A few of you have asked for more information and tutorials for homebrew, so I was chatting with BadEye about it and they have a lot of tutorial content and documentation planned for next year, so I will be creating some tutorial content for you in the meantime.
I hope this is of use - please let me know what else you would like to see!
This is great and thank you! That being said you had the one feat have flavor text that said "Max of 20". I did not see a modifier about that... do all feats have that built in naturally. I will try and test it later today to see if it allows to go above 20 or not.
Again great video and I like it... just looking to understand that one part. Everything else was very clear.
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Nothing is impossible... there are only differing degrees of probability.
So, if I wanted to make a feat that requires that you be able to cast a certain spell and gives you benefits when you cast that spell, how would I go about it?
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"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
will you be doing one for races? because i have a couple of questions.
Hi AutiscCostplay, sorry I missed this message.
Currently I'm not sure as to whether there will be a tutorial for races, or how long it might take to make one. peers at Stormknight
Until then I recommend you take a look at this thread here, and if the answer you're looking for isn't mentioned, go ahead and post your question there!
Matthias, the answer to that depends on what benefit it would be, but right now there's no way to display temporary buffs and the like. I would normally just recommend describing it in the feat's text itself.
However, if you want to do better than that, I do have one suggestion. When making the feat, add on the spell as normal through the Add A Spell button toward the bottom of the editing page. Edit the spell itself, either when first adding it or by clicking edit from the general feat editor, and look halfway down. You should see a text field that says 'Additional Description'. Type in your benefit(s) here, in the form of full sentences. Example: "After casting this spell, you gain +2 AC for 1 hour." Now, when using this feat in the character builder, when a player opens up the full description from the spell from this feat, it will be there at the end of its regular description.
So if you have a feat where you select an option for it, but you feel it can be taken more than once, how would you do that? Think Elemental Adept as an example. Submitting the same thing with minor changes (like damage type) multiple times gets it denied, but that is how Elemental Adept is implemented. So I assume we can set a feat to be taken multiple times. I just cant find it.
With the explosion of content I am sure is being posted daily (I have multiple homebrew items in the queue myself) would there be a way to assist the moderators with clearing them? As a D&D player for over 30 years now (and one who has created homebrew content for most of that time!) I am excited by the ability to see other concepts and ideas as a way to spice up my own game.
I am trying to build a Feat for Psionics. I'm using the "Limited Uses" section to use as Psi Points but after I hit the 3rd use if starts giving me an error which I have posted below.
What could I do to fix this issue? It says it can't exceed max allowed usage, however I have it set to allowed usage to 6. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Curious about the "Options" in the Feat. creation, how do I link the options to a specific Modifier? Such that if you select Option 1, you gain Modifier 1, if you select option 2, you gain modifier 2, etc.?
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Do not kill. Do not ****. Do not steal. These are principles which every person of every faith can embrace.
I've noticed from looking at the official subclasses, by making a new subclass from a copy, that some information can be gotten and used from the character sheet data, like this {{savedc:wis}}, could we get a short guide or tutorial on how to interact with the character sheet data and some of the commands?
Curious about the "Options" in the Feat. creation, how do I link the options to a specific Modifier? Such that if you select Option 1, you gain Modifier 1, if you select option 2, you gain modifier 2, etc.?
What about modifying Stats? I'm trying to make my feat give the option to increase either STR DEX or CON by 1I tried adding it in modifiers and having the fixed value at 1 but idk if thats right
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Hey everyone,
A few of you have asked for more information and tutorials for homebrew, so I was chatting with BadEye about it and they have a lot of tutorial content and documentation planned for next year, so I will be creating some tutorial content for you in the meantime.
I hope this is of use - please let me know what else you would like to see!
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Video tutorials with the Queen's English = win :D
I am the Inquisitor Imperitus. I am judge, jury, and executioner. Draw your last breath now, as I send you to the Nine Hells.
Next one I do should sound better, I have shifted this cold, so won't sound so nasal and tired. ;)
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Thank you for doing this! Keep 'em comin'!
This is great and thank you! That being said you had the one feat have flavor text that said "Max of 20". I did not see a modifier about that... do all feats have that built in naturally. I will try and test it later today to see if it allows to go above 20 or not.
Again great video and I like it... just looking to understand that one part. Everything else was very clear.
Nothing is impossible... there are only differing degrees of probability.
will you be doing one for races? because i have a couple of questions.
So, if I wanted to make a feat that requires that you be able to cast a certain spell and gives you benefits when you cast that spell, how would I go about it?
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
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Until then I recommend you take a look at this thread here, and if the answer you're looking for isn't mentioned, go ahead and post your question there!
Site Rules & Guidelines - Please feel free to message a moderator if you have any concerns.
My homebrew: [Subclasses] [Races] [Feats] [Discussion Thread]
it'll have to wait until I am well enough to talk reasonably clearly. :(
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
I may have some time on my holiday (if everyone could stop submitting homebrew, I'd have more than enough time to do these videos). :P
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If you have questions/concerns, please Private Message me or another moderator.
Wary the wizard who focuses on homebrew, for he can create nightmares that you wouldn't even dream of
Too bad that currently the custom value only has one option currently of must be able to cast a spell.
So if you have a feat where you select an option for it, but you feel it can be taken more than once, how would you do that? Think Elemental Adept as an example. Submitting the same thing with minor changes (like damage type) multiple times gets it denied, but that is how Elemental Adept is implemented. So I assume we can set a feat to be taken multiple times. I just cant find it.
how do I make a limited use equal to level?
With the explosion of content I am sure is being posted daily (I have multiple homebrew items in the queue myself) would there be a way to assist the moderators with clearing them? As a D&D player for over 30 years now (and one who has created homebrew content for most of that time!) I am excited by the ability to see other concepts and ideas as a way to spice up my own game.
I have questions about creating subclasses. Can you do those next. Thank you.
I am trying to build a Feat for Psionics. I'm using the "Limited Uses" section to use as Psi Points but after I hit the 3rd use if starts giving me an error which I have posted below.
What could I do to fix this issue? It says it can't exceed max allowed usage, however I have it set to allowed usage to 6. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Action: character.ACTION_USE_SET
Payload: {"id":90636,"entityTypeId":222216831,"uses":4,"sourceType":"feat"}
Error: t@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:45703 i/<@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:44:312589 r@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:157666 s/<@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:158788 l/</e[t]@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:157842 h@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:60010 n@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:60830 E/<@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:61770 R/</<@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:139354 R/<@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:17:139222 s@https://www.dndbeyond.com/Content/1-0-417-0/React/CharacterTools/dist/characterSheet.bundle.min.js:6:99375
Curious about the "Options" in the Feat. creation, how do I link the options to a specific Modifier? Such that if you select Option 1, you gain Modifier 1, if you select option 2, you gain modifier 2, etc.?
I've noticed from looking at the official subclasses, by making a new subclass from a copy, that some information can be gotten and used from the character sheet data, like this {{savedc:wis}}, could we get a short guide or tutorial on how to interact with the character sheet data and some of the commands?
I would love a follow-up to this
What about modifying Stats? I'm trying to make my feat give the option to increase either STR DEX or CON by 1I tried adding it in modifiers and having the fixed value at 1 but idk if thats right