We’ve just leveled up in a big way.
Dungeons & Dragons and D&D Beyond have always felt like a part of the same family. That’s why we’re excited to announce that D&D Beyond is formally joining Wizards of the Coast, bringing together two teams that eat, breathe, and sweat for this game and continue to strive to make D&D easy to run, exciting, and accessible to all.
You (and by you, we mean the 10 million users that have been on this adventure with us since 2017!) are probably wondering what kind of change might happen as a result of these two teams coming together, so let’s make this clear: Wizards of the Coast has no plans to stop supporting D&D Beyond. Ever. The purchases you’ve made, the characters you’ve created, and the campaigns you’ve run aren’t going anywhere.
You’ve probably got a million questions about what comes next. What we can say for sure is that we’re excited for what the future holds as we dig in with our new partners. We wish you could see the big stupid grins we’ve all been walking around with. This is truly an incredible time for all of us, and it really feels like there’s no limit to what we can accomplish for our players. Remember, the key factor that makes this partnership perfect is that these teams want one thing: to make your experience playing the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game even better.
If you’ve been on this journey with us for a while, we’re so glad you’re here. If you’re brand new and clicked on the site today to figure out what the big news was all about, welcome! Remember to register for a free account! (Sorry, couldn’t help ourselves.) We’ll have more to share with you throughout the year, so tune in to the Dev Update, which airs on Twitch on Thursdays at 10 a.m. PT, and check out new content right here on dndbeyond.com.
To read Hasbro's press release on the acquisition, click here.
I really hope this means physical book purchases come with a digital code as well.
Agreed. Good for the folks at D&DB. But, as someone who uses Beyond20 to run my campaign, how WotC plans on dealing with third-party extensions is my main concern.
there used to be, then the went the twitch route
Please please please don't let them jack up the pricing.
YES!! I'm so excited!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
Is this what you are looking for?
Maybe Wizards will stop Fandom from spamming PAYING CUSTOMERS with ads every damn week!
Dear D&D Beyond
I am very glad for your team to join the big family of Wizards Of The Coast! That you may improve and bring D&D to more people this way!
Kind regards
Now people will have a lot less reason to worry if their digital content is really future-proof. Me, I wasn't worried. But this is the best news I've heard for DDB yet! Can't wait to see if maybe we'll finally be able to get discount codes for purchasing digital and physical content.
Hooray! I hope we get the ability to have our players buy stuff, spending their character's money, and hopefully we get to curate the shops.
Fantastic. I was hoping this would have happened when Amazon/Twitch/Curse was looking to spin DDB off. Better late than never
Please please please, let the book prices and subscription services stay the same. I really don’t want things to get cash-grabby.
Huh. That would be a really interesting concept to work out. Probably quite difficult to do, but interesting nonetheless.
Finally! I hope the team will stay intact and only grow. You guys rock.
Does that mean that finally people who have physical copy of any of the books may get them access on D&D Beyond without buying them again?
I am hoping this means Adventurer League modules are integrated as well as the primary Adventure books have been!
I see most people happy about this. I am not. I am worried about future anti-trust practices that can happen now. Access new adventures a few days before it's oficial release on DDB? Maybe prices here will be lower than competitors? Forget about price, what if WofC decides to only sell the digital version of their books on DDB? You might think "I use DDB, so these are all good for me!", but in reality this means curing competition, stopping future innovations (no need to innovate if you're the only player in the market), and lack of customer options.
I just prefer to buy stuff physical not online
does this mean if you bought a physical copy we can get it pdf form? b/c I have bought alot of books form you guys.