Trying to find some interesting ideas for two characters that my friend and I could have in an upcoming game. A sibling dynamic would be really cool, but we are stumped a bit on the classes (and races, albeit a bit less so). Does anyone have any examples or ideas for a cool two character combo?
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"My skills? I can talk about Shakespeare for, like, a long time."
Paladin and Rogue (Thief) with Noble background where the Paladin is always quoting "mom and dad" and the Thief has black hair, makeup and makes exasperated sighs all the time.
If you're looking for a good combat synergy you can pick warlock with devil's sight and a shadow sorcerer (who, if casts darkness with sorcery points instead of spell slots, can see through their darkness too). This way both can launch their barrages without hindering the other.
Get a melee with blind sight & stick it on them so they can travel into a wad of enemies with it on them the entire time (rogue gets 10ft at lv14. I'm sure who else but I think another class/subclass/race can see through magical darkness too)
To get the most out of racials/racial stats you can make them both/all tielfings. The warlock & sorcerer can be the standard tielfing or one of them can be the devil's tongue variant for a different set of racial spells. The Feral Tiefling actually has amazing stats for an arcane trickster. You can also use the Winged variant for this guy for more mobility (but this will replace the Infernal Legacy trait instead)
Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser are the classic character duo from fantasy. You can meet them first in Fritz Leiber's Swords and Deviltry. Fafhrd is a norther barbarian warrior, the Grey Mouser is an urban thief and rogue who was once an apprentice wizard. They are based in the city of Lankhmar. If you read nothing else of their adventures read the short story Ill Met in Lankhmar.
Anything really. You could have them both be the same class because they were raised and trained together, you could have one be melee oriented who protects his physically weaker brother, or you could have synergy where one is a Ranger and one is a Druid or they were both trained in the same temple and one is a Cleric but the other one is a Paladin. The possibilities are endless.
I have siblings in my game. They were aasimar that were abducted as children by tieflings that forced them to make a pact with a patron to become warlocks. However, one of the siblings escaped and since became a paladin to right the wrongs that he committed while in the tieflings control. He took the warlock initiate feat to gain access to eldritch blast and such. The other sibling was unable to escape until the sibling came back to get her. So we have a warlock and a paladin.
Me and a Friend are playing Brothers in our campaign, questing to try retrieve our parents from the dungeon of a necromancer. He's the older brother playing an Open Hand Monk, and was away training in the monastery when the necromancers minions stole our parents. Me, the younger brother, playing a Hexblade Sword Bard, was young when it happened, and was drawn into the machinations of a Vampire rival of the Necromancer who acts as my patron. The Blood draining sword that was given to him may also be responsible for him being such a talented swordsmen (+5 Cha, +1 Dex, rolled really bad for everything bar CHA).
It works well because we're both mobile strikers, who do similar things but don't overlap much.
Shameless self promotion and all that, but I homebrewed a Warlock Patron on DMs Guild, designed for a couple to play it could easily be reskinned slightly to cover two friends instead of lovers.
Basic premise The Demon Princess is a voyeur who is fascinated by mortal relationships, she gives you power just for the chance to watch you! You both have the same patron and gain bonuses to everything when you are in close proximity to one another, you lose those bonuses when apart. Plus the expanded spell list is available, but if one of you chooses a spell from the expanded list it isn't available to the other one.
Not siblings, but always a fun combo: Backpack wizard. One big strong character, like a war forged, and one tiny light spell caster, like a gnome. The tiny spell caster uses a familiar to observe the environment and cast touch spells.
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"What do you mean I get disadvantage on persuasion?"
I don't know, Sneet, maybe because your argument is "Submit and become our pet"?
Not siblings, but always a fun combo: Backpack wizard. One big strong character, like a war forged, and one tiny light spell caster, like a gnome. The tiny spell caster uses a familiar to observe the environment and cast touch spells.
I kinda like the idea of a tiny warforged character. Warforged Battle Master, 2 feet tall.
Not siblings, but always a fun combo: Backpack wizard. One big strong character, like a war forged, and one tiny light spell caster, like a gnome. The tiny spell caster uses a familiar to observe the environment and cast touch spells.
I kinda like the idea of a tiny warforged character. Warforged Battle Master, 2 feet tall.
Then you'll love this.
I played as a 1 foot Gnome Tinker/Fighter (cross bow expert/sharpshooter), named Whirley Crane, that invented a shoulder harness/turret to fit onto my adopted 9 foot tall Goliath Rogue brother who capitalized on the sneak attack EVERY TIME. He was named Highball Crane and neither brother "knew" that the Goliath brother was adopted. We also came up with two other Gnome brothers that could ride on to the Goliath brother. One, named Gantry Crane, would be attached to the upper back of the Goliath. He would be a Cleric that healed the group by swinging back and forth between the shoulders and could also cast ranged spells/attacks from behind the Goliath. The last Crane brother would be named Bridge "The Grand Coulee" Crane. He was situated on the other shoulder and was a grand mage sorcerer shooting fireballs from the high 9 foot high vantage. We only played the first two characters, but would love the chance to play a campaign with all four characters played out.
Trying to find some interesting ideas for two characters that my friend and I could have in an upcoming game. A sibling dynamic would be really cool, but we are stumped a bit on the classes (and races, albeit a bit less so). Does anyone have any examples or ideas for a cool two character combo?
A centaur rogue scout and his friend, who uses him as a mount, who is a Cavalier.
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Trying to find some interesting ideas for two characters that my friend and I could have in an upcoming game. A sibling dynamic would be really cool, but we are stumped a bit on the classes (and races, albeit a bit less so). Does anyone have any examples or ideas for a cool two character combo?
"My skills? I can talk about Shakespeare for, like, a long time."
A sorcerer and a warlock, one sibling not inheriting the bloodline magic.
2 different wizards who debate over which school is better.
A celestial warlock and a paladin, taking slightly different approaches to the same path.
I mean, I could go on. There are 12 (14) classes, making 144 combos before even getting into subclasses, races, subraces, and multiclasses.
Paladin and Rogue (Thief) with Noble background where the Paladin is always quoting "mom and dad" and the Thief has black hair, makeup and makes exasperated sighs all the time.
Bard and cleric
I like 2 play spellcasters that can learn misty step.Also I like to play halflings,elves,dragonborn,warforged,teiflingfs, and half elf
Characters I play: Adron Nightbreeze
Help us Fight the godmodder! We need all the help we can get! (use link to get to homebrewery)
If you're looking for a good combat synergy you can pick warlock with devil's sight and a shadow sorcerer (who, if casts darkness with sorcery points instead of spell slots, can see through their darkness too). This way both can launch their barrages without hindering the other.
Get a melee with blind sight & stick it on them so they can travel into a wad of enemies with it on them the entire time (rogue gets 10ft at lv14. I'm sure who else but I think another class/subclass/race can see through magical darkness too)
To get the most out of racials/racial stats you can make them both/all tielfings. The warlock & sorcerer can be the standard tielfing or one of them can be the devil's tongue variant for a different set of racial spells. The Feral Tiefling actually has amazing stats for an arcane trickster. You can also use the Winged variant for this guy for more mobility (but this will replace the Infernal Legacy trait instead)
Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser are the classic character duo from fantasy. You can meet them first in Fritz Leiber's Swords and Deviltry. Fafhrd is a norther barbarian warrior, the Grey Mouser is an urban thief and rogue who was once an apprentice wizard. They are based in the city of Lankhmar. If you read nothing else of their adventures read the short story Ill Met in Lankhmar.
Anything really. You could have them both be the same class because they were raised and trained together, you could have one be melee oriented who protects his physically weaker brother, or you could have synergy where one is a Ranger and one is a Druid or they were both trained in the same temple and one is a Cleric but the other one is a Paladin. The possibilities are endless.
Professional computer geek
You should be Miguel and Tulio - Tulio and Miguel - MIGHTY AND POWERFUL gods!
(realistically a bard and trickster rogue)
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
This is kind of interesting:
There's the classic: The protective Fighter and his frail, yet exceedingly powerful, twin brother Wizard. (Caramon and Raistlin Majere)
I have siblings in my game. They were aasimar that were abducted as children by tieflings that forced them to make a pact with a patron to become warlocks. However, one of the siblings escaped and since became a paladin to right the wrongs that he committed while in the tieflings control. He took the warlock initiate feat to gain access to eldritch blast and such. The other sibling was unable to escape until the sibling came back to get her. So we have a warlock and a paladin.
Published Subclasses
Half-Orc and Halfling half-brothers :) Either adopted, or literally half-brothers with one shared parent.
Looking for new subclasses, spells, magic items, feats, and races? Opinions welcome :)
Me and a Friend are playing Brothers in our campaign, questing to try retrieve our parents from the dungeon of a necromancer. He's the older brother playing an Open Hand Monk, and was away training in the monastery when the necromancers minions stole our parents. Me, the younger brother, playing a Hexblade Sword Bard, was young when it happened, and was drawn into the machinations of a Vampire rival of the Necromancer who acts as my patron. The Blood draining sword that was given to him may also be responsible for him being such a talented swordsmen (+5 Cha, +1 Dex, rolled really bad for everything bar CHA).
It works well because we're both mobile strikers, who do similar things but don't overlap much.
Shameless self promotion and all that, but I homebrewed a Warlock Patron on DMs Guild, designed for a couple to play it could easily be reskinned slightly to cover two friends instead of lovers.
Basic premise The Demon Princess is a voyeur who is fascinated by mortal relationships, she gives you power just for the chance to watch you! You both have the same patron and gain bonuses to everything when you are in close proximity to one another, you lose those bonuses when apart. Plus the expanded spell list is available, but if one of you chooses a spell from the expanded list it isn't available to the other one.
From Within Chaos Comes Order!
me and a friend are playing twin halfling monks who keep swapping names to confuse people.
Edit: Never mind.
"Halt your wagging and wag your halters, for I am mastercryomancer!"
Check out my Expanded Signature
Not siblings, but always a fun combo: Backpack wizard. One big strong character, like a war forged, and one tiny light spell caster, like a gnome. The tiny spell caster uses a familiar to observe the environment and cast touch spells.
"What do you mean I get disadvantage on persuasion?"
I don't know, Sneet, maybe because your argument is "Submit and become our pet"?
-Actual conversation in a game.
I kinda like the idea of a tiny warforged character. Warforged Battle Master, 2 feet tall.
Looking for new subclasses, spells, magic items, feats, and races? Opinions welcome :)
Then you'll love this.
I played as a 1 foot Gnome Tinker/Fighter (cross bow expert/sharpshooter), named Whirley Crane, that invented a shoulder harness/turret to fit onto my adopted 9 foot tall Goliath Rogue brother who capitalized on the sneak attack EVERY TIME. He was named Highball Crane and neither brother "knew" that the Goliath brother was adopted. We also came up with two other Gnome brothers that could ride on to the Goliath brother. One, named Gantry Crane, would be attached to the upper back of the Goliath. He would be a Cleric that healed the group by swinging back and forth between the shoulders and could also cast ranged spells/attacks from behind the Goliath. The last Crane brother would be named Bridge "The Grand Coulee" Crane. He was situated on the other shoulder and was a grand mage sorcerer shooting fireballs from the high 9 foot high vantage. We only played the first two characters, but would love the chance to play a campaign with all four characters played out.
A centaur rogue scout and his friend, who uses him as a mount, who is a Cavalier.