Salutations, kid. Welcome ter Buttons’ Best. How ya got here, I simply don’t know. But welcome nonetheless. You can deposit yer hat by the swinging door there, if ya don’t mind.
Now let me tell ya ‘bout this place. Used ter be a bar for outlaws who were on the run, looking ter avoid trouble. You can prolly figger how that turned out. Place got shot up by some guy named Red. Then Buttons bought it up fer real cheap, started a Tavern. Makes fer a pretty nice view up on Hog’s back, eh? Now lemme show ya round the place.
That there is the piano, and that’s the spittoon...and that’s about it…OH. There’s also the bar if you give a look to the west, and upstairs we’ve gots a couple o’ rooms. You see that fella in the red suit? HEY, KEEP IT DOWN, KNUCKLE! As I was sayin, see the gentleman in the red suit? The one shootin pennies? That’s Buttons. Don’t let his pleasant demeanor and tidy suit fool ya. He used to be the most feared outlaw in the last stretch o’ land. They say he had the fastest hands cause o’ how he played piano and went slinging his shootin iron about. He says that he decided he needed a place to settle down, so he picked up this establishment cause o’ its convenient location. Or rather, inconvenient location, which as you’ve prolly noticed is on top o’ the shell of some metal Titan lookin creature. We call em Hog around here. This town was built on his back fer outlaws that needed to be constantly in movement, now we just think it’s pretty sweet.
We’ve also got one o’ them scientist types. Name’s Jeremiah Copefield. He’s doin his brainiac stuff on Hog and the ruins of old buildings in this world. He’s good friends with Buttons, decided he would join up with this establishment. See those little bronze boxes runnin bout the place? We call em’ puffers. Jeremiah engineered them to be workers made out o’ metal. But they’re nowhere near the level of Hog. Right now they just roll around serving drinks and puffin steam. Jeremiah spends most of his time studying the ruins we pass by occasionally. The ruins are strange, far as we know, we were the first livin beings in this here territory, but then we found the Titans and ruins. Stirred up a lot o’ commotion in the science world. They say this town was built on top of Hog, who was buried underneath the sand, then something woke em’ up. You never know, maybe one day he’ll take us to the oasis. You know the one. They say there’s one lake o’ water in this whole wide world o’ desert. Anyway, I encourage you to go talk to Buttons. He’s a pleasant fella.
Everything forward is courtesy of co-creator carsorino.
Characters: characters can be up to 10th level, no class or race restrictions but slightly low magic, it's a bit uncommon but certainly not a rare sight. Wild West themed, please and thank you.
Keep it PG-13. We don't run some filthy brothel here.
No pvp without consent: both sides must agree if you want a good rough-and-tumble bar brawl.
No exclusion. No one is unwelcome on Hog’s refuge.
Just be nice. Easy and simple.
Pick a game, blackjack or poker.
Place your bets. You must make your bets, and whoever bets higher, them's is the startin' price. This is the bare minimum to play the game, and both players must put in money for the startin' price at the beginning. If you can't pay, you can't play. Anyone can raise it after a round, and the raise must be met by putting in the same amount it was raised by, or raising it by more.
Go round by round until someone wins.
Winner takes their money back and half the loser's bet, only half so the loser can keep gamblin' 'stead of runnin' outta money in the first go.
Normal blackjack, but rolling a d10 instead of drawing cards.
Normal poker, but rolling d10's. No suits or face cards, so all you can get is high card, two of a kind, three of a kind, four of a kind, and a straight.
Mods with descriptions: Gradius2 (Buttons McConaughey. Flashy and cocky owner of Buttons’ Best. He’s got fast hands for the piano, and even faster hands for a pistol.)
A lean frame with tan skin and freckled cheekbones. Buttons’ brown hair swoops like the dunes of the deserts, starting in a middle part. He has a black gambler cowboy hat on but his hair is puffy enough for it to be elevated slightly. He wears a deep maroon colored suit with black belts on his hips and one across his chest. He has double black holsters on either side of his hips, which carry fancy pistols with velvet handles and silver engravings swirling around the barrels. His pants are a deep maroon, striped black on the edges, as they get to his high-heeled boots his pants fall into tethers. He has a poker hand sticking out of his left pocket, aces and eights. He’s always happy to have a drink with any one of his customers, just don’t tick him off, his hands are fast from playin that piano, he’ll gun ya down before you can ask if he needs a count.
carsorino (Jeremiah Copefield. Extremely bright engineer and scientist for his time who keeps to himself whilst studying Hog and building puffers for the tavern.)
Jeremiah is a tall man covered with cybernetic enhancements. His right arm was replaced with some kinda strange multi-tool that's constantly shiftin' for the job at hand (haha, get it?). The right side of his face lip and above is covered in coppery metal, and many different lenses flip up and down over his strange glowin' eye. He's bald, and has a real large bushy brown beard, as well as brown eyes. Well, his one real eye that is. He has a dusty ol' hat riddled with bullet holes he just refuses to give up, a classy white button up shirt, and a leather vest 'n' pants. While he doesn't have the flair and quickness of Buttons, he more 'n makes up for it with arguably better shooting, though he certainly takes his sweet time. Makes him real good at pickin' people off from as much as a mile an' a half away. Jus' don't get lippy 'round him, cause he's an incurable grump, and prone to chewin' out troublemakers
Himynamesare (Nathan. An intimidating former assassin, skilled in combat and serving as Buttons’ bouncer.)
Nathan Anderson (if that’s even his real name) is a tall well-muscled man with a light tan and somewhat intimidating presence. His age is unknown, but it’s assumed that he’s around his mid to late 20s or possibly is early 30s. He has choppy white hair that usually covers his black eyes. He normally wears a black tight-fitting shirt and baggy white pants and sandals though he occasionally wears a blue sweater and a pair of jeans he has several slash wounds across his back which according to him came from a back-alley knife fight. With a metal pipe slung over his back, a revolver on his left side and a katana on his right. While generally calm in the thrill of battle he becomes a pure monster. As a former assassin he’s incredibly skilled in all kinds of combat. He also for some bizarre reason enjoys painting and gambling.
TheTrueJester (Silver Foot, the steam-powered sentient construct, serving as Buttons’ gentlemanly cook.)
He is 6'1, his weight is unknown but can be assumed isn't much due to his relatively fit frame. Most of his body is covered in a 3 piece suit but the parts that can be seen looks like several connected metal latches and small parts, except for his head which looks like a clean sheet of liquid metal that shapes to what he needs, usually a mouth to smoke. He is an honest man with a talent in jabbing people he enjoys being around with light insults, he isn't known for his patience, especially with people that are rude to women or are liars. He treats women with respect and care, refusing to attack them in any form.
Location: THE OASIS
As Buttons dashes into the hole opened in the dome, his steps clank against a metallic floor. Inside the dome is a...sight to behold. It's almost like a jungle, with moss and vines growing over massive ruins of an ancient city. Huge, metallic buildings are leaning and crumbling with vines hanging from the windows and trees growing up the sides. There are faint cobblestone paths, barely able to made out through the overgrown areas of plants.
As you continue through the ancient city turned oasis, you finally find the source of the stream. A massive reservoir of water, almost like a lake. The amount of water could supply a whole town for years. The water is clear and fresh looking, somehow kept cool even in the desert. Beyond the lake is one building, practically rooted to the ground by plants. It scrapes the top of the dome from it's sheer size, and leaning against it is a massive, humanoid titan. The thing is covered in moss and overgrown plants, sitting on the ground with it's head lolled back against the building. It obviously hasn't moved for centuries. It has a metallic frame with huge clawed hands, covered in gadgets and devices that would have allowed it to move like a human. It's face has no mouth, but has six electronic eyes with no pupils that stare blankly forward, as if the thing is in rest. it's practically part of the building with the amount of greenery growing over it's body. The things is several hundred feet tall. Absolutely massive and made of the same black metal that Hog is, however it lacks the blue crackling energy that Hog uses.
Welcome to the oasis.
Lore: You’ll have to figure that out yerself as time goes on, partner.
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*coolzers! I'll intro once I think of a character*
*Noice. I’m just hoping this Tavern survives long enough for us to get into the deep lore part of it.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
A deep gnome wearing a dented Sheriff’s badge enters the tavern.
There is a man sitting at a table. He has brown, wavy hair and some stubble on his chin. Looks like he’s in his thirties. His dark red cowboy suit gives the tavern a grimmer appearance, but he looks friendly enough. Other drinkers are tossing pennies as he shoots them out of the air with his pistol. “Hold on a minute fellers. We got a new face. Howdy!”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*I think kasrik made a thing like this but it got flooded over in a tidal wave of the other threads.*
*Possibly, but I’ve got a couple people already with characters ready to go. I’m also gonna keep this one up until it catches lol*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
A tall man with cybernetic enhancements is sitting in the bar, one of his hands which was replaced with some kind of strange multi-tool keeps switching from hammer to drill to soldering iron to riveter and more. Half his face is covered in coppery metal, and many different lenses flip up and down over a strange glowing eye.
He is working on an out-of-commission puffer (the steampunk robots) in the corner, muttering to himself.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
A tall man with cybernetic enhancements is sitting in the bar, one of his hands which was replaced with some kind of strange multi-tool keeps switching from hammer to drill to soldering iron to riveter and more. Half his face is covered in coppery metal, and many different lenses flip up and down over a strange glowing eye.
He is working on an out-of-commission puffer (the steampunk robots) in the corner, muttering to himself.
*Jeremiah Copefield, resident engineer and mechanic*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
A tall man with cybernetic enhancements is sitting in the bar, one of his hands which was replaced with some kind of strange multi-tool keeps switching from hammer to drill to soldering iron to riveter and more. Half his face is covered in coppery metal, and many different lenses flip up and down over a strange glowing eye.
He is working on an out-of-commission puffer (the steampunk robots) in the corner, muttering to himself.
One of Buttons’ bullets blazes by and nicks the puffer, causing it to blow some steam. Buttons doesn’t seem to notice, as he’s busy causing a commotion with his sharpshooting.
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*I HAVE A CHARACTER FOR THIS, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*I HAVE A CHARACTER FOR THIS, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
*I'm forcing my sibling to come back to the forums so we can use our western character duo, as theirs is an artificer that would work perfectly here.*
*Yeah you should do that. And fast.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
Salutations, kid. Welcome ter Buttons’ Best. How ya got here, I simply don’t know. But welcome nonetheless. You can deposit yer hat by the swinging door there, if ya don’t mind.
Now let me tell ya ‘bout this place. Used ter be a bar for outlaws who were on the run, looking ter avoid trouble. You can prolly figger how that turned out. Place got shot up by some guy named Red. Then Buttons bought it up fer real cheap, started a Tavern. Makes fer a pretty nice view up on Hog’s back, eh? Now lemme show ya round the place.
That there is the piano, and that’s the spittoon...and that’s about it…OH. There’s also the bar if you give a look to the west, and upstairs we’ve gots a couple o’ rooms. You see that fella in the red suit? HEY, KEEP IT DOWN, KNUCKLE! As I was sayin, see the gentleman in the red suit? The one shootin pennies? That’s Buttons. Don’t let his pleasant demeanor and tidy suit fool ya. He used to be the most feared outlaw in the last stretch o’ land. They say he had the fastest hands cause o’ how he played piano and went slinging his shootin iron about. He says that he decided he needed a place to settle down, so he picked up this establishment cause o’ its convenient location. Or rather, inconvenient location, which as you’ve prolly noticed is on top o’ the shell of some metal Titan lookin creature. We call em Hog around here. This town was built on his back fer outlaws that needed to be constantly in movement, now we just think it’s pretty sweet.
We’ve also got one o’ them scientist types. Name’s Jeremiah Copefield. He’s doin his brainiac stuff on Hog and the ruins of old buildings in this world. He’s good friends with Buttons, decided he would join up with this establishment. See those little bronze boxes runnin bout the place? We call em’ puffers. Jeremiah engineered them to be workers made out o’ metal. But they’re nowhere near the level of Hog. Right now they just roll around serving drinks and puffin steam. Jeremiah spends most of his time studying the ruins we pass by occasionally. The ruins are strange, far as we know, we were the first livin beings in this here territory, but then we found the Titans and ruins. Stirred up a lot o’ commotion in the science world. They say this town was built on top of Hog, who was buried underneath the sand, then something woke em’ up. You never know, maybe one day he’ll take us to the oasis. You know the one. They say there’s one lake o’ water in this whole wide world o’ desert. Anyway, I encourage you to go talk to Buttons. He’s a pleasant fella.
Everything forward is courtesy of co-creator carsorino.
Characters: characters can be up to 10th level, no class or race restrictions but slightly low magic, it's a bit uncommon but certainly not a rare sight. Wild West themed, please and thank you.
Keep it PG-13. We don't run some filthy brothel here.
No pvp without consent: both sides must agree if you want a good rough-and-tumble bar brawl.
No exclusion. No one is unwelcome on Hog’s refuge.
Just be nice. Easy and simple.
Pick a game, blackjack or poker.
Place your bets. You must make your bets, and whoever bets higher, them's is the startin' price. This is the bare minimum to play the game, and both players must put in money for the startin' price at the beginning. If you can't pay, you can't play. Anyone can raise it after a round, and the raise must be met by putting in the same amount it was raised by, or raising it by more.
Go round by round until someone wins.
Winner takes their money back and half the loser's bet, only half so the loser can keep gamblin' 'stead of runnin' outta money in the first go.
Normal blackjack, but rolling a d10 instead of drawing cards.
Normal poker, but rolling d10's. No suits or face cards, so all you can get is high card, two of a kind, three of a kind, four of a kind, and a straight.
Mods with descriptions: Gradius2 (Buttons McConaughey. Flashy and cocky owner of Buttons’ Best. He’s got fast hands for the piano, and even faster hands for a pistol.)
A lean frame with tan skin and freckled cheekbones. Buttons’ brown hair swoops like the dunes of the deserts, starting in a middle part. He has a black gambler cowboy hat on but his hair is puffy enough for it to be elevated slightly. He wears a deep maroon colored suit with black belts on his hips and one across his chest. He has double black holsters on either side of his hips, which carry fancy pistols with velvet handles and silver engravings swirling around the barrels. His pants are a deep maroon, striped black on the edges, as they get to his high-heeled boots his pants fall into tethers. He has a poker hand sticking out of his left pocket, aces and eights. He’s always happy to have a drink with any one of his customers, just don’t tick him off, his hands are fast from playin that piano, he’ll gun ya down before you can ask if he needs a count.
carsorino (Jeremiah Copefield. Extremely bright engineer and scientist for his time who keeps to himself whilst studying Hog and building puffers for the tavern.)
Jeremiah is a tall man covered with cybernetic enhancements. His right arm was replaced with some kinda strange multi-tool that's constantly shiftin' for the job at hand (haha, get it?). The right side of his face lip and above is covered in coppery metal, and many different lenses flip up and down over his strange glowin' eye. He's bald, and has a real large bushy brown beard, as well as brown eyes. Well, his one real eye that is. He has a dusty ol' hat riddled with bullet holes he just refuses to give up, a classy white button up shirt, and a leather vest 'n' pants. While he doesn't have the flair and quickness of Buttons, he more 'n makes up for it with arguably better shooting, though he certainly takes his sweet time. Makes him real good at pickin' people off from as much as a mile an' a half away. Jus' don't get lippy 'round him, cause he's an incurable grump, and prone to chewin' out troublemakers
Himynamesare (Nathan. An intimidating former assassin, skilled in combat and serving as Buttons’ bouncer.)
Nathan Anderson (if that’s even his real name) is a tall well-muscled man with a light tan and somewhat intimidating presence. His age is unknown, but it’s assumed that he’s around his mid to late 20s or possibly is early 30s. He has choppy white hair that usually covers his black eyes. He normally wears a black tight-fitting shirt and baggy white pants and sandals though he occasionally wears a blue sweater and a pair of jeans he has several slash wounds across his back which according to him came from a back-alley knife fight. With a metal pipe slung over his back, a revolver on his left side and a katana on his right. While generally calm in the thrill of battle he becomes a pure monster. As a former assassin he’s incredibly skilled in all kinds of combat. He also for some bizarre reason enjoys painting and gambling.
TheTrueJester (Silver Foot, the steam-powered sentient construct, serving as Buttons’ gentlemanly cook.)
He is 6'1, his weight is unknown but can be assumed isn't much due to his relatively fit frame. Most of his body is covered in a 3 piece suit but the parts that can be seen looks like several connected metal latches and small parts, except for his head which looks like a clean sheet of liquid metal that shapes to what he needs, usually a mouth to smoke. He is an honest man with a talent in jabbing people he enjoys being around with light insults, he isn't known for his patience, especially with people that are rude to women or are liars. He treats women with respect and care, refusing to attack them in any form.
Location: THE OASIS
As Buttons dashes into the hole opened in the dome, his steps clank against a metallic floor. Inside the dome is a...sight to behold. It's almost like a jungle, with moss and vines growing over massive ruins of an ancient city. Huge, metallic buildings are leaning and crumbling with vines hanging from the windows and trees growing up the sides. There are faint cobblestone paths, barely able to made out through the overgrown areas of plants.
As you continue through the ancient city turned oasis, you finally find the source of the stream. A massive reservoir of water, almost like a lake. The amount of water could supply a whole town for years. The water is clear and fresh looking, somehow kept cool even in the desert. Beyond the lake is one building, practically rooted to the ground by plants. It scrapes the top of the dome from it's sheer size, and leaning against it is a massive, humanoid titan. The thing is covered in moss and overgrown plants, sitting on the ground with it's head lolled back against the building. It obviously hasn't moved for centuries. It has a metallic frame with huge clawed hands, covered in gadgets and devices that would have allowed it to move like a human. It's face has no mouth, but has six electronic eyes with no pupils that stare blankly forward, as if the thing is in rest. it's practically part of the building with the amount of greenery growing over it's body. The things is several hundred feet tall. Absolutely massive and made of the same black metal that Hog is, however it lacks the blue crackling energy that Hog uses.
Welcome to the oasis.
Lore: You’ll have to figure that out yerself as time goes on, partner.
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*coolzers! I'll intro once I think of a character*
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
*Noice. I’m just hoping this Tavern survives long enough for us to get into the deep lore part of it.*
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
A deep gnome wearing a dented Sheriff’s badge enters the tavern.
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
There is a man sitting at a table. He has brown, wavy hair and some stubble on his chin. Looks like he’s in his thirties. His dark red cowboy suit gives the tavern a grimmer appearance, but he looks friendly enough. Other drinkers are tossing pennies as he shoots them out of the air with his pistol. “Hold on a minute fellers. We got a new face. Howdy!”
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*I think kasrik made a thing like this but it got flooded over in a tidal wave of the other threads.*
"We only have today, but tomorrow we may die,
so let's shout out to the starry sky"
*Possibly, but I’ve got a couple people already with characters ready to go. I’m also gonna keep this one up until it catches lol*
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*I don't recall anything similar between the two besides them both being in a building and both op's speaking in a country accent.*
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
A tall man with cybernetic enhancements is sitting in the bar, one of his hands which was replaced with some kind of strange multi-tool keeps switching from hammer to drill to soldering iron to riveter and more. Half his face is covered in coppery metal, and many different lenses flip up and down over a strange glowing eye.
He is working on an out-of-commission puffer (the steampunk robots) in the corner, muttering to himself.
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
*Jeremiah Copefield, resident engineer and mechanic*
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
One of Buttons’ bullets blazes by and nicks the puffer, causing it to blow some steam. Buttons doesn’t seem to notice, as he’s busy causing a commotion with his sharpshooting.
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*I HAVE A CHARACTER FOR THIS, HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
A skeleton with a cowboy hat walks in. He walks over to the bar and sits down.
"We only have today, but tomorrow we may die,
so let's shout out to the starry sky"
*I'm forcing my sibling to come back to the forums so we can use our western character duo, as theirs is an artificer that would work perfectly here.*
Your friendly trans bard!
She/They pronouns
The Goddess of the Strings (thanks for the title Drummer!)
Buttons tips his hat to him. “Welcome, bones. I’m Buttons.”
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
*Yeah you should do that. And fast.*
My name’s Gradius, this is my second account :P I love Hollow Knight and I have been on ddb for a while. Come rp with me anytime! It is my purpose. My title that was given to me by Drummer is…SPIRIT OF THE WEST, GUARDIAN OF THE HOLLOWS.
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. Born of God and Void.
Terra Lubridia archive:
The Bloody Barnacle | The Gut | The Athene Crusader | The Jewel of Atlantis