Armor Class
(patchwork armor)
Hit Points
(12d12 + 60)
40 ft.
Saving Throws
CON +8, WIS +3, CHA +4
Athletics +9, Perception +3
Damage Immunities
Passive Perception 13
8 (3,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus
Multiattack. The giant makes two greataxe attacks.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (3d12 + 6) slashing damage.
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (4d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Frost giants are creatures of ice and snow, with hair and beards of pale white or light blue, and flesh as blue as glacial ice. They respect only brute strength and skill in battle.
By far the best giants to roleplay! Frozen warriors who battle for nothing but glory.
Downside of milestone that is you kill 22 of these in one session as lv 6... you dont lv up.
That seems... oddly specific
Also kinda wrong? If you kill 22 Frost Giants, chances are something epic happened and you reached a milestone...
Referring to published adventure
No fire vulnerability?
because theyre not literally made of ice/frost. also, thats a really easy way to turn a decent monster into an absolute joke given how many spells deal fire damage. now that 138hp is closer to 70hp if two of the PCs have ready access to fire damage
22 of these at 3900 xp per is over 85,000. That should be enough to put you at lvl 12 or extermemly close (14,000 lvl 6 + 85000 = 99,000). How many people are in your party that you didn't level up? And, who is running the milestone levelling? They are obviously not running it properly. Need some major overhaul. Of course, I don't care for milestone. Way too ambiguous. It's fine in a linear storyline, but in an open-ended story that would allow you to face Frost Giants at lvl 6 it's the dumbest way to go.
May be Storm King's Thunder published adventure. There is a chapter where a ludicrous amount of Frost Giants is a potential encounter.
I just used the DM’s Guide to calculate the CR of one of these based on the stats and not the Rating provided. It’s only 6-7.
I just created a lawful version of this creature that is a guardian of a mountain pass . He belonged to a group of giants called " The Frost Reavers". His name is " BleakBane" story
Milestone is about when the DM decides you have reached the next peak.
You are assuming first that they faced 22 at once which is a foolish assumption. 85000/5 is 17160 isn't that absurd, this is also assuming they aren't getting help from a higher level npc. Or if they have no giant's bane tools to help kill giants. Milestone is supposed to be about getting to achieve things. If you do it by xp most of the adventures would suck, because they would be way too easy, because they throw tons of monsters your way, and traps are annoying if you have no way to get passed them. If its Storm king's thunder, they don't level because the book said not to. They do this in Hoard of dragon queen (Kinda why its the hardest adventure.). If you are level 19 killing 10 hill giants shouldn't level you up.
How tall (in feet) is a frost giant, typically?
Hang on, that's not correct. A 6th-level party has 14,000-22,999 XP. 22 frost giants is worth 85,800 XP, assuming you have 5 members in your party that's 17,160 XP per player. That puts the party at 31,160-40,159 XP. That brings each player up at least to 7th-level, if not 8th-level. (7th-level 23,000 XP, 8th-level 34,000 XP.) Either your party is very large, at least 10 or 11 players, or your DM(or whoever's keeping track of XP) made a huge error. Plus, a 6th-level party fighting 22 frost giants is likely to be a major event to your campaign(why else would you be fighting that many of these titanic things), hence, a milestone, hence, providing even more XP than that.
Average of 21 feet
Imagine if a frost giant had a pet yeti
I just killed one of these for a quest
Frost giants isn’t the problem, at that level with the right circumstances and spell prep me and my level 3 party managed to take one down, the issue is with the amount. Regardless I prefer the exp system anyway because of the satisfaction of knowing how close you are to a level up and getting to go crazy over that next feat, or spell level, or feature.