Far Realm Parasite. Inside the lich’s torso dwells a wormlike parasite that contains the lich’s soul. When the lich dies, it implodes into the parasite, which then vanishes into the Far Realm. In 2d4 days, the parasite causes the lich to reappear within 1d4 miles of where it died. If the lich died inside a magic circle cast to contain Undead, the lich instead reappears as an otyugh with all the lich’s memories.
Legendary Resistance (4/Day). If the lich fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Unusual Nature. The lich doesn’t need air, food, drink, or sleep.
Multiattack. The lich makes one Parasitic Tentacle attack or uses Spellcasting. The lich also uses Psychic Whisper twice.
Parasitic Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 25 (6d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 25 (6d6 + 4) necrotic damage. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. The poisoned target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The third time the target fails the save, the target dies and dissolves into a gibbering mouther that obeys the lich and uses the target’s initiative.
Psychic Whisper. The lich targets one creature it can see within 120 feet of itself. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or take 25 (6d6 + 4) psychic damage and be stunned until the end of the lich’s next turn as incomprehensible whispers fill the target’s mind.
Spellcasting. The lich casts one of the following spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17):
At will: detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation
2/day each: dispel magic, hunger of Hadar, lightning bolt
1/day each: arcane eye, dimension door, plane shift (self only)
Far Realm Step. Immediately after taking damage, the lich, along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, magically teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
From beyond the stars, a Great Old One whispers promises of reality-defying knowledge and world-bending power. When a wizard or a warlock hears that whisper and listens too intently, they might set foot on the twisting path toward becoming an eldritch lich.
Like other liches, eldritch liches are spellcasters who have cheated death, but an eldritch lich does so by allowing a Great Old One to implant a Far Realm parasite in the lich. That parasite bestows undeath upon the spellcaster and causes strange tentacles to sprout from the body. The parasite’s mouth is visible on the lich’s torso, and the parasite guards the lich against destruction, reviving the lich a few days after death. Canny foes can sabotage an eldritch lich’s revival by slaying the lich in a magic circle, thereby forcing the lich to return in a distorted form, robbed of most of its power.
An eldritch lich constantly hears bizarre whispers from the Far Realm, to which the lich nods and mutters. Occasionally, the lich uses its telepathy to share those whispers with the minds around it.
Form of the Great Old One
Multiple entities bear the title Great Old One. You may roll on the Great Old Ones table to determine which entity gave an eldritch lich its parasite.
Great Old Ones
d6 | Form |
1 | Cthulhu |
2 | Tharizdun, the Chained God |
3 | Dendar, the Night Serpent |
4 | Ghaunadaur |
5 | Zargon, the Returner |
6 | That Which Lurks |
No lair actions or legendary actions. :(
Wait, Cthulhu's canon again?
Mind if i use this idea? trying to create the arch enemy of my leonin palalock and what you said is perfect.
now all we need is a lich bard!
On it. Will edit once it is complete.
Done: Speaker Lich
Ok, so right now there are liches for:
All we need now to complete the lich club are (plus name ideas):
It doesn't need attack cantrips, it has it's tentacle attack and whispers which do allot more damage with a pretty nasty bonus effects. It has a fairly consistent 100 damage a round and a reliable ability to apply [Tooltip Not Found] and poisoned. It also has legendary resistances.
You are right it doesn't have legendary or lair actions so this is not really a boss monster. I see this mainly being used as like a Lt of say a greater star spawn emissary. If you wanted it as a boss you would probably need legendary actions and probably the [Tooltip Not Found] but as is I think its got potential as a hit and run/ambush monster like the oni.
Below is my advice to amplify the hit and run aspect.
My main issue with this monster is it's combat spells will often be a reduction in damage for it and utility so I'd almost never use them; and the threat of the gibbering mouth effect is too low. I won't go into too much details as there is allot to do with spells but one idea I like is with Hunger of hadar. I like the spell but I wish it had more synergy with this monster. A rather novel way to do that is giving this creature immunity to the blinded, resistance to acid damage and cold as well as some regeneration, 5-10 hit points a round. This would allow the lich this very strange combo of fleeing into hunger of hadar where it will basically regenerate through the damage but technically still take damage allowing it to trigger its teleport. I also think regen amplifies this creature as a hit and run monster, thematically goes well with it's living phylactery in it's chest and generally offsets some of the squishiness lich's tend to have.
As for it's minion making effect I would make it so if you die (as in fail 3 death saves not 0 hit points) from the tentacle or under the effect of the poison you become a gibbering mouther. It just makes it a little bit more of a threat with out making that ability just an instant kill in combat.
Thank you for pointing out these details. I feel like a lot of people are missing how insane this part of it is. This isn’t some normal lich whose phylactery you can crush or dispel. Using a magic circle is the “Only” way to kill it outside of things on the power level of wish. It will just keep coming back it doesn’t care if you kill it. It is beyond death because it’s phylactery is a part of its body, but also an extra-dimensional parasite. Personally I would run this a reoccurring villain that the party can kill as much as they wish, each death only delaying its alien machinations.
was he not? he was in phb for GOO-locks iirc
Thats what confused me, he's on there twice lol
I came here to post that, with so many far realm creatures to choose from it's weird to put the same one twice...
Some big darkest dungeon energy on this guy’s headdress. Overall like the concept, if it didn’t exist it would be necessary to invent it.
Isn't the mummy lord the "cleric lich"? In lore, I think at least one lichdom ritual is even based on the creation of mummy lords.
oh yeah, right. Good catch!
I didn't miss a sorc/artificer lich, right?
What part of the word 'lich' made them think that its most powerful offensive spell should be Hunger of Hadar?
So, "That Which Lurks" is a title of Ghaunadaur's, so in effect he's on here twice? Or are they now trying to separate the two entities? Or was there something I missed that established they were two different entities?
Its really good,yet it really misses the eldritch blast! To give a hint of warlock to it and a viable range option to what should be at least a blaster
doesn't have to be high CR to have legendary actions, it's just more common because of the way they work. See:
fleecemane lion
frickin' any dragon below CR 15.
this isn't the same level as a regular lich, you can already see it's 6 cr levels lower than the typical 21, and this lich actually doesn't have 9th level spells, why? it never made it that far, the eldritch short-cut is a quick grab at power for a mid level mage, it's not even in their best interests long term, but heck it's a cheap and dirty power grab
no legendary actions? same deal, this isn't a legendary creature, even just look at the intelligence score, it wasn't lowered by turning into this, it just never even made it to 20, which means it's actually likely that they never made it to level 16 as a wizard, a standard lich obviously is a 17th level spellcaster, this is not, and by no means gains legendary status
I guess I look at it sort of like, you aren't a real lich, you didn't work that hard, or smart, you just copied the warlocks homework, and the warlock was just cheating
Sure I get it. I guess i was just hoping for a different flavor of lich with a similar power level.