The shapes continue to approach the ship. A loud, slow sort of whale call can be heard by anyone near the water. It’s ominous and deep, and sounds sort of… unnatural.
*Races: (I know you weren’t necessarily asking about this, but it’s useful info to have in the thread)*
Humans and all their variations
Koralline — coralfolk. Basically big ogre-sized sentient golems made of coral. Directed by a massive hivemind, although they are entirely sentient and self-aware.
Woodfolk — related to Koralline; big plant-like humanoids.
Darghoul — undead that have remained somewhat sane. Intelligent, but inherently evil in nearly all cases. Compose most of the Empire.
Dregs — mindless zombies. Low-quality darghoul.
Tlincallis — scorpionfolk found in Africa and Terra Australis.
Minotaurs — native to the island of Achutoryn in the east. Rare, but not unheard of.
Dragonfolk, Lizardfolk, and Yuan-ti have been found in Terra Australis.
Tieflings and Aasimar are rare but not unheard of.
Aarakocra, Taurans (centaurs, etc.), Tortles, and Thri-Kreen all exist in rare locales. Tritons and Locathah exist in small numbers in Atlantis and Vineta (underwater cities)
Gnomes and Dwarves are rare but not unheard of.
Elves don’t exist cause elves are overrated!! >:(
Any and all Abberations, Plants, Oozes, and Undead.
Dragons exist, but they’re more like godly figures than anything worthy of worship
Aboleths, Oblexes, Krakens, and Dragon Turtles are commonly found in the deep sea. They are known by specific names and are often the subject of sailers’ tall tales
Dinosaurs exist and gnomes ride them
Fey exist and are common in deep wilderness. Demons and Devils exist, but they’re indistinguishable lore-wise.
*Pretty much anything goes, as long as it fits with the vibe of the setting.*
*okay, I think this would fit with the vibe, but I just have to ask to make sure*
*how about Kuo Toa? (And also one of their made up gods?)*
*if yes, then of course they wouldn’t have the powers of an actual god, I wasn’t planning on that when I first made the character anyways. They would be somewhere near the CR 10-12 range, probably 9*
*Absolutely! It works pretty well with the lore, too. Go for it!*
*Oh, something else to note — the CR and level rule really only applies if people want to fight something. If it’s rp only, don’t let that limit you.*
*ooh fun! Their powers are mostly just gonna be water manipulation, creating small objects out of thin air, being really strong physically, and fun eldritch magic like growing extra appendages and lots of tentacles. Like a simic hybrid but weirder.*
*sounds amazing! Take your time on that, no pressure. I’m glad ppl are interested in this tavern, it was really fun to plan out!*
The attack misses completely, and one of the smaller shapes rushes forward, stops about 50 feet away, and after a few seconds, a blast of flaming light leaps out of the water, heading straight for the kobold.
The mildly singed kobold shrieks in frustration and prepares to fire once again. The kobolds around him rush to man a cannon.
Then, out of the blue, Alistair storms onto the deck. He picks up the kobolds at the cannon and tosses them into the water. He then rips the spear gun from the lead kobold’s hands and chucks it far into the sea.
Jack Oliver rushes on deck. "What in the bloody devil is going on here?" He looks over the side at the shapes. "And what are those things in the water?"
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Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
The necromancer is whistling as he brings a hot meal onto the upper decks for the crew. A couple of oddly-constructed skeletons (looking like something between an altar and a starfish) help him with the platters.
The singed kobold rushes to block his way. “Where do you think youuuu’re going?” he hisses.
He stops. "Skeletons, remove this pauper." One of the skeletons scoops up the kobold onto a platter of sliced ham (brought on board in a refrigerated crate owned by the necromancer) and waddles on as if nothing had happened.
The singed kobold rushes to block his way. “Where do you think youuuu’re going?” he hisses.
He stops. "Skeletons, remove this pauper." One of the skeletons scoops up the kobold onto a platter of sliced ham (brought on board in a refrigerated crate owned by the necromancer) and waddles on as if nothing had happened.
The kobold struggles weakly, but seems to have been tired out from his previous hours of action. Eventually, he seems to accept his fate and falls fast asleep.
The crew shouts with joy when they see the meals. They leap up and rush to take them, completely unbothered by the skeletons’ presence. Many of them even squeeze closer together, in case the skeletons want to sit by them. Apparently serving food at the Barnacle makes you a celebrity.
He stops. "Skeletons, remove this pauper." One of the skeletons scoops up the kobold onto a platter of sliced ham (brought on board in a refrigerated crate owned by the necromancer) and waddles on as if nothing had happened.
The kobold struggles weakly, but seems to have been tired out from his previous hours of action. Eventually, he seems to accept his fate and falls fast asleep.
The crew shouts with joy when they see the meals. They leap up and rush to take them, completely unbothered by the skeletons’ presence. Many of them even squeeze closer together, in case the skeletons want to sit by them. Apparently serving food at the Barnacle makes you a celebrity.
The necromancer smiles as the skeletons enjoy their moment in the spotlight. All according to plan, he thinks.
You see a White Dragonborn with almost a classic old fashioned pirate outfit on. She has a dwarf with her and a huge contraption. She looks around smiling. as if she is in her own element. "I need to speak with the captain."
"well i have a offering. It was from my ummm... old ship. and i was hoping he would accept it. it is easy to place and we can get places faster. I have a friend with me to install it and that's all. He will be leaving after. I am the one who would like to board."
The shapes continue to approach the ship. A loud, slow sort of whale call can be heard by anyone near the water. It’s ominous and deep, and sounds sort of… unnatural.
One over-enthusiastic kobold fires a shot at the biggest shape, despite the its being far out of range. 7
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
The attack misses completely, and one of the smaller shapes rushes forward, stops about 50 feet away, and after a few seconds, a blast of flaming light leaps out of the water, heading straight for the kobold.
on a hit, it deals 1 radiant damage. (Non lethal)
The mildly singed kobold shrieks in frustration and prepares to fire once again. The kobolds around him rush to man a cannon.
Then, out of the blue, Alistair storms onto the deck. He picks up the kobolds at the cannon and tosses them into the water. He then rips the spear gun from the lead kobold’s hands and chucks it far into the sea.
“What are you doing?! That’s not food!”
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
Jack Oliver rushes on deck. "What in the bloody devil is going on here?" He looks over the side at the shapes. "And what are those things in the water?"
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
“Not a clue. But we shouldn’t deal with our problems by trying to spear everything. Maybe they’re friendly.”
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
The necromancer is whistling as he brings a hot meal onto the upper decks for the crew. A couple of oddly-constructed skeletons (looking like something between an altar and a starfish) help him with the platters.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
The singed kobold rushes to block his way. “Where do you think youuuu’re going?” he hisses.
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
He stops. "Skeletons, remove this pauper." One of the skeletons scoops up the kobold onto a platter of sliced ham (brought on board in a refrigerated crate owned by the necromancer) and waddles on as if nothing had happened.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
The kobold struggles weakly, but seems to have been tired out from his previous hours of action. Eventually, he seems to accept his fate and falls fast asleep.
The crew shouts with joy when they see the meals. They leap up and rush to take them, completely unbothered by the skeletons’ presence. Many of them even squeeze closer together, in case the skeletons want to sit by them. Apparently serving food at the Barnacle makes you a celebrity.
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
The necromancer smiles as the skeletons enjoy their moment in the spotlight. All according to plan, he thinks.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Raven *should I intro?*
loves food
that sums me up
*sure, if you’d like*
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
You see a White Dragonborn with almost a classic old fashioned pirate outfit on. She has a dwarf with her and a huge contraption. She looks around smiling. as if she is in her own element. "I need to speak with the captain."
loves food
that sums me up
Alistair waves cheerfully. “Captain’s a little busy right now, what with the raids and such. What can I do for you?”
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
"well i have a offering. It was from my ummm... old ship. and i was hoping he would accept it. it is easy to place and we can get places faster. I have a friend with me to install it and that's all. He will be leaving after. I am the one who would like to board."
loves food
that sums me up
“Well, I’m sure something can be arranged. You’re free to join, provided you can pay the, ah, toll.”
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis
"oh, this will pay it. Have you ever seen a boat fly?"
loves food
that sums me up
Alistair frowns. “Just what are you trying to do here?”
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis