Some of my players were infected by a disease from a failed save. My question is how do you approach this with your players? Do you tell them they are infected but not with what? Do you let the disease work out but keep track of the effects?
I would look at their respective stats in regards to them recognizing symptoms, or the source infection material. If not, slowly develop symptoms (maybe certain players stronger than others) and play out the disease. Maybe they'll RP it up with NPCs in search of aid, or seek a cure.
I would let my players know the effects of the disease that they are currently experiencing, but I would not tell them that those effects come from a disease or what the disease is. I'd give the players an opportunity to make a Wisdom or Intelligence check to see if they can recognize the disease (representing being familiar with the symptoms and thus knowing how to treat/cure it, and by extension what is going on for the Wisdom check, or having learned about the disease and its symptoms for the Intelligence check), typically around DC 15 (easier for more common diseases, harder for rarer ones).
I'll agree with not letting them know of the disease itself, but point out the symptoms.
I'd also allow a Passive Wisdom (Medicine) for immediate recognition. If no one succeeds, wait for them to attempt it actively, or perhaps point it out if they attempt such a roll for any other reason (such as stabilizing) on the infected.
Now, it depends on the game, but in a gritty game I'd consider infection spread too. To other party members or even NPCs. I wouldn't do that on a normal or heroic kind of game, though; it may sound like an interesting "sidequest", but it could detract from the campaigns focus (or, worse, cause bitterness in players that did not want to infect a whole village with their cooties).
Roleplaying it and not telling them what it is exactly always adds suspense. Of course sometimes they are going to know roughly what it is (Oh the Mummy hit me and I failed a Con save? Hmmmm whatever could it be?), but using skills like Medicine to identify and figure out what the correct treatment would be is an excellent way of running it.
Some of my players were infected by a disease from a failed save. My question is how do you approach this with your players? Do you tell them they are infected but not with what? Do you let the disease work out but keep track of the effects?
I would look at their respective stats in regards to them recognizing symptoms, or the source infection material. If not, slowly develop symptoms (maybe certain players stronger than others) and play out the disease. Maybe they'll RP it up with NPCs in search of aid, or seek a cure.
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I would let my players know the effects of the disease that they are currently experiencing, but I would not tell them that those effects come from a disease or what the disease is. I'd give the players an opportunity to make a Wisdom or Intelligence check to see if they can recognize the disease (representing being familiar with the symptoms and thus knowing how to treat/cure it, and by extension what is going on for the Wisdom check, or having learned about the disease and its symptoms for the Intelligence check), typically around DC 15 (easier for more common diseases, harder for rarer ones).
I'll agree with not letting them know of the disease itself, but point out the symptoms.
I'd also allow a Passive Wisdom (Medicine) for immediate recognition. If no one succeeds, wait for them to attempt it actively, or perhaps point it out if they attempt such a roll for any other reason (such as stabilizing) on the infected.
Now, it depends on the game, but in a gritty game I'd consider infection spread too. To other party members or even NPCs. I wouldn't do that on a normal or heroic kind of game, though; it may sound like an interesting "sidequest", but it could detract from the campaigns focus (or, worse, cause bitterness in players that did not want to infect a whole village with their cooties).
Yes, I agree with most here.
Describe the symtoms. Then if a player want you try a Medicine check to identify the disease, let him. The problem is to decide the DC.
Usually, I use the same DC in the description of the disease, but it may depend on the situation.
Roleplaying it and not telling them what it is exactly always adds suspense. Of course sometimes they are going to know roughly what it is (Oh the Mummy hit me and I failed a Con save? Hmmmm whatever could it be?), but using skills like Medicine to identify and figure out what the correct treatment would be is an excellent way of running it.
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