Welcome to the Support thread for the March 2020 Unearthed Arcana content, "Spells and Magic Tattoos"
If you find any issues/bugs with this content, please post in this thread.
The Unearthed Arcana article, "Spells and Magic Tattoos" is on the Wizards of the Coast website HERE
There are some limitations for this playtest content within D&D Beyond, which are noted below.
Spells -
Below lists all of the new spells.
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Notes -
Summoning spells- The stat blocks for summoned creatures are included in the description of each spell, as shown in the picture below.
Magical Tattoos -
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Notes -
Attunement - The new mechanics for Tattoos attunement are not something we are currently able to model. For now their attunement requirement has been disabled entirely, to allow you to follow the rules as presented.
Parent/Child - The Absorbing Tattoo, Barrier Tattoo and Spellwrought Tattoo all have multiple child entries to represent the different versions of their effects. You can add these through the equipment menu as normal.
Using Unearthed Arcana content on D&D Beyond
Please ensure that you enable Playtest Content - this can be accomplished in two places:
1. On the HOME tab of the Character Builder.
2. In the preferences sidebar of the character sheet.
Attunement - The new mechanics for Tattoos attunement are not something we are currently able to model. For now their attunement requirement has been disabled entirely, to allow you to follow the rules as presented.
That's unfortunate, it's the same mechanic that the Prosthetic Limb from Eberron is supposed to use.
Finally got a chance to go through the new UAs! Reported a few minor typos and copy/paste errors (I assume) in the Discord, but otherwise it seems very exciting.
I did notice that someone mentioned under the [Tooltip Not Found] that the very rare version of the tattoo (which should set the AC to a flat 18) was working incorrectly with a negative Dex mod, though I didn't confirm that myself: https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/barrier-tattoo-ua?comment=2
May be worth double-checking. Thanks for all your hard work!
The current inability to properly track the tattoo attunements is unfortunate.
A similar mechanic exists with the Prosthetic Limb from Eberron: Rising from the Last War. In the case of that one, though, you can easily get around by custom naming the "item" to specify the limbs in question. The tattoos, though, is a sadness.
Question, from reading the description it appears to me that one attunes to "tattoos" and that one attunement slot allows you to have unlimited number of tattoos.
Question, from reading the description it appears to me that one attunes to "tattoos" and that one attunement slot allows you to have unlimited number of tattoos.
Is that correct?
Essentially, yes. Per each tattoo in the UA:
If you have multiple magic tattoos, they count as a single magic item with regard to the number of magic items you can attune to.
If I am using the Barrier Tattoo, Very Rare, is my base AC 18 to were I could still get Unarmored Defense as a Barbarian?
Kind of, but it would most likely LOWER your AC.
Barbarian SETS your AC to 10+ Dex + con. It does NOT simply let you add both your Con and Dex to your AC. It does not merely let you add your Con to your AC.
If I am using the Barrier Tattoo, Very Rare, is my base AC 18 to were I could still get Unarmored Defense as a Barbarian?
As Mog_Dracov mentioned, different AC calculations don't stack (though bonuses to your AC can stack). The Barrier Tattoo simply gives you an AC calculation, or a fixed AC of 18 in the case of the very rare version. Unarmored Defense for barbarian's gives you a different AC calculation of 10 + Dex mod + Con mod. If you have access to both AC calculations, you can decide which one you use (presumably you'd decide to use the higher one).
The ability to have multiple tattoos attuned with a single attunement slot seems like they are going against some of the things that will break the game; concentration and increased magic item attunements. They have already done this with the artificer with 6 slots, so this may not be that bad. Could make a feudal Japan game with Yakuza style ninjas very powerful. I myself have changed the number of magic items in my game to be equal to the proficiency bonus. Makes for a little more high-magic game and gives more for advancing.
And Mog_Dracov and V2Blast are right for the armor calculation. The method of calculating armor changes. The 18 would be the same as wearing heavy armor and you would probably lower the AC for the Barbarian. The tattoos appear to use the same DEX bonuses that armor types use. This would be a heavy armor tattoo. Guess the ink has heavy metals in it.
There’s a bug with the UA spells showing up with the playtest material option turned off. I believe it happened when the updated character sheet platform for all characters went live a week ago.
The ability to have multiple tattoos attuned with a single attunement slot seems like they are going against some of the things that will break the game; concentration and increased magic item attunements. They have already done this with the artificer with 6 slots, so this may not be that bad. Could make a feudal Japan game with Yakuza style ninjas very powerful. I myself have changed the number of magic items in my game to be equal to the proficiency bonus. Makes for a little more high-magic game and gives more for advancing.
And Mog_Dracov and V2Blast are right for the armor calculation. The method of calculating armor changes. The 18 would be the same as wearing heavy armor and you would probably lower the AC for the Barbarian. The tattoos appear to use the same DEX bonuses that armor types use. This would be a heavy armor tattoo. Guess the ink has heavy metals in it.
They have already had a multiple item attunement counting as one the Wand sheath for warforged requires attunement and if the wand using it requires attunement those 2 count as 1.
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Welcome to the Support thread for the March 2020 Unearthed Arcana content, "Spells and Magic Tattoos"
If you find any issues/bugs with this content, please post in this thread.
The Unearthed Arcana article, "Spells and Magic Tattoos" is on the Wizards of the Coast website HERE
There are some limitations for this playtest content within D&D Beyond, which are noted below.
Spells -
Below lists all of the new spells.
Notes -
Summoning spells - The stat blocks for summoned creatures are included in the description of each spell, as shown in the picture below.
Magical Tattoos -
Notes -
Attunement - The new mechanics for Tattoos attunement are not something we are currently able to model. For now their attunement requirement has been disabled entirely, to allow you to follow the rules as presented.
Parent/Child - The Absorbing Tattoo, Barrier Tattoo and Spellwrought Tattoo all have multiple child entries to represent the different versions of their effects. You can add these through the equipment menu as normal.
Using Unearthed Arcana content on D&D Beyond
Please ensure that you enable Playtest Content - this can be accomplished in two places:
1. On the HOME tab of the Character Builder.
2. In the preferences sidebar of the character sheet.
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Standard "free" content is restricted to the D&D 5th Edition Basic Rules, SRD, and other free content.
That Blood Fury tattoo looks very interesting.
"A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence."
Just a quick notice, the Eldritch Claw tattoo is properly applying the +1 to hit on unarmed strikes, but is not doing so for the +1 to damage.
This is fixed!
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Standard "free" content is restricted to the D&D 5th Edition Basic Rules, SRD, and other free content.
for the spell wrought tattoos are we able to select the spell it's for or do we just have to remember what spell it's supposed to be?
If I can't say something nice, I try to not say anything at all. So if I suddenly stop participating in a topic that's probably why.
That's unfortunate, it's the same mechanic that the Prosthetic Limb from Eberron is supposed to use.
Good afternoon,

The best way to note which spell is contained inside the Tattoo is to use the notes section under customisation.
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Standard "free" content is restricted to the D&D 5th Edition Basic Rules, SRD, and other free content.
Finally got a chance to go through the new UAs! Reported a few minor typos and copy/paste errors (I assume) in the Discord, but otherwise it seems very exciting.
I did notice that someone mentioned under the [Tooltip Not Found] that the very rare version of the tattoo (which should set the AC to a flat 18) was working incorrectly with a negative Dex mod, though I didn't confirm that myself: https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/barrier-tattoo-ua?comment=2
May be worth double-checking. Thanks for all your hard work!
The current inability to properly track the tattoo attunements is unfortunate.
A similar mechanic exists with the Prosthetic Limb from Eberron: Rising from the Last War. In the case of that one, though, you can easily get around by custom naming the "item" to specify the limbs in question. The tattoos, though, is a sadness.
i just homebrewed a blank item that required attunment
If I can't say something nice, I try to not say anything at all. So if I suddenly stop participating in a topic that's probably why.
Question, from reading the description it appears to me that one attunes to "tattoos" and that one attunement slot allows you to have unlimited number of tattoos.
Is that correct?
Essentially, yes. Per each tattoo in the UA:
Excellent idea. I just did that as well. Copied the description into my own homebrew item. Works splendidly.
"A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence."
Using the barrier tattoo very rare, since it doesn't auto calculate , do i just need to customize my AC?
If I am using the Barrier Tattoo, Very Rare, is my base AC 18 to were I could still get Unarmored Defense as a Barbarian?
Kind of, but it would most likely LOWER your AC.
Barbarian SETS your AC to 10+ Dex + con. It does NOT simply let you add both your Con and Dex to your AC. It does not merely let you add your Con to your AC.
As Mog_Dracov mentioned, different AC calculations don't stack (though bonuses to your AC can stack). The Barrier Tattoo simply gives you an AC calculation, or a fixed AC of 18 in the case of the very rare version. Unarmored Defense for barbarian's gives you a different AC calculation of 10 + Dex mod + Con mod. If you have access to both AC calculations, you can decide which one you use (presumably you'd decide to use the higher one).
The ability to have multiple tattoos attuned with a single attunement slot seems like they are going against some of the things that will break the game; concentration and increased magic item attunements. They have already done this with the artificer with 6 slots, so this may not be that bad. Could make a feudal Japan game with Yakuza style ninjas very powerful. I myself have changed the number of magic items in my game to be equal to the proficiency bonus. Makes for a little more high-magic game and gives more for advancing.
And Mog_Dracov and V2Blast are right for the armor calculation. The method of calculating armor changes. The 18 would be the same as wearing heavy armor and you would probably lower the AC for the Barbarian. The tattoos appear to use the same DEX bonuses that armor types use. This would be a heavy armor tattoo. Guess the ink has heavy metals in it.
There’s a bug with the UA spells showing up with the playtest material option turned off. I believe it happened when the updated character sheet platform for all characters went live a week ago.
They have already had a multiple item attunement counting as one the Wand sheath for warforged requires attunement and if the wand using it requires attunement those 2 count as 1.