This bag resembles a Bag of Holding but is a feeding orifice for a gigantic extradimensional creature. Turning the bag inside out closes the orifice.
The extradimensional creature attached to the bag can sense whatever is placed inside the bag. Animal or vegetable matter placed wholly in the bag is devoured and lost forever. When part of a living creature is placed in the bag, as happens when someone reaches inside it, there is a 50 percent chance that the creature is pulled inside the bag. A creature inside the bag can take an action to try to escape, doing so with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. Another creature can take an action to reach into the bag to pull a creature out, doing so with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check, provided the puller isn’t pulled inside the bag first. Any creature that starts its turn inside the bag is devoured, its body destroyed.
Inanimate objects can be stored in the bag, which can hold a cubic foot of such material. However, once each day, the bag swallows any objects inside it and spits them out into another plane of existence. The DM determines the time and plane.
If the bag is pierced or torn, it is destroyed, and anything contained within it is transported to a random location on the Astral Plane.
Notes: Control, Utility, Combat, Container
Why would anybody use this???
If you sneak up behind a tiny or small enemy, then you can stuff them inside the bag of devouring and watch as they're instantly eaten. It's a convenient way of destroying demiliches.
Ah, the ol' polymorph > bag of devouring loophole. Rest in peace, any BBEG without any more legendary resistances left over.
Great to give to a Foe if you wish him to lose something that make him or her all powerful.
This seems to contradict itself. It says you can escape with a DC 15 strength check as an action, but are devoured at the start of your turn. How can you take the action to escape if you are devoured?
you get one chance to escape when you willingly get inside it so you almost certainly die
And if it is put on you unwillingly, when it is not your are dead.
What do you mean? It is the ultimate in no impact camping devices!!!
portable guillotine
Why you turn your bag of holding inside out when you find it.
i have one on my barbarian, if someone is dumb enough to try to steal from him they get devoured by the bag and he laughs. Lol
What is the cost of a bag of devouring? I would like to sell mine.
This seems like it could be useful for a necromancer, or somebody else performing dangerous experiments with hazardous materials. Just put the waste in the bag, and the entity'll spit it out somewhere else (if it doesn't just devour it). Convenient!
Augustus are you silly? 1. never sell this it is extremely amazing and can instantly kill almost everything. 2. 50 000gp because it is a very rare magic item. did you even read the dungeon masters guide? no i am not a DM either but information is information.
This was my thought as well. If you have a sticky fingered Rogue this could be a hard lesson learned.
throw it at you enemies.
I put children in this bag
My first DM once told me about a game he was in where a bag of devouring was turned inside out. What resulted was the emergence of a multi headed beast kind of like a hydra but with bags over all of its heads.