support. Would love to see a Co-DMing feature and I hope to see it soon.
Personally all my DM notes are stored in a Google drive, I find the note section of the campaign unwieldly especially considering that just 10 sessions in I already have 53 files split across 10 folders of notes, encounter info, secret player backgrounds, lists of NPCs etc.
But to solve your issue might I suggest you and your co dm share login details?
ahh, came to this thread hoping for a solution, but it seems there still isn't one yet. i'll be co-dming a campaign with a friend soon, and we'll be making heavy use of avrae to facilitate a play by post campaign in discord, and handling a lot of the rolls to keep the plot moving as people pop in and out. kind of sticks a wrench into things if only one of us can access enough of the sheets to make rolls. there's ways around it, by keeping some information for quick access in the discord and manually rolling with avrae, but it would be much more streamlined if we could have co-dms. i hope dndbeyond adds this feature soon!
ahh, came to this thread hoping for a solution, but it seems there still isn't one yet. i'll be co-dming a campaign with a friend soon, and we'll be making heavy use of avrae to facilitate a play by post campaign in discord, and handling a lot of the rolls to keep the plot moving as people pop in and out. kind of sticks a wrench into things if only one of us can access enough of the sheets to make rolls. there's ways around it, by keeping some information for quick access in the discord and manually rolling with avrae, but it would be much more streamlined if we could have co-dms. i hope dndbeyond adds this feature soon!
I mean the easiest way is set up a DnDBeyond account for both of you set it to share content and then add your own accounts to the campaign to have access to everything you have purchased I have done that with a DM I run a campaign with.
I mean the easiest way is set up a DnDBeyond account for both of you set it to share content and then add your own accounts to the campaign to have access to everything you have purchased I have done that with a DM I run a campaign with.
True, but the co-DM won't be able to create or run encounters through the site tools, as far as I'm aware, nor make update to character sheets attached to the campaign. Plus, some parts of sheets are hidden from everyone who is not the character owner or the campaign DM.
I mean the easiest way is set up a DnDBeyond account for both of you set it to share content and then add your own accounts to the campaign to have access to everything you have purchased I have done that with a DM I run a campaign with.
True, but the co-DM won't be able to create or run encounters through the site tools, as far as I'm aware, nor make update to character sheets attached to the campaign. Plus, some parts of sheets are hidden from everyone who is not the character owner or the campaign DM.
I mean both DMs have the logon and password to the single dnd beyond account. You then add a character from your own dnd accounts to the campaign to have access to all the material you own. This is something my friends and I do all the time, we have multiple campaigns going in that some of us are not part of but I will create a character and stick it into there campaign anyway so everything I own can be accessed. Usually I just name the character “for share”
Yeah this is more or less what we've ended up doing. It works, but it would be nice if this was supported officially so we wouldn't have to go through the hassle.
I'm working at a school for students who are blind or VI, and I am running a campaign with TWO other wonderful DMs. I would love this feature as well; we do most of our planning remotely and it'd be great to take things out of google docs and sheets and keep things centralized.
Side note: this is our fourth campaign with the students and we, for the first time, have a student who wants to write a character who's blind and has a magical whitecane and a magical guide dog. Impulse is to have her play a ranger, and then adjust some stuff, but I'm curious what y'all think...
Thanks for that link. I didn’t know that was a thing. For anyone who wants to weigh in on that zendesk thread, you have to make a new account login; it doesn’t use your dndbeyond credentials.
You're better off making a new feature requests instead of commenting on existing requests. If more people submit individual tickets requesting this it'll garner more attention and show support. Would love to see a Co-DMing feature and I hope to see it soon.
If someone's already made a request through Zendesk, please paste a link so that we can upvote.
Personally all my DM notes are stored in a Google drive, I find the note section of the campaign unwieldly especially considering that just 10 sessions in I already have 53 files split across 10 folders of notes, encounter info, secret player backgrounds, lists of NPCs etc.
But to solve your issue might I suggest you and your co dm share login details?
ahh, came to this thread hoping for a solution, but it seems there still isn't one yet. i'll be co-dming a campaign with a friend soon, and we'll be making heavy use of avrae to facilitate a play by post campaign in discord, and handling a lot of the rolls to keep the plot moving as people pop in and out. kind of sticks a wrench into things if only one of us can access enough of the sheets to make rolls. there's ways around it, by keeping some information for quick access in the discord and manually rolling with avrae, but it would be much more streamlined if we could have co-dms. i hope dndbeyond adds this feature soon!
I mean the easiest way is set up a DnDBeyond account for both of you set it to share content and then add your own accounts to the campaign to have access to everything you have purchased I have done that with a DM I run a campaign with.
True, but the co-DM won't be able to create or run encounters through the site tools, as far as I'm aware, nor make update to character sheets attached to the campaign. Plus, some parts of sheets are hidden from everyone who is not the character owner or the campaign DM.
I mean both DMs have the logon and password to the single dnd beyond account. You then add a character from your own dnd accounts to the campaign to have access to all the material you own. This is something my friends and I do all the time, we have multiple campaigns going in that some of us are not part of but I will create a character and stick it into there campaign anyway so everything I own can be accessed. Usually I just name the character “for share”
Yeah this is more or less what we've ended up doing. It works, but it would be nice if this was supported officially so we wouldn't have to go through the hassle.
I'm working at a school for students who are blind or VI, and I am running a campaign with TWO other wonderful DMs. I would love this feature as well; we do most of our planning remotely and it'd be great to take things out of google docs and sheets and keep things centralized.
Side note: this is our fourth campaign with the students and we, for the first time, have a student who wants to write a character who's blind and has a magical whitecane and a magical guide dog. Impulse is to have her play a ranger, and then adjust some stuff, but I'm curious what y'all think...