Footsteps outside. A door creaking. Footsteps on wooden floor. Then deathly quiet. Even the singing has stopped.
He grips his baseball bat tightly "I want you all to know if we die here, you're all a bunch of idiots." He says nervously, his nerves high.
A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Footsteps outside. A door creaking. Footsteps on wooden floor. Then deathly quiet. Even the singing has stopped.
He grips his baseball bat tightly "I want you all to know if we die here, you're all a bunch of idiots." He says nervously, his nerves high.
A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
*Come on, please be lucky. 2 I don't know what number I want I don't know if high is good or bad. Please help me universe.*
The hatchet hits his right hand, chopping off three fingers, unless Monks rolls badly.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Footsteps outside. A door creaking. Footsteps on wooden floor. Then deathly quiet. Even the singing has stopped.
He grips his baseball bat tightly "I want you all to know if we die here, you're all a bunch of idiots." He says nervously, his nerves high.
A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
*Come on, please be lucky. 2 I don't know what number I want I don't know if high is good or bad. Please help me universe.*
The hatchet hits his right hand, chopping off three fingers, unless Monks rolls badly.
For a second he doesn't even process the pain, he just looks at his bleeding hand before screaming at the top of his lungs "SON OF A [GP]ING [GP]! [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP]!!!!" He continues to hold his bat, but he doesn't know what to do anymore.
“We dont even know what it is, what its powers are, or what it looks like!”
"Yall need to start locking doors. They started singing, and that [gp] is [gp]ing creepy." He says, locking as many as he can nearby.
“The shadow sure didn’t look like a choir. Locking the doors means they can just trap us in here!”
"DO YOU WANT TO [gp]ING GO OUTSIDE WITH THE SINGING?!" He says, before trying to calm himself down.
“The songs are IN THE WALLS!”
He puts a hand over their mouth "Shut the [gp] up before they hear us."
“Too late buddy. Promise you’ll tell my story?”
He grips his bat in both hands "Only if you promise to tell mine."
Alexia mimes zipping her lip. "If you stay quiet, you can tell your own stories. We're not the idiots, they are for trying to kill us." This speech would be more inspiring if she wasn't currently clutching a metal pipe like a baby and its favorite stuffed animal, trembling with a look of terror in her eyes.
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
Footsteps outside. A door creaking. Footsteps on wooden floor. Then deathly quiet. Even the singing has stopped.
He grips his baseball bat tightly "I want you all to know if we die here, you're all a bunch of idiots." He says nervously, his nerves high.
A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
*what can I add my luck points to?*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
Footsteps outside. A door creaking. Footsteps on wooden floor. Then deathly quiet. Even the singing has stopped.
He grips his baseball bat tightly "I want you all to know if we die here, you're all a bunch of idiots." He says nervously, his nerves high.
A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
*what can I add my luck points to?*
*I forgot about luck tbh*
*This is a roll high is bad situation so not this*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Footsteps outside. A door creaking. Footsteps on wooden floor. Then deathly quiet. Even the singing has stopped.
He grips his baseball bat tightly "I want you all to know if we die here, you're all a bunch of idiots." He says nervously, his nerves high.
A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
*Come on, please be lucky. 2 I don't know what number I want I don't know if high is good or bad. Please help me universe.*
The hatchet hits his right hand, chopping off three fingers, unless Monks rolls badly.
*shoot mb* 6
Monk's char gets the hatchet stuck in her shoulder.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
"Oh [gp]!!!!" Alexia tries to decide whether to run or help fight.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
*Chase.* Poncho man leaps at her, arms raised. Time to go.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
*Chase.* Poncho man leaps at her, arms raised. Time to go.
*how much damage did the axe do?*
she slides towards the door and breaks into a sprint, looking for pallets, generators, anything.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
*Chase.* Poncho man leaps at her, arms raised. Time to go.
*how much damage did the axe do?*
she slides towards the door and breaks into a sprint, looking for pallets, generators, anything.
Darius definitely follow, the bat in his hands as he seems to be holding his own from looking at the wound, though it still sickens him. He swings for the poncho man's head with the metal bat *What do I do?*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
*Chase.* Poncho man leaps at her, arms raised. Time to go.
*how much damage did the axe do?*
she slides towards the door and breaks into a sprint, looking for pallets, generators, anything.
Darius definitely follow, the bat in his hands as he seems to be holding his own from looking at the wound, though it still sickens him. He swings for the poncho man's head with the metal bat *What do I do?*
Alexia tries to slam her pipe into the side of poncho guy's head as she runs out.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
*Chase.* Poncho man leaps at her, arms raised. Time to go.
*how much damage did the axe do?*
she slides towards the door and breaks into a sprint, looking for pallets, generators, anything.
Darius definitely follow, the bat in his hands as he seems to be holding his own from looking at the wound, though it still sickens him. He swings for the poncho man's head with the metal bat *What do I do?*
Alexia tries to slam her pipe into the side of poncho guy's head as she runs out.
*Not the tag team, Darius would make a remark about it if he wasn't trying to die.*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
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A few more footsteps. The hooded figure he saw earlier passes in front of a partially open door. It pauses, before continuing, up the stairs.
Then, a hatchet flies through a nearby window. Both of you roll a d6.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
*Come on, please be lucky. 2 I don't know what number I want I don't know if high is good or bad. Please help me universe.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
The hatchet hits his right hand, chopping off three fingers, unless Monks rolls badly.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
For a second he doesn't even process the pain, he just looks at his bleeding hand before screaming at the top of his lungs "SON OF A [GP]ING [GP]! [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP] [GP]!!!!" He continues to hold his bat, but he doesn't know what to do anymore.
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
Alexia mimes zipping her lip. "If you stay quiet, you can tell your own stories. We're not the idiots, they are for trying to kill us." This speech would be more inspiring if she wasn't currently clutching a metal pipe like a baby and its favorite stuffed animal, trembling with a look of terror in her eyes.
*aw hecc we already moved on*
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
*what can I add my luck points to?*
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
*shoot mb*
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
*I forgot about luck tbh*
*This is a roll high is bad situation so not this*
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
Monk's char gets the hatchet stuck in her shoulder.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
“Come out and let me beat the [gp] out of you!”
she grabs the bloodied hatchet.
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
"Oh [gp]!!!!" Alexia tries to decide whether to run or help fight.
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
There is a scream from upstairs, then the sound of heavy footsteps from two different directions. A masked woman wearing traditional russian clothing, probably the hatchet thrower, appears at the window, holding a woodsman's axe, and the poncho-draped killer they'd seen before kicks open the door. It's wearing a plague doctor mask.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
Kirke faces poncho man shakily. “I’m not afraid.” More of her blood drips from the axe.”
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
Poncho man, as he is now dubbed, takes his hands from under his poncho. He is gripping two wrist daggers, and he slowly advances.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
*chase?* weak from blood loss, she tentatively takes a step towards him, angling herself to be able to dash towards the door if she sees an opening.
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
*Chase.* Poncho man leaps at her, arms raised. Time to go.
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
*how much damage did the axe do?*
she slides towards the door and breaks into a sprint, looking for pallets, generators, anything.
I’m a decent DM and an above average rules lawyer
I have several complete Pokedexes | I may be stupid, but at least I’m not smart!
Stay Paranoid!! My Drummer given title is… Swift as the Dragon
May the dice roll ever in your favor
Darius definitely follow, the bat in his hands as he seems to be holding his own from looking at the wound, though it still sickens him. He swings for the poncho man's head with the metal bat *What do I do?*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
Alexia tries to slam her pipe into the side of poncho guy's head as she runs out.
Pokemon Master, Hero of Hyrule, Jedi Knight, Minecrafter, Celestial Being Beyond Comprehension, Bounty Hunter, Salmon Runner, Nailmaster, Yarn Yoshi Enjoyer, Animal Lover, Math Rock Roller, Nerd King in all Aspects.
(And, of course, Dragon Tamer. It is in the name, after all)
01001110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100001 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110101 01110000
*Not the tag team, Darius would make a remark about it if he wasn't trying to die.*
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."