You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
You can use an action to cause thick, black poison to coat the blade. The poison remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The dagger can't be used this way again until the next dawn.
Proficiency with a Dagger allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
This weapon has the following mastery property. To use this property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.
Nick. When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.
Notes: Damage: Poison, Bonus: Magic, Poisoned, Damage, Debuff, Combat, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Nick
Why does every rouge have this
Simply put poisoning and high initiative boosts, if a rouge stays in the middle or rear marching order but lands first in combat initiative against say a tough creature such as a giant, they can take that chance to hide, then next round sneak attack, get that crit and poison the giant giving the entire team the benefit of the giant now having taken a large chunk of damage if good rolls plus the poison effect which is disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. So think of this dagger as both a valuable tool and weapon combined in one.
Using this for my group’s podcast. Wonderful item for an enemy assassin NPC, like Urstul Floxin, to have that the PCs can find as opposed to nothing.
My Alchemist wants one. Also ones the UA Poisoner Feat.
...I wonder if there is anyway to increase the DC or decrease enemy saves. Bane? I should see if bane does it.. There is a new UA feat tht would allow b ane on my spell list..
Debuff enemies support my allies improve my poiisons
so truee
Pretty awful. It takes an extra action to apply the effect, which is 1/Day. This could be useful against a boss if it didn’t have a save. It’s just bad.
It lasts for an entire minute though. Just use the action before combat when fighting a boss or mini boss.
"While the demon was giving his speech, can I say that my character was coating his dagger with venom?".
Then as a first attack, throw the dagger. 2D10 is awesome damage, not to mention the standard weapon damage.
Wonder if a GM would allow a player with the Poisoner Feat, to activate this as a Bonus Action instead.. Would be nice. But is clearly a magic item use action... so Gm territory.
I do really want to like this knife more.. but its rough. It woudl be awesome it if also increased DC of poisons you applied... That way its more than just a +1 dagger most of the time. Even just applyin the +1 to the DC would be awesome. Basically I totally want a weapon that helps poison in general..
though GM crafting request!
this dagger is pretty well balanced but if they fail on the DC save then it definitely can do great damage, perfect for my rogue
im deciding between the dragontooth dagger and this to try and make, any suggestions?
for dragontooth it automatically does an extra 1d6 acid damage on a hit, dunno if that has a limit but if not then i might go with that
Depends of the kind of game your DM runs. For me the Dagger of Venom is alot more useful bc our battles are really spaced out and I would be able to use this to great effect on the biggest guy in the room, the power of DoV is that the poisoning lasts whole MINUTE, for free, once a day. If you use Dragontooth dagger you'll get more value out of it in the long run, but will realize the diffrence when you have a really big hitter just laying waste to the whole team. One is dps the other is debuff.
I’m trying to pick random magic items to describe as daelkyr creations so I’m better at that for my Eberron campaign.
“The techniques of Dyrrn the Corruptor were used to craft this viciously pointed shard of chitin. To attune to it, you must push it through your entire palm, moving up from the wrist, so that a few inches of it protrude from between your middle and ring fingers. At your command, your own blood is filtered up through it, imbued with the chitin's poison. It can be painfully removed and thrown, after which it turns to ash and painfully regenerates in your hand.
Symbiotic Nature. The shard can’t be truly removed from you while you’re attuned to it, and you can’t voluntarily end your attunement to it. If you’re targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement ends, and the shard dissolves into your bloodstream. You begin violently coughing up a bizarre fluid, which quickly coalesces back into the shard.”
Venom makes those cheeks rosy
I think people who think this are bad are looking at it as an action to maybe deal an extra 2d10 damage once per day, but the damage is just a little bonus. The real benefit is the poison. If they fail the DC (which isn't that difficult, unfortunately), they have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks for the next 10 rounds. No additional saves.
3 levels in rogue for assassinate plus 2 levels in paladin for smite plus magic initiate for booming blade plus dagger of venom equals (with 17 in dex)
1d4+4+3d8+2d6+2d10x2 equals some good martial damage at level 5
If this crits, do you double the poison damage as well?
where can i find the script to make a monster have this weapon?
Strangely the description says 1 minute on failed save, but if you use this as the foundation for a homebrew weapon it says just 1 round.
Yes, yes it does.