I think there is no thread that collects large amount of free campaigns in one list yet. I am willing to create and update that kind of list. I will start the list by my own content. I will search free campaigns from internet and add links when I find more content. Post to this thread if you want something to be added.
Requirements for listed projects:
- Direct link to content that does not require log in / account creation. In most cases direct link to PDF-file.
- No piracy. (For example link to copy of Player's Handbook is piracy)
- Added Fiery Grog Tavern, Madness of the Rat King, Army of the Damned (27.7.2019)
- Added Death House, Dues for the Dead, Elfhunt, Grammy’s Country Apple Pie, Harried in Hillsfar, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Nicholas the Gift-Giver’s Northern Palace, Out of the Abyss, Outlaws of the Iron Route, Princess of the Apocalypse, Return to the Caves of Chaos, Seven Weddings, Shadows over the Moonsea, Six faces of Death, Tyranny in Phlan, The Crypts of Kelemvor, The Forest of Forgotten Dragons, The Gribbits Detective Agency, The Hangover, The Scroll Thief, Winter's Splendor (2.8.2019)
- Added The Forge of Rogbrok (3.8.2019)
- Added "List of other Dungeons & Dragon content" and started the list with Elemental Evil / Player's Companion (22.4.2020)
- Added "System Reference Document". (16.6.2020)
- Added "Frozen Sick" and "Wildemount: Dark Star". (18.6.2020)
- Removed "Out of the Abyss" because link was broken. (19.6.2020)
- Removed "Harried in Hillsfar" because link was broken. (22.7.2020)
- Added "Challenge of the Frog Idol" and "Elemental Evil / Princes of the Apocalypse". (24.7.2020)
- Removed "Princess of the Apocalypse" and "Seven Weddings" because links were broken. (24.7.2020)
It's a good entry-level adventure that seems geared for younger players, created entirely using the free basic 5e rules. I won't add the PWYW link until it's confirmed that it's allowed.
Thanks for link TruckerGuy. I will add this to the list.
About Dungeon Master's Guild: (https://www.dmsguild.com/) I wont add links because that content requires log in / account creation. I want easy, direct access for all content on this list.
Are any of these like lvl 5 or higher start? And are these official free ones? Sounds great there are lots of free stuff but these campaigns can be blown in one session.
EDIT: Found One that will be Perfect. I just was lazy and didnt want to click all the links but found one on the bottom haha.
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is official (=not free) content so linking it as PDF for example would be piracy. I will link only stuff that Wizards is sharing for free or homebrew content that is available for all people in internet.
Thank you so much for sharing! We have just started. So far we have played one adventure and just started another one. I am already tweaking and planning on adding adventures within adventures. We are such a small group that I have also created a Gnome, Bard who travels with them! This is a great page........spending hours just dreaming!
Hello Terhonator I have just started DMing for the Clam Island adventure and I see you have a continuation planned for it... I'm really excited ! Do you know if it will soon be available?
I am at the moment preparing / playing Goldfish Archipelago campaign for first time with 2 players so I dont wish to publish it before we have finished the campaign. Clam Island is public because we have finished it already.
Which main quest line your players chose for Clam Island?
Thanks for this. I'm a little confused though. How are these free? For example, isn't Out of the Abyss an official adventure (it certainly isn't free on DnDBeyond)? I'm just wondering what makes these different from other adventures that have to be purchased.
Thanks again!
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I think there is no thread that collects large amount of free campaigns in one list yet. I am willing to create and update that kind of list. I will start the list by my own content. I will search free campaigns from internet and add links when I find more content. Post to this thread if you want something to be added.
Requirements for listed projects:
- Direct link to content that does not require log in / account creation. In most cases direct link to PDF-file.
- No piracy. (For example link to copy of Player's Handbook is piracy)
Basic rules for DnD: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/downloads/DnD_BasicRules_2018.pdf
System Reference Document (Contains more rules): https://media.wizards.com/2016/downloads/DND/SRD-OGL_V5.1.pdf
Army of the Damned: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MyAVOpmtQsTEZbhckQKcOIjuOMUg2SzV
Challenge of the Frog Idol: https://rpgcharacters.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/dyson-logos-challenge-of-the-frog-idol.pdf
Clam Island: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf
Death House: https://media.wizards.com/2016/downloads/DND/Curse%20of%20Strahd%20Introductory%20Adventure.pdf
Dues for the Dead: https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/DDEX14_DuesfortheDead.pdf
Elfhunt: https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/dragon/Elfhunt_11397805.pdf
Fiery Grog Tavern: https://anyflip.com/brrnw/mjnd
Frostglade Tundra: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE
Frozen Sick: https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/wa/frozen-sick
Goldfish Archipelago: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM
Grammy’s Country Apple Pie: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/21/DRA21_GrammysCountryApplePie.pdf
Hoard of the Dragon Queen: https://media.wizards.com/downloads/dnd/HoardDragonQueen_Encounters.pdf
Madness of the Rat King: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1pdYIcfHauwa0tyWVhMTWV1Mjg/view
Nicholas the Gift-Giver’s Northern Palace: https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/dragon/DRA17_northernpalace.pdf
Outlaws of the Iron Route: https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/DDEX19_OutlawsIronRoute.pdf
Shadows over the Moonsea: https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/DDEX13_Shadows_over_the_Moonsea.pdf
Six faces of Death: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/21/DRA21_sixfacesdeath.pdf
The Barber of Silverymoon: https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/dragon/DRA12_barbersilverymoon_jbt.pdf
The Crypts of Kelemvor: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/18/DRA18_CryptsKelemvor.pdf
The Forest of Forgotten Dragons: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2fZX7j-YsFdZU9WcW8yYzdVZ2c/view
The Forge of Rogbrok: http://realmsofauria.blogspot.com/2017/10/d-basic-adventure-1st-level-forge-of.html
The Gribbits Detective Agency: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/18/DRA18_GribbitsAgency.pdf
The Hangover: https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/dragon/Wiebe_TheHangover.pdf
The Scroll Thief: https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/DDEX16_TheScrollThief.pdf
Tyranny in Phlan: https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/DDEX110_TyrannyinPhlan.pdf
Wildemount: Dark Star: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/751-wildemount-dark-star
Winter's Splendor: https://media.wizards.com/2018/dnd/dragon/23/DRA23_WintersSplendor.pdf
Elemental Evil / Player's Companion: https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/EE_PlayersCompanion.pdf
Elemental Evil / Princes of the Apocalypse: https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/PrincesApocalypse_AdvSupplementv1.0_PrinterFriendly.pdf
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
(Post reserved for change log)
- Added Fiery Grog Tavern, Madness of the Rat King, Army of the Damned (27.7.2019)
- Added Death House, Dues for the Dead, Elfhunt, Grammy’s Country Apple Pie, Harried in Hillsfar, Hoard of the Dragon Queen, Nicholas the Gift-Giver’s Northern Palace, Out of the Abyss, Outlaws of the Iron Route, Princess of the Apocalypse, Return to the Caves of Chaos, Seven Weddings, Shadows over the Moonsea, Six faces of Death, Tyranny in Phlan, The Crypts of Kelemvor, The Forest of Forgotten Dragons, The Gribbits Detective Agency, The Hangover, The Scroll Thief, Winter's Splendor (2.8.2019)
- Added The Forge of Rogbrok (3.8.2019)
- Added "List of other Dungeons & Dragon content" and started the list with Elemental Evil / Player's Companion (22.4.2020)
- Added "System Reference Document". (16.6.2020)
- Added "Frozen Sick" and "Wildemount: Dark Star". (18.6.2020)
- Removed "Out of the Abyss" because link was broken. (19.6.2020)
- Removed "Harried in Hillsfar" because link was broken. (22.7.2020)
- Added "Challenge of the Frog Idol" and "Elemental Evil / Princes of the Apocalypse". (24.7.2020)
- Removed "Princess of the Apocalypse" and "Seven Weddings" because links were broken. (24.7.2020)
- Added "Goldfish Archipelago". (15.8.2021)
- Updated "Army of the Damned" link. (29.9.2021)
- Updated "Fiery Grog Tavern" link. (19.5.2022)
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
Some of these do look exciting. Thanks for posting!
Added lot of stuff to list. Enjoy!
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
One I've found, that is available free in html form, as well as a Pay-What-You-Want on DM's Guild: The Forge of Rogbrok. http://realmsofauria.blogspot.com/2017/10/d-basic-adventure-1st-level-forge-of.html
It's a good entry-level adventure that seems geared for younger players, created entirely using the free basic 5e rules. I won't add the PWYW link until it's confirmed that it's allowed.
Thanks for link TruckerGuy. I will add this to the list.
About Dungeon Master's Guild: (https://www.dmsguild.com/) I wont add links because that content requires log in / account creation. I want easy, direct access for all content on this list.
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
Are any of these like lvl 5 or higher start? And are these official free ones? Sounds great there are lots of free stuff but these campaigns can be blown in one session.
EDIT: Found One that will be Perfect. I just was lazy and didnt want to click all the links but found one on the bottom haha.
Tyranny in Phlan is between lvl 5-10 to start
List has some official ones and homebrew ones. Most of the stuff is from wizards so I think those are "official".
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
could you do waterdeep: dragon heist?
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist is official (=not free) content so linking it as PDF for example would be piracy. I will link only stuff that Wizards is sharing for free or homebrew content that is available for all people in internet.
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
oh okay
Thank you so much for sharing! We have just started. So far we have played one adventure and just started another one. I am already tweaking and planning on adding adventures within adventures. We are such a small group that I have also created a Gnome, Bard who travels with them! This is a great page........spending hours just dreaming!
yeah it's awesome
Thanks!! I was looking for a high level adventure as well!
Enjoy my magic items, spells, monsters, my race, and a few feats. And GIVE ME FEEDBACK... or else.
Like what I say?
⬐ Just press this little guy right here.
Thanks so much for getting this stuff. I just can't tell you how grateful i am!!!!!!!
Enjoy my magic items, spells, monsters, my race, and a few feats. And GIVE ME FEEDBACK... or else.
Like what I say?
⬐ Just press this little guy right here.
Are there any piratey ones? i have younger players who are quite fixated on that
You will also be happy to know that WotC is giving away free adventures and a starter book this week.
There is some Saltmarsh stuff coming out Friday.
Hello Terhonator I have just started DMing for the Clam Island adventure and I see you have a continuation planned for it... I'm really excited ! Do you know if it will soon be available?
Hi FyrenofTelios. I am really glad to hear that you are DMing Clam Island! If you have any more comments, questions or ideas please post everything to this thread: https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/dungeons-dragons-discussion/homebrew-house-rules/14861-clam-island-campaign-questbook
I am at the moment preparing / playing Goldfish Archipelago campaign for first time with 2 players so I dont wish to publish it before we have finished the campaign. Clam Island is public because we have finished it already.
Which main quest line your players chose for Clam Island?
My current projects, One click download PDFs:
- Clam Island campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/By3s5Uqqf (Levels 1-4)
- Frostglade Tundra campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SyZ_4eEyKE (Levels 1-4)
- Goldfish Archipelago campaign questbook: https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/-3HajWXM (Sequel to Clam Island, Levels 5-8)
Thanks for this. I'm a little confused though. How are these free? For example, isn't Out of the Abyss an official adventure (it certainly isn't free on DnDBeyond)? I'm just wondering what makes these different from other adventures that have to be purchased.
Thanks again!