Hello! The title sums up the basic premise of this thread pretty well-- this is based on Shiver's 'make a monster' thread, where everyone contributed one detail at a time to make a finished monstrosity, but instead of a monster it's a tavern! I posted this on the Thread Thread but barely anyone noticed it, so hopefully this one does better lol. This might be made into an actual thing, it might not. It all depends on whether or not people would actually be interested in rp'ing on it.
The rules:
You can add one detail to the tavern per post, which can be basically anything, from the genre to the lore to gameplay stuff to whatever. No double posting for obvious reasons.
Don't introduce something that conflicts with other already established details. If someone says the tavern is set in a desert, then someone else shouldn't say it's set in the middle of the ocean. And no inappropriate stuff, of course.
Put a type of food in your first post-- this is a tavern, after all.
Have fun!
Compilation of information, will eventually be organized into the OP for the tavern (will update then and there):
Modern fantasy theme
Stage with live performances of clones of famous performers
Thriving entertainment industry
Has many sky islands close together
Cloud folk inhabit it- Humanoid figures made of clouds
Even with such a thriving entertainment industry, the government often bribes the celebrities to give propaganda about their ideals to 'maintain civility, peace, and public image!'
There's pugs running around everywhere.
There's a Tavern, with armored guards and a secret door behind a wine shelf. This secret door has modern weapons/technology inside, along with a gold dragon that's an old woman acting like a friendly grandma. Also also, it has an angel statue that heals you if you pray to it.
Overpopulation problem
Modern technology releases a corruption that can control people it contacts.
An insane guy, Leotharn Dhuag, did experiments with modern technology and created dinos. Almost all of said dinos are corrupted.
All of the non corrupted dinos hide on an island at the edge of the world
(This is probably one of my shortest threads ever lol)
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
The sky islands are home to a race of cloud folk, humanoids made of clouds that can flit about and watch the entertainment.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum:Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Despite having such an entertainment industry, the government of this place often bribes celebrities to promote their ideals and controls exactly what the media says about the city/country/whatever, in order to, ‘maintain civility, peace, and public image!’
The place has pugs running around wild and kissing everything, also if you need a statblock use wolf for adult and this for young. puppies, just let them be killed and call the killer a monster.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
There is a corruption spreading from modern technology, getting onto creatures and controlling them. The corruption is a black ink that solidifies on what it takes over, and has holes in it that glow of blue and purple
<I'm trying not to sound frustrated, but it's difficult, so please bear in mind that I'm not trying to hurt your feelings with this and that It's meant to be read in a sincere tone>
<Look, I don't think you need to boink this thread this many times. It might be worth it to wait a bit longer and try to be more patient. I'm sure someone will post something soon. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas right now... I'll definitely try to post though.>
about the evil mechanical came from the past when the technology took over the world then went back to the cave men ages, then time traveled back to the tavern. I meant tavern NOT Travan, I just spelled it wrong. And I would like donuts
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Owen waz here. why did they change the font!!! enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group.
<I'm trying not to sound frustrated, but it's difficult, so please bear in mind that I'm not trying to hurt your feelings with this and that It's meant to be read in a sincere tone>
<Look, I don't think you need to boink this thread this many times. It might be worth it to wait a bit longer and try to be more patient. I'm sure someone will post something soon. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas right now... I'll definitely try to post though.>
There is an insane dude, now long dead named Leotharn Dhuag, who used modern technology to genetically modify things and make dinos. some abominations and stuff now exist, and dinos mainy get corrupted
Hello! The title sums up the basic premise of this thread pretty well-- this is based on Shiver's 'make a monster' thread, where everyone contributed one detail at a time to make a finished monstrosity, but instead of a monster it's a tavern! I posted this on the Thread Thread but barely anyone noticed it, so hopefully this one does better lol. This might be made into an actual thing, it might not. It all depends on whether or not people would actually be interested in rp'ing on it.
The rules:
You can add one detail to the tavern per post, which can be basically anything, from the genre to the lore to gameplay stuff to whatever. No double posting for obvious reasons.
Don't introduce something that conflicts with other already established details. If someone says the tavern is set in a desert, then someone else shouldn't say it's set in the middle of the ocean. And no inappropriate stuff, of course.
Put a type of food in your first post-- this is a tavern, after all.
Have fun!
Compilation of information, will eventually be organized into the OP for the tavern (will update then and there):
Modern fantasy theme
Stage with live performances of clones of famous performers
Thriving entertainment industry
Has many sky islands close together
Cloud folk inhabit it- Humanoid figures made of clouds
Even with such a thriving entertainment industry, the government often bribes the celebrities to give propaganda about their ideals to 'maintain civility, peace, and public image!'
There's pugs running around everywhere.
There's a Tavern, with armored guards and a secret door behind a wine shelf. This secret door has modern weapons/technology inside, along with a gold dragon that's an old woman acting like a friendly grandma. Also also, it has an angel statue that heals you if you pray to it.
Overpopulation problem
Modern technology releases a corruption that can control people it contacts.
An insane guy, Leotharn Dhuag, did experiments with modern technology and created dinos. Almost all of said dinos are corrupted.
All of the non corrupted dinos hide on an island at the edge of the world
(This is probably one of my shortest threads ever lol)
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
A tavern, you say? I’d like a Hot Cocoa, please.
Modern Fantasy!
Stage with live performances from clone of people such as Rick Astley and others. (Lol can’t think of people besides Rick Astley)
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
Custard. Because platypodes could technically make it on their own.
It's located in a place that has many sky islands close together (like in the Final Earth 2), and thus, has lots of air/wind based stuff.
(Does that count as two details or one? Also, how long until we decide that it's a complete thread?)
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
This place has a thriving entertainment industry. (Adding on to what Pug said with the clones of past performers)
Fried Rice!
The sky islands are home to a race of cloud folk, humanoids made of clouds that can flit about and watch the entertainment.
I have made a huge homebrew setting that I am still working on putting here in DDB. Please give me feedback, I want to know all of what I am doing wrong, and what I am doing right. The thread is a huge work in progress, so everything in it from content to layout is subject to change. Please check this forum: Welcome to Zionderia
Also I have a fun thread that explores an idea about dreams based off the movie Inception. I still need to add the link but stay tuned.
Updated the OP!
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Despite having such an entertainment industry, the government of this place often bribes celebrities to promote their ideals and controls exactly what the media says about the city/country/whatever, in order to, ‘maintain civility, peace, and public image!’
The place has pugs running around wild and kissing everything, also if you need a statblock use wolf for adult and this for young. puppies, just let them be killed and call the killer a monster.
Hi, I am a pug and I like Noobs in Combat, Pugs and Big Weapons like Ballistas, RPGS and Recoilless Rifles.
Play my forum game find the word Here
Pm me the word Avocado🥑 For a prize!I am prob not online but pm me and i will dig up comments tht are old or forgottten. approx time about 7 days to finish and i need the approximate page number. But I will dig up the info.
I love final earth 2.
ramen sounds good to have in a tavern.
there are armored goliath guards surrounding the tavern. (sorry I spelled that wrong)
Owen waz here. why did they change the font!!! enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group.
Has a overpopulation problem: the archipelago is getting very crowded.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
There is a corruption spreading from modern technology, getting onto creatures and controlling them. The corruption is a black ink that solidifies on what it takes over, and has holes in it that glow of blue and purple
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
*I had updated the OP, just didn't say anything*
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
*blpin' this thread*
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
<I'm trying not to sound frustrated, but it's difficult, so please bear in mind that I'm not trying to hurt your feelings with this and that It's meant to be read in a sincere tone>
<Look, I don't think you need to boink this thread this many times. It might be worth it to wait a bit longer and try to be more patient. I'm sure someone will post something soon. Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas right now... I'll definitely try to post though.>
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
about the evil mechanical came from the past when the technology took over the world then went back to the cave men ages, then time traveled back to the tavern. I meant tavern NOT Travan, I just spelled it wrong. And I would like donuts
Owen waz here. why did they change the font!!! enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group.
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
There is an insane dude, now long dead named Leotharn Dhuag, who used modern technology to genetically modify things and make dinos. some abominations and stuff now exist, and dinos mainy get corrupted
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙