Pick a card, any card! The Deck of Many Things is a legendary magic item that has been introducing chaos into Dungeons & Dragons games for decades. Now, with The Deck of Many Things set, you can harness the unpredictability of this infamous magic item and use it to craft exciting new adventures!
The Deck of Many Things set includes physical cards to expand your Deck of Many Things, as well as a guidebook that showcases each of the cards. It also includes The Book of Many Things, a sourcebook.
Let’s dive into what this set has in store for those who dare open it.
- Physical Product: The Deck of Many Things Set
- Digital Product: The Book of Many Things
- The Mysterious Deck of Many Things
Physical Product: The Deck of Many Things Set
The physical version of this product contains The Book of Many Things, an expanded 66-card Deck of Many Things, an 80-page guidebook for using the cards, and a decorated case to keep everything organized.
The Book of Many Things
The Book of Many Things is a 192-page sourcebook that includes tools, adventure locations, and new monsters for Dungeon Masters. This unique book digs into the history of the legendary item and provides new ways to use it in your campaign. With guidance from The Book of Many Things, DMs can use the Deck of Many Things to craft random encounters, introduce alternative game mechanics, and create startling twists for their players!
For players, the book contains a wealth of options that can tie your character to the fate-manipulating Deck of Many Things. Has the Deck granted you a gift in the past? Maybe its destructive capabilities had catastrophic consequences when you or someone you knew drew a card? Whatever effect the Deck has had, the two new player backgrounds will allow you to encapsulate it in your character background.
You can also weave the Deck’s fateful powers into your character with one new feat, three new spells, and over 50 new magic items.
Expanded Deck of Many Things
The physical set includes 44 new cards to add to your Deck of Many Things, as well as the original 22 cards! These lavishly decorated cards triple the size of the original Deck and allow you to mix and match cards to tailor the Deck to your campaign.
The Deck of Many Things Guidebook
The cards are accompanied by an 80-page guidebook that showcases each of the cards in the expanded Deck.
Custom Box
These physical treasures come in a sturdy custom box, so you can display the set on your shelf and easily transport it to your games.
Digital Product: The Book of Many Things
The Book of Many Things is available in the D&D Beyond marketplace. The 192-page book as described above integrates with D&D Beyond's digital toolset.
The physical + digital bundle offers a digital version of The Book of Many Things, as well as a physical version of The Deck of Many Things set, but does not include a digital version of the cards or guidebook.
The Mysterious Deck of Many Things

Since the earliest days of Dungeons & Dragons, the Deck of Many Things has been derailing campaigns across the D&D multiverse. The Deck, which first appeared in D&D’s 1975 Greyhawk expansion, contains various cards that can take on a number of appearances. They may appear as a regular deck of cards, thin pieces of ivory delicately carved with intricate illustrations, or even a 22-sided die.
How many cards from the Deck of Many Things you encounter can vary. Most decks have 13 cards. Some have 22 cards. Others may have more or less. Before drawing from the deck, you must declare how many cards you intend to draw. Once you declare your intent, you must keep drawing for better or worse.
The effects of a typical Deck range from good effects, like increasing your character’s level, to horrible effects, like summoning an avatar of death who is hell-bent on killing you. But, there are many Decks circling the multiverse, which may contain their own unique temptations and tricks.
With The Deck of Many Things set, you’ll find new cards to expand your Deck of Many Things, as well as new ways to use the Deck. With triple the cards at your disposal, you’ll be able to craft a Deck of Many Things for any scenario!
How Many Cards Will You Draw?
If one thing’s for sure, the allure of the infamous Deck of Many Things is too tempting for most adventurers to resist. With The Deck of Many Things set, you can introduce opportunities for players to change their fate while still maintaining control over your campaign.
Even if your players resist the temptation of riches, kingdoms, and additional experience, the book contains a vast amount of content to add to your games! From adventures to organizations, character options to magic items, every flip of the page will reveal a new treasure… or a grim fate.
Mike Bernier (@arcane_eye) is the founder of Arcane Eye, a site focused on providing useful tips and tricks to all those involved in the world of D&D. Outside of writing for Arcane Eye, Mike spends most of his time playing games, hiking with his girlfriend, and tending the veritable jungle of houseplants that have invaded his house.
Question about preordering the digital+physical bundle: I want to gift this to my DM, will it provide a download code or automatically link to the email used to purchase?
Hmmm. Well, not a huge or particularly fascinating expansion, but I like the focus on an existing, beloved item, and the option to have it with new options that don't derail the campaign - that's really having our cake while eating it too.
Hoping the real new content (monsters, feat, spells, item) will be stuff that actually fits campaigns; some of the new content feels almost unusable except in the specific context of its book. But this does seem like the kinda thing that can be used almost anywhere, so I'll stay cautiously optimistic.
Is this coming with player options?
It gives a download code.
2 backgrounds, 1 feat, and 3 new spells. The listing also says it has 50+ magic items if you're the type that likes to "shop" for things to ask your DM for.
Can we just buy the deck separately?
I hope so, that the main thing I'm wondering.
How many new character options do you think there will be. I’ve heard rumors about a few feats, but I really want to see if they add more spells. Do you guys think they’ll add subclasses with the 2024 players handbook coming out so soon?
Given that I would have to pay an extra $40-$60 for customs and DH/FedEx/UPS services and given that the physical version will most likely arrive to local game shops somewhere closer to 2025, I pre-ordered the digital version only.
I do have a question though. Why isn't the guidebook available digitally as well?
If I buy only the digital version of the book, will that also come with a digital version of the 66-card Deck of Many Things and the 80-page guidebook for using the expansion cards?
Wait... so it's impossible to buy the new cards without buying the entire physical + digital bundle? Will it ever be possible to get just the deck, or even the book and deck without the digital version?
Optimally, I would want the physical deck and the digital books, but that doesn't look like an option....
The cards are a part of the physical set you preorder with the physical book. The only option to get them separately would be 3rd party resale or making / buying some proxy cards.
finally a worshiper. give me cupcakes
Is this a characcter expansion similar to tasha's
No, while it has a few character options it is mostly a Deck of Many Things/magic item source book.
Does the Deck of Many Things have a card that removes all AI art and artists that openly say they use AI for art from your overpriced, underdeveloped books?
If you read the article, you would know that it doesn't.
Anyone have any idea who the silver-haired adventurer on the cover is?