I use my legendary action to make a wing attack, pushing them all back. Then on my next turn I fly away and breathe fire all over them
You are sitting on the couch in your living room peacefully. And then a massive dragon picks up your house with you inside and throws it 90 feet into the air.
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Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
You are being held hostage by some angry old queen and your execution is NOW
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The Nerd Queen! Minty (me) vs Yvonne (SpiderQueenYvonne)... how will we work this out? POSSIBLE Arachnid Queen Imma nerdy nonbinary YouTuber who lives on Earth, quick summary for ya. (No my channel is not under this username lol) I ADMIT IT: I am two hundred thirty-three years old. Me rn: darn it- can't think of how to design this stupid signature.
The queen wanted me to be executed so fast I wasn't even checked for weapons, so I kill the guards, shoot the queen, and fly away on my broom of flying
you are the last survivor of your level 1 party after a t red attacked, and now it is attacking you
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Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
It is at 1 hit point and I was poking it's eye with a + 3 magic sword
You were testing a flying machine, but it broke down and you are now about to crash.
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Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
You just killed the king, and after a manhunt you are now surrounded by the kings entire army
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Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
you are being chased by Tiamat, Bahamut a terrasque, and an army of 10000000 people
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Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
I cast Summon Bigger Fish from Darths&Droids and summon twenty tarrasques to fight them off. And after that I cast Summon Bigger Fish again to summon thirty tarrasques to fight off the twenty tarrasques I summoned and then I cast it again to summon forty tarrasques to fight after the thirty I summoned and then I cast it again to summon fifty tarrasques...
I plane shift to pandemonium, and then create a giant fortress with my mind.
You are at one hit point and are being chased by an army of terrasques, your walking speed is 15 feet, as you have already lost a leg. You are also a first level warlock.
Only to be destroyed as I summon Tiamat as my ally from the nine hells.
you are drinking some lava
I'm a skeleton.
You are about to be executed by vecna and his legion of mindflayers. You have used your action, reaction, bonus action, and movement.
I use my legendary action to make a wing attack, pushing them all back. Then on my next turn I fly away and breathe fire all over them
You are sitting on the couch in your living room peacefully. And then a massive dragon picks up your house with you inside and throws it 90 feet into the air.
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
I jump out the window and cast fly and invisibility, then fly the heck away.
You are being chased by killer squirrels.
I distract them with nuts
You are being held hostage by some angry old queen and your execution is NOW
The Nerd Queen!
Minty (me) vs Yvonne (SpiderQueenYvonne)... how will we work this out?
POSSIBLE Arachnid Queen
Imma nerdy nonbinary YouTuber who lives on Earth, quick summary for ya. (No my channel is not under this username lol)
I am two hundred thirty-three years old.
Me rn: darn it- can't think of how to design this stupid signature.
The queen wanted me to be executed so fast I wasn't even checked for weapons, so I kill the guards, shoot the queen, and fly away on my broom of flying
you are the last survivor of your level 1 party after a t red attacked, and now it is attacking you
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
My high level wizard friend casted wall of force between us.
You are in the Far Realm.
I like planes.
I planeshift out of there
you are poking a sleeping tarrasque’s eye
It is at 1 hit point and I was poking it's eye with a + 3 magic sword
You were testing a flying machine, but it broke down and you are now about to crash.
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
Good thing I have a jetpack
You are in a chamber full of mind flayers
"Demons Love and Fear Me" - "Demons Fear and Love Me"
High Nerd, Demon King
I'm immune to psychic damage
Someone just threw 47 shoes at your head
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
I am a cute kitty ghost
you are asked out on a date by a demon king
"Demons Love and Fear Me" - "Demons Fear and Love Me"
High Nerd, Demon King
I go on the date so I don't anger him
You just killed the king, and after a manhunt you are now surrounded by the kings entire army
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
The 47 shoes thrown at DarkFXY's kitty ghost hit the leading general in the head, killing him and leaving the army in disarray.
Your DM asks "Are you sure you want to do that?" and you do it anyways.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
It was something that have me a lot of money
You just ate at taco bell
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
I have a cast-iron stomach.
You've eaten food and wine laced with cyanide, been shot at close range, shot again, beaten viciously, and tossed into an icy river.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
Good thing I’m an Iron Golem.(Sorry Rasputin)
You are teleported into the center of the sun, into an anti magic field.
Turns out the sun is powered by magic
you are being chased by Tiamat, Bahamut a terrasque, and an army of 10000000 people
Hollow unbreakable arrows are the most OP common magic item, and my current method of coming up with insane combat shenanigans.
if you make a steel pipe with one end closed and a nozzle on the other, you can enlarge it, fill with any liquid, and then drop concentration, creating a high pressure squirt gun. (or a pipe bomb, depending if it holds)
I cast Summon Bigger Fish from Darths&Droids and summon twenty tarrasques to fight them off. And after that I cast Summon Bigger Fish again to summon thirty tarrasques to fight off the twenty tarrasques I summoned and then I cast it again to summon forty tarrasques to fight after the thirty I summoned and then I cast it again to summon fifty tarrasques...
You are in the belly of a kraken.
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 46, 2/13/25, Anima Christi
I plane shift to pandemonium, and then create a giant fortress with my mind.
You are at one hit point and are being chased by an army of terrasques, your walking speed is 15 feet, as you have already lost a leg. You are also a first level warlock.