”Linking would be preferable. Though I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Given there’s essentially two souls crammed into a single body here.” Mahl shrugs.
"What do you mean?"
“Got punished by Silvanus, trapped me a mortal body. Only thing is, this one actually has its own consciousness. Normally it’s supposed to be an empty shell. And look, it’s not my fault I’m a siren now is it?” Mahl explains.
"I'd assume that it links both of you. Only one way to find out, though!"
“Only one way to find out. Eh, what’s the worst that could happen?” Mahl chuckles.
Your head could explode as the Scion Queen Mother enforces her idea of order and made each personality the same, making them attempt to join as one but still reject each other.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Hold still."
He reaches out to to touch her temple, stretching out the telepathic link from her to the rest of the Hive Mind.
Mahl simply lets him do what he needs to.
The Hive Mind welcomes her, as her knowledge of the world expands over centuries. Clearly, some major beings, such as Aboleths, have been linked. A voice rumbles in her mind- no, in our minds, saying. Welcome to the true world peace.
"Did it work? You feel ok? Feel any different? I hope you didn't get swallowed by it..."
*I want to introduce Desi here, but I don't know how to do that without yet another shipwreck or just introducing a whole new boat. The guy doesn't have enough supernatural power to just fall from the sky or anything like that.*
*I want to introduce Desi here, but I don't know how to do that without yet another shipwreck or just introducing a whole new boat. The guy doesn't have enough supernatural power to just fall from the sky or anything like that.*
”Linking would be preferable. Though I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Given there’s essentially two souls crammed into a single body here.” Mahl shrugs.
"What do you mean?"
“Got punished by Silvanus, trapped me a mortal body. Only thing is, this one actually has its own consciousness. Normally it’s supposed to be an empty shell. And look, it’s not my fault I’m a siren now is it?” Mahl explains.
"I'd assume that it links both of you. Only one way to find out, though!"
“Only one way to find out. Eh, what’s the worst that could happen?” Mahl chuckles.
Your head could explode as the Scion Queen Mother enforces her idea of order and made each personality the same, making them attempt to join as one but still reject each other.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Hold still."
He reaches out to to touch her temple, stretching out the telepathic link from her to the rest of the Hive Mind.
Mahl simply lets him do what he needs to.
The Hive Mind welcomes her, as her knowledge of the world expands over centuries. Clearly, some major beings, such as Aboleths, have been linked. A voice rumbles in her mind- no, in our minds, saying. Welcome to the true world peace.
"Did it work? You feel ok? Feel any different? I hope you didn't get swallowed by it..."
“I feel… fine. But the thing is, I want out. Please?” Mahl asks.
”Linking would be preferable. Though I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Given there’s essentially two souls crammed into a single body here.” Mahl shrugs.
"What do you mean?"
“Got punished by Silvanus, trapped me a mortal body. Only thing is, this one actually has its own consciousness. Normally it’s supposed to be an empty shell. And look, it’s not my fault I’m a siren now is it?” Mahl explains.
"I'd assume that it links both of you. Only one way to find out, though!"
“Only one way to find out. Eh, what’s the worst that could happen?” Mahl chuckles.
Your head could explode as the Scion Queen Mother enforces her idea of order and made each personality the same, making them attempt to join as one but still reject each other.
"I'm sure it'll be fine. Hold still."
He reaches out to to touch her temple, stretching out the telepathic link from her to the rest of the Hive Mind.
Mahl simply lets him do what he needs to.
The Hive Mind welcomes her, as her knowledge of the world expands over centuries. Clearly, some major beings, such as Aboleths, have been linked. A voice rumbles in her mind- no, in our minds, saying. Welcome to the true world peace.
"Did it work? You feel ok? Feel any different? I hope you didn't get swallowed by it..."
“I feel… fine. But the thing is, I want out. Please?” Mahl asks.
"This, um, isn't that sort of thing. You can't really just get out. Once you're in, you're in. Also, it shouldn't change you that much. You'll have the same likes and dislikes, stuff like that. I mean, if you had a weaker will, then you'd probably change a lot, but you don't have a weak will! Hurray!"
*I want to introduce Desi here, but I don't know how to do that without yet another shipwreck or just introducing a whole new boat. The guy doesn't have enough supernatural power to just fall from the sky or anything like that.*
*I'll be thinking about that.*
*We haven't docked at land for a while, so maybe he could come on when the ship stops somewhere to get supplies or something.*
*any IG*
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Sanviento is skipping stones on the water, writing down something in his notebook with his other hand.
The small dragonborn walks over to him "Hello"
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
The Hive Mind welcomes her, as her knowledge of the world expands over centuries. Clearly, some major beings, such as Aboleths, have been linked. A voice rumbles in her mind- no, in our minds, saying. Welcome to the true world peace.
"Did it work? You feel ok? Feel any different? I hope you didn't get swallowed by it..."
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
He looks down to them, putting the stones down “Hello.” His eyes glow softly, confused.
"I'm new here and, I'm tryin'a meet the people! so, what's your name?" The dragonborn's scarf flows, as well as their torn cape
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
“I’m… Sanviento. I’m pretty new here too, comparatively speaking. What would your name be?” He asks back, interested in their attire.
"It would be Evr" Evr looks at the waves, seemingly studying them
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
*I want to introduce Desi here, but I don't know how to do that without yet another shipwreck or just introducing a whole new boat. The guy doesn't have enough supernatural power to just fall from the sky or anything like that.*
*I'll be thinking about that.*
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
He closes his notebook, looking to the waves with them, smiling softly “That’s an interesting name.”
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
*cut with Jester*
"Thanks" Evr stares into every glint in the waves
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
“I feel… fine. But the thing is, I want out. Please?” Mahl asks.
Just a bored animal in a durgen meat suit :3
disc: mahalayati.
“What do you think is out there, in this wide and beautiful world?”
"This, um, isn't that sort of thing. You can't really just get out. Once you're in, you're in. Also, it shouldn't change you that much. You'll have the same likes and dislikes, stuff like that. I mean, if you had a weaker will, then you'd probably change a lot, but you don't have a weak will! Hurray!"
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
"No, although thanks for asking. I'm just resting after a hard day's work."
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
”Great, so I’m stuck like this?” Mahl growls as she sharpens her claws.
Just a bored animal in a durgen meat suit :3
disc: mahalayati.
*We haven't docked at land for a while, so maybe he could come on when the ship stops somewhere to get supplies or something.*
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
“Guess I’ll be seeing you around then?” Mahl says as she starts walking towards the door.
Just a bored animal in a durgen meat suit :3
disc: mahalayati.
"Yes. Unless you kill the Scion Queen Mother. Which you won't. I guess there's probably other methods, like Wish, but..."
He shrugs.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)