Wondrous Item, very rare

This enchanted kit contains;

"Scissors of Monstrous Level Manicuring"

This item appears as an elongated pair of stone scissors with a metal handle. It is actually made with the remnants of a "Magma Mephit", after it exploded and then was immediately shaped in to the stone end of these scissors. They do not actually open as a normal pair would. When you place your fingers into the handles loops, the wand is activated. As you simply pass the scissors along your skin, upon contact the wand does 1/4th of a point of damage, caused by the latent elemental fire magic of the Mephit. That is only enough damage to cause a tingling sensation but plenty to melt off even the toughest of hairs. For a time it will also suppress the growth of new hair, no matter where it is growing.

"Silvered Reconditioning Rasp"

There are times when you may find yourself changed into a form other than completely human. Either forced or of your own volition. On those occasions, you may have discovered your claws and/or teeth are not as sharp as you would like. Of course, normal implements have no effect on you in those forms. So this is the tool you need. While shape changed or parts of your person are presently in the ethereal, this two sided, +1 and silvered rasp will do the trick and hone those implements of destruction to a needle point. Please do not try to use this to sharpen your metal weapons. It is a rasp, not a file.

"Mirror of Exaggeration"

It is an artfully crafted hand mirror polished to a high shine, that has ground :Crystlemist" incorporated into the glass. The Crystlemist causes the mirror to emit a soft light that will allow you to see your reflection, even in total, (but not magical), darkness. The mirror is set into a Mithril handle. As you gaze into the mirror you need to make a save if you choose to. The mirror casts a Charm Self spell when looked into, with a -3 save vs (Self Impression) Charisma. On a failed save, you see yourself in your prime and without flaw, believing this is how others see you. This effect can be used 3 times a day. Let's face it you are going to want to look your best and with this mirror you always will.

"Tweezers of Pinpoint Extraction"

Gathered and crafted by the Greek God Hephaestus, these tweezers were made from the chains that bound Prometheus to the mountain top. The metal will channel the regenerative powers of Prometheus and give the following abilities: 

Remove Curse and Remove Disease once per week.

It can cast a 1d4 Cure Wound once per day

Oh, and of course the un-erring removal of any sliver or splinter, on the very first try.

"Scented Ethereal Talc"

This wonder to the sense of smell has been harvested from the border Ethereal Plane, between the Plane of Water and the Plane of Wind, than bound to the purest dust from the Plane of Earth. We now have a talc that will leave you smelling like the early morning, right after a good overnight rain shower has cleansed and purified the air. The Elemental Talc needs only be applied once per week.

"The Pouch"

All these amazing tools are rolled into a hand crafted and finely tooled leather carrying pouch that has a Clean Cantrip permanently cast upon it. As soon as the pouch is closed with all its contents returned, a wisp of mist will be seen drifting from the pouch as it cleans and sterilizes the tool within untill next time they are needed.

All items in this kit will recharge after a long rest.



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