D&D Beyond's combat tracker and encounter builder tools have been combined into Encounters — and it's free to use by all registered users! The tool is an invaluable resource for Dungeon Masters who want to plan and run combat encounters with ease. If you aren't yet registered, you can sign up for free here.
Click below for step-by-step instructions on using Encounters:
Watch Encounters in action
The D&D Beyond team hopped on stream to show off how to use Encounters. Watch as they face off against a tarrasque!
Building an encounter
Creating a new encounter
The first thing you’re going to want to do is to make an encounter. You can access Encounters from the tools menu. This will take you to a blank encounter.
Adding player characters to an encounter
If you're making an encounter for your party, specify the number of player characters and their respective levels. By default, your encounter will be set to 4 characters of 5th level each, giving an average party level of 5. To adjust this, click the "Manage Characters" button.
This will bring up a menu that lets you add various party presets that can be customized, or even pull characters from one of your campaigns. Clicking the "Select Preset" dropdown will give you a list of options, including preset parties of 4 characters of 1st, 5th, 11th, or 17th level (corresponding to the four tiers of play), as well as a list of all your campaigns. Selecting any of these will add the preset to your encounter.
If you select a generic preset, you’ll be presented with four character blocks each with a dropdown that lets you change the level (1). You can also add more characters using the "+ Add Character" button (2) and remove them by clicking the "X" button (3).
If you select a campaign, you’ll be presented with a slightly different view. A summary of the active characters in that campaign will be listed, with their level being automatically used to calculate the average party level.
As with the presets, you can add and customize generic characters. Additionally, if you wish to remove a character from encounter calculations, you can click the "..." button and select "Hide Character." You can also select "View Sheet" to be taken to their character sheet.
Using the campaign option will link the encounter to the campaign, meaning the character data will be pulled in when running the encounter, and dice rolls will be shared.
Once you’ve set your party composition to your liking, click the X button in the top right.
Adding monsters
Now that you’ve set up your party, it's time to select monsters to challenge them with! The easiest way to find the monster of your dreams — or your players' nightmares — is to use the search option at the top of the listings. But in addition to the search function, there are filters to the left. You can use these to refine the results, so if you want to see all Large, CR 3 to 5 aberrations with a fly speed, you can!
Having found your monsters of choice, you can add them to the encounter by clicking the "+Add" button, which is found on the right-hand side of the monster's summary bar, where you’ll also find its artwork, name, source, creature type, size, challenge rating, and difficulty based on the average level of your party.
You can click any monster's summary bar to expand it to view the whole stat block.
Adding a monster causes it to appear in the summary list on the right-hand side of the screen.
If you want to increase the number of monsters of a given type, you can do so in one of two ways. First, you can repeatedly click the "Add" button. This will add a new copy of that monster each time you do. Alternatively, you can click the "+" button next to the monster's entry in the encounter summary, which will increase the number of monsters in the encounter. Clicking the "-" button decreases the number, and removes them if you only have one.
It’s important to note that there is a mechanical difference between adding monsters in these two ways. Adding the monster using the "Add" button, so that it is listed multiple times, will result in each monster getting its own initiative. Increasing the number of monsters using the "+" and "-" buttons will result in all monsters of that sort using the same initiative roll.
Both of these are rules-accurate ways of rolling for monster initiative and come down to Dungeon Master preference. We wanted to make sure that it was possible to do both when running encounters.
Encounter summary
At the top of the encounter summary sidebar, you’ll see a collection of information. This is the encounter's difficulty rating based on the rules for evaluating encounter difficulty. You’ll find not only the current difficulty, total XP (what you award to your players), and adjusted XP (what the difficulty is based off), but also the XP bracket for each of the four difficulty levels and your daily budget of XP. All of this is automatically calculated based on your party preset!
Finally, there’s a handy little color-coded bar to show how close you are to your daily budget!
Encounter details
At the top of the encounter builder, you’ll find two important areas for adding additional details: the name field and the "Summary" tab.
The name field allows you to add a custom name to your encounter so that you can easily identify it later.
Clicking the "Summary" tab takes you to a separate view where you can add additional information such as a short summary of your encounter, a more comprehensive description, and other notes! You can return to the main view by clicking the "Monsters" tab.
Saving your encounter
Now that you’ve made your perfectly balanced encounter, as all things should be, you’re ready to save it. The save button can be found on the right-hand side of the screen, next to the Encounter Summary.
Once you’ve saved your encounter, you can navigate away from this page safe in the knowledge that it’ll be ready for you when it comes time to roll for initiative!
Running an encounter
Now that we’ve made an encounter, it’s time to run it!
Loading a saved encounter
You can find your saved encounters by clicking "My Encounters" under the "Collections" tab of the megamenu.
This will take you to a list of your saved encounters, where you can not only see the names of your encounters but their creation date, what campaign they’re linked to, difficulty, player levels, and when it was last saved. You can sort by any of these headers, search by encounter name, or filter by active campaign.
Two important options sit at the right-hand side of each encounter: a "Run" or "Resume" button and the encounter menu button. From that menu, you can edit, duplicate, and delete encounters, and restart them if it’s already been started.
To load an encounter in order to run it, just click anywhere on the bar and you’ll be taken to the pre-combat summary screen. This screen shows you all the monsters in the encounter, a summary of its difficulty, and any descriptive information you might have added. You can also open the Game Log from the button in the top right, as well as access the same menu as before to edit, duplicate, delete, and restart.
To start the encounter, click "Run Encounter" below the monster list. If you’ve previously started this encounter, the button will instead say "Resume Encounter."
Rolling initiative
As everyone knows, combat begins with initiative being rolled. For both monsters and player characters, you have the option to roll automatically or manually enter initiative rolls. Rolling automatically will pull the appropriate initiative or Dexterity modifier from either the character sheet or monster stat block. Just click the "Auto Roll Initiative" button found above the "Player Characters" list and the "Monsters" list.
Clicking these buttons will automatically populate the appropriate fields and, if you’ve got digital dice enabled, roll a whole lot of math rocks!
If your encounter uses any generic player character entries, either because you’ve had to add some on the fly or the encounter isn’t tied to a campaign, you’ll see entries labeled "Player Character (A),” “Player Character (B),” etc. If you automatically roll initiative, the result listed for those player characters will just be the d20 roll, so you’ll need to manually add any modifiers.
It’s important to note that you can change initiative values at any time and the initiative order will automatically adjust, moving any creatures around to be in the right order.
Setting hit points
Monsters and characters linked to character sheets will automatically set hit points when you start the encounter. For player characters, it will be the number of hit points their sheet currently says they have. For monsters, it will be their average hit points. However, for both monsters and generic player character entries, you can set the current hit points using the "Max HP Override" option.
Click on the box where the hit points are displayed on any monster or generic PC. You’ll see three options: damage and heal, temp hp, and max hp override. Whatever amount you put into the last option will set that character's max hp.
This is also how you apply damage and healing to any monster or generic PC, or any temporary hit points.
Manual entry
Manual entry is a useful option if you want to add stuff to initiative other than creatures. For example, you can use it to:
- Track lair actions
- Track environmental effects
- Add reminders for legendary actions after certain characters' turns
- Add reminders for chase consequences
Manual entry has six fields: name, max hp, armor class, speed, initiative, and quantity. Any of these fields except name can be left blank if the information doesn’t apply. Once you’ve filled out any initiative events that you need, just click "Add."
Turn information and controls
Below the initiative order, you’ll find turn information. Here, you can find the current round and the current turn in the round. This can be invaluable for tracking things like haste or enlarge/reduce.
Additionally, there are two buttons. "Next" advances the turn to the next creature and "Undo" rewinds the turn back to the previous creature.
Creature information
Within the initiative order, there is summary information for all creatures in the encounter. In addition to their names and artwork, if they have it, you’ll find AC and speed for all creatures. Player characters will have Passive Perception, while monsters will have their HP, including the dice formula, plus initiative bonus.
Clicking on a monster will also open their stat block in the area to the right of the initiative order. From there, if you have digital dice enabled and are a subscriber, you’ll be able to roll from their stat block directly into the Game Log!
Saving, editing, and resuming an encounter
We all know that feeling of getting halfway through an epic fight and having to pause for the evening. Luckily with the encounters tool, you can save your progress.
Saving and resuming an active encounter
Encounters automatically saves as you play, so don’t worry about losing everything if your cat jumps on your keyboard and closes your browser window!
To resume an active encounter, just navigate to "My Encounters" under the "Collections" tab of the megamenu. There, to the right of paused encounters, you’ll see a "Resume" button. This will take you straight back into the action!
Editing an active encounter
But say your party has made a terrible tactical error and alerted the enemy reinforcements? Well, that’s where the edit option comes in. By clicking the three vertical buttons in the top right next to the "Game Log" button, you can access the "Edit" option.
This will take you back into the encounter builder screen, but without losing your progress. From here you can completely change any part of the encounter, including monsters and even what player characters are participating. Once you’re done, hit "Save" and you’ll be taken to the pre-encounter screen, but with a "Resume Encounter" button instead of "Run Encounter."
Easter eggs await you in Encounters
Hopefully, this gives you all the tips and tricks you need to make full use of the Encounters tool. It is a powerful way to plan and run combat encounters in D&D Beyond. Now, I’ll leave you with a little challenge: there are some easter eggs hidden within the encounter builder, can you find them?
Davyd is a moderator for D&D Beyond. A Dungeon Master of over fifteen years, he enjoys Marvel movies, writing, and of course running D&D for his friends and family, including his daughter Willow (well, one day). The three of them live with their two cats Asker and Khatleesi in south of England.
Is there a way to add a dire wolf beast companion to the party and not as a monster so it can get initiative and Hp listed like a PC?
Is there a way to end an encounter. Players defeated the enemies, but I don't see a way to "END". I don't want to delete it in case I need to come back to the notes for something.
Is there a max number of creatures you can have on an encounter?
There's a "Restart" option as well as the "Resume", and that will bring it nearly back to zero. The only problem I've run into is it won't remove any manually added participants (not through the 'Edit Encounter', but through the 'Manually Add' one).
You can "Manually Add" custom entries into initiative while the encounter is running by clicking "Manual Entry', but be careful because I haven't found a way to REMOVE them once the encounter is finished (if I want to run it again for another group).
How Do your players attack the creatures it does not work for me they just make rolls.
They can't directly attack a specific creature- they roll like they would at a table telling the DM who they're targeting and the DM has to note AC hit/miss and subtract the appropriate HP manually.
I also miss this function. Some option to mark it "complete" for later summaries and overview.
It should still be possible to reopen and edit... I just miss the "complete" or "ended" mark. It is a quality of life thing I guess.... and should be very easy to implement.
Further feature would of course be to have the option to share and add XP to the surviving combatants.
So it's about 5 years behind any other VTT tool. Nice.
This is really helpful thanks
How do we close out encounters? Do XP automatically calculate when all monsters are dead? What if the encounter can end with no death and just everybody simmering down and not fighting? I'm still learning how to DM.
I would have expected to be able to add a player's characters from dndbeyond to an encounter. I can't find a way to do this. If it's possible it's not obvious.
In order to add a character to an encounter, they have to be in one of your campaigns, if multiple characters are desired to be added, they all have to be on the same campaign. To add characters to your campaign, after making the campaign, the main campaign page will have a link you send the players (or go to the link yourself to add your own characters), that page will lead to a character select page where you will need to either select one of the unassigned characters, make a new one, or use one of your characters. This will attach that character to that campaign.
Once a campaign has been set up - you can either hit "Create an Encounter" on the top right of the campaign page, or go to the encounter builder, hit "manage characters" near the top, and then select the campaign the desired character is in from the drop down menu below the presets of X chars at X level. All assigned characters of that campaign will be added to the fight. If not every character is desired for the encounter, you can remove them individually by going to the manage characters screen, click the ellipse on their character name plate and select "hide character".
The xp is tallied at the top, and killing them or ending the encounter any other way doesn't directly modify the player's character sheets- You need to tell them the xp they've earned (the total / # of players) and have them add it to the sheets themself.
As far as concluding the encounter, though; There doesn't seem to be a function to close out the encounter, the turns seem to just... keep going, and the encounter still registers as in-play, with the only option being 'RESUME' when you leave the encounter. Any updates to that coming soon?
Thanks you so much for your reply :)
There's no way to 'close' or end an encounter. If you want to reuse/end it, there's the 'Restart' option in addition to the 'Resume'. Restarting will reset all HP for monsters (NOT PCs), reset all initiatives orders, and effectively 'end' the encounter since you have to click 'Run' again to start it. It will not remove any "Manually Added" creatures though, so keep that in mind.
When using multiple tabs (switching between Maps and Encounters), the statblock becomes unavailable after a while. It does not appear anymore when you click the monster. You can still run the encounter by reducing health etc. but you effectively lose the functionality to roll attacks, saving throws etc. in the stablock. Can this issue be checked?
I like this feature a lot I think there are some things that should be tweaked. For example there should be a way to organize them better similar to that of making folders or something of that sort and a way to end the encounter, like a button that ends it. I think as a tool it is well put together for an alpha release.
I’m seeing comments about wanting to change monster’s names, or their CR. There is actually a really simple solution to this. First, create a homebrew monster, using the monster you want to change as a base. Then, simply change its name and/or it’s stats and attacks and stuff, and there you go. A monster with a different name, or a different CR. Then, all you have to do is add it to your custom encounter. I’m doing this to make a weaker Adult Red Dragon for my players to fight, and they’re really low level (probably gonna fight it around level 4 or 5). Note: when editing an existing monster, the text might glitch out and display a bunch of extra garbage. Just delete all that text, go to the details page for the original monster, and copy and paste the text over, then change the numbers and stuff.