Far Realm Parasite. Inside the lich’s torso dwells a wormlike parasite that contains the lich’s soul. When the lich dies, it implodes into the parasite, which then vanishes into the Far Realm. In 2d4 days, the parasite causes the lich to reappear within 1d4 miles of where it died. If the lich died inside a magic circle cast to contain Undead, the lich instead reappears as an otyugh with all the lich’s memories.
Legendary Resistance (4/Day). If the lich fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Unusual Nature. The lich doesn’t need air, food, drink, or sleep.
Multiattack. The lich makes one Parasitic Tentacle attack or uses Spellcasting. The lich also uses Psychic Whisper twice.
Parasitic Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 25 (6d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 25 (6d6 + 4) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. The poisoned target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The third time the target fails the save, the target dies and dissolves into a gibbering mouther that obeys the lich and uses the target’s initiative.
Psychic Whisper. The lich targets one creature it can see within 120 feet of itself. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 25 (6d6 + 4) psychic damage and be stunned until the end of the lich’s next turn as incomprehensible whispers fill the target’s mind.
Spellcasting. The lich casts one of the following spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
At will: detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation
2/day each: dispel magic, hunger of Hadar, lightning bolt
1/day each: arcane eye, dimension door, plane shift (self only)
Far Realm Step. Immediately after taking damage, the lich, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, magically teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
From beyond the stars, a Great Old One whispers promises of reality-defying knowledge and world-bending power. When a wizard or a warlock hears that whisper and listens too intently, they might set foot on the twisting path toward becoming an eldritch lich.
Like other liches, eldritch liches are spellcasters who have cheated death, but an eldritch lich does so by allowing a Great Old One to implant a Far Realm parasite in the lich. That parasite bestows undeath upon the spellcaster and causes strange tentacles to sprout from the body. The parasite’s mouth is visible on the lich’s torso, and the parasite guards the lich against destruction, reviving the lich a few days after death. Canny foes can sabotage an eldritch lich’s revival by slaying the lich in a magic circle, thereby forcing the lich to return in a distorted form, robbed of most of its power.
An eldritch lich constantly hears bizarre whispers from the Far Realm, to which the lich nods and mutters. Occasionally, the lich uses its telepathy to share those whispers with the minds around it.
Form of the Great Old One
Multiple entities bear the title Great Old One. You may roll on the Great Old Ones table to determine which entity gave an eldritch lich its parasite.
Great Old Ones
d6 | Form |
1 | Cthulhu |
2 | Tharizdun, the Chained God |
3 | Dendar, the Night Serpent |
4 | Ghaunadaur |
5 | Zargon, the Returner |
6 | That Which Lurks |
I see a lot of people complaining about how weak it is, but they miss an important detail: "the parasite guards the lich against destruction, reviving the lich a few days after death. Canny foes can sabotage an eldritch lich’s revival by slaying the lich in a magic circle, thereby forcing the lich to return in a distorted form, robbed of most of its power". Sure, it should have lair actions, more spells, etc.; but you are looking at it from a one-time, difficult battle, and not seeing it as a multi-battle fight against the lich. I have an idea of it. It goes like this:
The people from a town/city need help with an eldritch lich that is attacking the place regularly. The players decide to help by killing the eldritch lich. A few days later, while adventuring, they encounter an eldritch lich, who reveals himself to be the one they had defeated before and tells them that they cannot kill him. After numerous battles with the lich, they decide to find a way to stop him, and they hear that in a cave called _______ lies the secret to defeating the lich once and for all. When they reach the final area, they find yet again the lich, but this time with a few minions. After successfully defeating the lich, they find a scroll of magic circle and understand what they have to do. Instead of waiting for the lich to revive again and encounter them, they decide to go to castle _______, where the lich is said to reside. When they finally reach the throne room, they learn that the lich had an apprentice (use the stats of an Archmage) that was just readying to do a ceremony where he becomes an eldritch lich, so if the characters lose the battle (and don't survive for reasons like they were revived or maybe fled), they must now contend with two liches (The 1st fight involves the lich, the Archmage apprentice, and some minions, if they fail, change the archmage for another eldritch lich for the net battle). Determined, they head into battle against the lich for one last time (or maybe not...).
While it does have unique abilities that make it a unique, nasty monster, it has taken a shortcut to lichdom.
Complaining about this iteration of the lich not being as powerful as normal liches is like complaining that a young green dragon isn’t as powerful as an ancient red dragon. They are different monsters, with different degrees of development, and the one is much younger than the other. It’s okay to have different monsters.
That's the beauty of this creature. Bump up the CR and add your own legendary actions! I'd go with one that is offensive, defensive, and one to control the area.
To be fair, it is 3 failed saves and then instant death for a character
I imagine a party coming upon a restrained otyugh and hearing it whisper into their minds that they are actually a cursed spell caster True Polymorphed into this horrid form and the party undertakes a quest to change them back, only to revive the Eldritch Lich as a major antagonist going forward. Or subvert the trope and have him actually become the party’s patron.
Lair and Legendary actions: Lich, Please! How to Level Up the Eldritch Lich for an Epic Boss Encounter - Posts - D&D Beyond (dndbeyond.com)
This thing should totally have psychic damage immunity, right?
The most horrifying dnd monster in existence, and why it doesn't exist(yet) as a stat block is obvious:
To me aberrations are the scariest class of monsters...my DnD dreams are about fighting undead (not illithoid liches), demons, and the green skins. Psionics rule.
For those wanting more from this creature. This is the stat block. They have a laid and laid action and such. This block was only a section of the entire post. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1242-lich-please-how-to-level-up-the-eldritch-lich-for#legendary-lair
Agreed. I would think a lich provided the secret and terrible knowledge of elder beings would be more powerful than a normal lich. But without those features it just feels weaker.
This would be a good “hurry up and get to the boss before they turn more villagers into gibbering mouthers”.
I think, legendary actions, a better spell list, and possibly some lair actions would really up the quality of this monster
I find it curious that it does not have any legendary actions.
Agreed, any DM with half a brain would add that Turning Resistance, but I’d still like to see it in the block. And Absolutely this thing needs legendary actions, what do you think they should look like?
Since it comes from Warlock, shouldn't all the spells be cast at 5th level? I know it only adds damage to Lightning Bolt, but would make it harder to Counterspell and a more potent Dispel.
I agree
Someone pls let me know if this is too much....
I tweaked this creature for an up-coming game and gave it a Bonus Action and Legendary Action based upon mobility. The idea is that this creature is a hit and run style monster.
Bonus Action: Essentially Misty Step --> 30 ft. teleport.
Legendary Action: Can use their Far Realm Step.
Would this much mobility drastically increase CR or difficulty?
I am absolutely in love with this, I cannot wait to use it in August!