Armor Class
Hit Points
(1d4 + 1)
20 ft., burrow 5 ft.
Darkvision 30 ft., Passive Perception 11
0 (10 XP)
Proficiency Bonus
Keen Smell. The badger has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
Do not include these in the next game please.
My last character was killed by one.
I worked very hard on him.
Yes, the badger is known as one of the most fearless creatures in all of the universe.
I need to use this
"In fact, honey badgers have been known to chase young lions off kills and have even been recorded killing buffalo, wildebeest and waterbuck. Whether or not their ability to physically kill these large animals is true, is debatable." Also, "Not only is its skin tough, it's loose enough that a honey badger can turn around in it and bite its attacker. And speaking of bites, the honey badger can survive the bites of some very dangerous creatures. They eat scorpions and snakes, and they have an unusually strong immunity to venom."
Honey badgers need more love seriously. They should count at least as a CR 1/4. Because they have poison resistance and resistance to pierce attacks. Also, they don't have a disadvantage when grappled... These guys are freaking nasty.
Also, if you want a survivable campaign don't include them ;)
If anything, they need ADVANTAGE when grappled.
have absolutely nicked this idea for my Druid's badger friend, with DM's enthusiastic blessing. Cheers for ridiculous/perfect homebrews :P
Ratels are, but badgers are pretty tame tbh
A snake, a snake
Bear in mind these aren't ratels, these are english badgers, which are pretty tame
These things need a badge for how weak they are
I kinda feel annoyed that the makers of dnd didn’t make a strix or stymphalian bird but did go out of their way to make badgers and camels
I allowed my party's 2'6" forest gnome to acquire a honey badger as a pet lol I'm going to make her do a series of animal handling checks to see if she can use it as a mount lol. (I'm going to beef up it's stats a bit, these are incredibly lackluster for the amazing honey badger)
What about a giant badger?
This makes me irritated. A badger should definetly gain higher AC from their thick loose hide, and resistance to poison, at the bare minimum. And what is up with animal darvision? Cats don't have it for some reason, but badgers do? I love 5E but sometimes WoTC make me want to tear out my hair from the bonkers desicions they make in some inatances.
Like this is a small and easily brewed thing, but when they do stuff like this in class features and spells, it feels like they didn't care, but then other times the sheer love for the game is inspiring. I keep investing in things like the consistant tendencies, and unwritten rules, but then they drop something like tashas and fix shortcomings by trampling on their own design philosophy when hombrewed fixes exist that are cleaner. Sorry about the outburst, just had to drop it somewhere.
if you get beaten by a single badger, then maybe tabletop RPGs are not your thing. You should go back to Fortnite.
haha I combine them with baboons with states.
how tf did you manage to get killed by a badger...?
needs resistance to poison (real badgers can be bitten by a cobra or stung by hundreds of bees and be just fine)