Your species is an integral part of defining where your character came from, with your character's background rounding out the other half of their origin. The 2024 Player’s Handbook has changed the way these aspects interact with your character, and also changed how creation works. As part of this new journey, each of the ten playable species featured in the 2024 core rules has been revisited and revamped. Some of these species were part of the 2014 core rules, and others have been added to the list.
We’ll take a look at what’s new for each and what some of the overall changes are in this article!
- Updated Species in the 2024 Player’s Handbook
- New Species in the Core Rules
- Revised Species Traits
- Ability Score Adjustments No Longer Tied to Species
- New Art to Showcase Species
The 2024 Player’s Handbook is Now Available!
Buy the 2024 Player’s Handbook today and dive into revised rules, enhanced character options, and exciting gameplay innovations.
Get your copy on the D&D Beyond marketplace and seamlessly integrate your new content with D&D Beyond's library of digital tools built to make D&D easier, so you can focus on the fun!
Aasimar |
Dragonborn |
Dwarf |
Elf |
Gnome |
Goliath |
Halfling |
Human |
Orc |
Tiefling |
New Species in the Core Rules

A big change to the 2024 Player’s Handbook is the addition of some new but familiar faces. Three species that had previously been featured in other sourcebooks are now included within the core rules in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. The Aasimar, the Goliath, and the Orc have been called up to the majors, with some tweaks and updates for each.
Aasimar getting their Celestial Revelation trait at level 3 and as a Bonus Action was a change from Monsters of the Multiverse that has carried through to the 2024 Aasimar. An updated boost to this power for the new core rules is that an Aasimar no longer has to pick which option of this trait you want to take when you unlock it. Instead you choose which option you want to take whenever you activate it.
This means that your Celestial Revelation is now tied to your mood or emotional state when you call upon it. Are you looking to soar with your Heavenly Wings? Are you ready to be a righteous beacon with your Inner Radiance? Or are you feeling broken, crestfallen, and dour with your Necrotic Shroud?
The 2024 Goliath leans more heavily into the Giants that they descended from. Now you get to choose the specific type of giant that is in your family line. Like Tieflings, this ancestry doesn’t have to determine your Goliath’s destiny or personality, but it does mean inheriting different gifts you can tap into.
For example, a descendant of Fire Giants can add an additional d10 Fire damage on a successful attack roll. A Goliath with Stone Giant ancestry can use a Reaction when you take damage to roll a d12, add your Constitution modifier, and reduce your damage by that amount. Each of these types of traits can be used a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
A playable species in D&D in different versions since 1993, Orcs aren’t just back on the menu, they’re now a part of the core rules. The 2024 Orc builds upon the Adrenaline Rush feature from Monsters of the Multiverse, which allows you to Dash and gain Temporary Hit Points as a Bonus Action. Now you regain all uses of the trait after completing a Short Rest. Your 2024 Orcs also get expanded Darkvision, gaining a range of 120 feet.
Revised Species Traits

Whether it’s one of the three new species in the 2024 Player’s Handbook or one of the seven returning, each of the species in the 2024 core rules has been given an overhaul.
A Boost to Effectiveness
Features for several species have been given a boost to help give them more value within the action economy of the game. Dragonborn can now choose whether their breath weapon comes out as a Cone or a Line. Gnomes now get full access to Speak With Animals. Dwarves can now use Tremorsense on stone surfaces. Traits like these and others have all been looked at and upgraded to make them more usable more often in your games.
Elves and Tieflings Get Spells
Each of the three main 2024 Elf lineages and the three new 2024 Tiefling lineages gain access to a unique spell at level 3 and level 5. For example, the Wood Elf now gains Longstrider at level 3 and Pass Without Trace at level 5. Similarly, a Chthonic Tiefling gains False Life at level 3 and Ray of Enfeeblement at level 5. The three Tiefling lineages also gain resistance to an appropriate damage type, and the Thaumaturgy cantrip. Each of the three Elf and Tiefling variants also gain a unique cantrip.
Each Species Was Shaped With an Eye Toward the Fantasy
When working on the revisions for each of the species for the 2024 Player’s Handbook, a decision was made to focus on what the fantasy of each species is. Dwarves were given enhanced Stonecunning and Darkvision to emphasize their legacy of toiling away in mountain mines and kingdoms. Goliaths lean much more heavily into their specific lineages to reflect being the descendants of Giants as we understand them in D&D. Dragonborn were given the ability to access wings because flight is absolutely one of the coolest things about dragons.
Even Humans in the 2024 Player’s Handbook were given a keen focus on their role in fantasy. The flavor text talks about the way Humans have spread throughout the multiverse much in the way humans have done to every corner of our globe. By emphasizing human resourcefulness and versatility in their traits, the 2024 core rules portray humans as they’re seen in stories like The Lord of the Rings or The Witcher, or even in sci-fi tales like Star Trek, never content to stay in one place, always eager to learn, grow, and explore.
In some cases, this means these species have been given more choice points during the creation process, such as Tieflings or Goliaths. In other cases, like Halflings or Dwarves, these choice points were streamlined to best serve their fantasy elements.
Ability Score Adjustments No Longer Tied to Species
A huge change to species in the 2024 Player’s Handbook is that your ability score adjustments will no longer be tied them. With the 2014 character creation rules, players often chose their class based on the ability score adjustments of the species, which took away from the customizability of character creation. Now you can play any species with any character class without feeling like you’re intentionally putting yourself at an ability score detriment by doing so.
Your ability score adjustments now come from your background, which also gives you proficiency in certain skills. This makes backgrounds more important to character creation as the part of your character’s history where they honed their skills and abilities.
The way ability score adjustments work for 2024 backgrounds is that each background has three ability scores tied to it. You can choose to add +2 to one of those ability scores and +1 to another, or add +1 to all three. For example, the Farmer background gives you Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom to choose from. The Wayfarer background gives you Dexterity, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Using Backgrounds from Older Books
While these ten species have seen revisions for the 2024 Player’s Handbook, you can still use species and backgrounds from previous books. A sidebar in the character creation rules chapter gives you suggestions for how to adapt backgrounds and species from older books when creating new characters for the 2024 core rules.
New Art to Showcase Species

The 2024 Player’s Handbook has art for each species. These illustrations all show a variety of versions of each species to help inspire your characters. The art specifically shows what civilian life may look like for them, too, to help you get an idea of what life may have looked like for your character before they started adventuring.
Preorder the 2024 Core Rulebooks Today!
The 2024 Player’s Handbook is now available on the D&D Beyond marketplace, which means it's time to set out on new adventures with fresh or familiar characters!
The new options and revisions presented in this book are a result of a decade of lessons learned and adventures had. With updated rules and streamlined gameplay, it's never been easier to bring your stories to life.
We’re delighted to share with you the changes to fifth edition D&D that appear in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Make sure to keep an eye out on D&D Beyond for more useful guides on using the wealth of new options, rules, and mechanics found in the 2024 Player's Handbook!

Riley Silverman (@rileyjsilverman) is a contributing writer to D&D Beyond, Nerdist, and SYFY Wire. She DMs the Theros-set Dice Ex Machina for the Saving Throw Show, and has been a player on the Wizards of the Coast-sponsored The Broken Pact. Riley also played as Braga in the official tabletop adaptation of the Rat Queens comic for HyperRPG, and currently plays as The Doctor on the Doctor Who RPG podcast The Game of Rassilon. She currently lives in Los Angeles.
This article was updated on August 13, 2024, to issue corrections or expand coverage for the following features:
- Aasimar: Corrected Inner Radiance bullet.
- Dragonborn: Clarified when you choose the shape of your Breath Weapon.
- Human: Clarified that Origin feats are granted when you choose your background.
- New Species in the Core Rules (Goliath): Clarified the attack roll has to be successful.
Zero new species. Zero new classes. Heck, it doesn't even include classes from base 5e. A few sublcasses, though not one for each class. Nerfs to major class defining features like wild shape and smite, as well as nerfs to half orcs, half elves, and dwarves.
Why would you buy this? Like seriously, is there a part of this that isn't a cash grab?
Weapon mastery seems cool, but it's a table and not every martial class gets access to it. The cleric got buffs, like that was needed.
But everything is in the context of nerfs and buffs. There's nothing new here.
Why would you buy it?
Two letters PC. This is probably more for the Orcs than the Elves due to the often implied circumstances of half-orc creation. Half-elves is probably due to disdain Elves generally hold for non elves and short lived races.
I agree, half-species do still exist AND are in the 2024 PHB.
They're called Aasimar and Tiefling.
WHY isnt Fizban Dragonborns showing up in Game Rules - Races??
WotC trying to bury anything with Gem dragonborns and Gem dragons again?
Its just making it obscure to find it for new players looking for playing these and especially Gem varity as a race, well species in the new PHB 5e 2024
Nerfs? Wild shape was buffed. Smite was gently nerfed (and SHOULD have been). How were dwarves nerfed? The books is mostly buffs across the board (which admittedly risks being problematic, but we haven't see all the new DMG and MM changes yet). The very small number of nerfs where things that needed nerfing.
They " streamlined" my Stout Halfling out of existence.
So, can we talk about the halflings? They need to be balanced to the rest of the species. No cool new features, in fact they have been demoted. Do better.
Yeah, they removed the different types of dwarves too... AND removed Half Orc altogether replacing it with Orc for some reason. I'm not apposed to adding full Orc as a race... but Half Orc has been a staple since 1e. Sad.

On another note... the art on the Orcs page is laughable to me. Those Orcs would get CRUSHED by neighboring tribes. lol
They look like they're migrating from somewhere. I can see why.
It's like pretending that Savage Species in 3e didn ot exist
Looks like an entire tribe of half-orcs.
So, from the top, nerfs and buffs aren't new content. This book includes a couple of subclasses, weapons mastery, and a couple of spells. There's not a single new species or class. This is awful content for the price. This is a rip off.
No more subraces for dwarves so say goodbye to that +2/+2. That's a nerf. Streamlining things isn't better when you streamline them to be less than they were. Which is my point. With base 5e, I could choose between the +2/+2 or the +1 hp. Now, I have less choices. Thus, it's worse than it was. Why would you pay for less?
Sure, you can wild shape more if you exclude that you used to be able to regain all uses on a short rest. You could also pick anything you wanted to shape into, not just a limited number of forms, which have to be prepared. You don't have the full functionality of what it has in 5e and you use it less unless, for some reason, your DM refuses to give you short rests. And that's obviously not rules as written or intended. Plus, you're capped at 20 extra HP per wildshape, so much less than in 5e. This is a nerf.
Smite did not need to be nerfed. Casters get wish, fighters get four attacks. It's okay that things are strong as long as everyone has strengths that align with what they want to do. Clerics and Wizards, both of which are aggressively overrepresented in terms of abilities and content, didn't receive any kind of nerf. Heck, Clerics can now give vulnerability to damage as they see fit and literally cast wish. Where's the nerfs there? Oh, but smite is far too strong.
And even if you want to say it had to be nerfed, there's no reason to be able to counterspell a smite. And the fact that it now costs a bonus action is awful. What if I want to take Great Weapon Master? Polearm master? Telekinetic? What if I just want to use my bonus action for any number of bonus action elements. If you wanted to balance only one smite per turn with weapon mastery, I could get behind that. But that's not what happened. Right now, the cleric 8th level ability is going to give you more damage overall and not take up your bonus action. Again, it's worse than in 5e, so why would I buy it?
And sure, maybe the other two books are going to fix the whole thing. I doubt it. And I don't have those books now. I've already bought almost all of the content in here and they want more money for worse versions of the same things. Also, if the MM and DMG were going to make this better, why weren't they released all at the same time? There's no reason to break them into three lesser releases if they're that dependent on each other.
Half species blocks are to be ported from the old player handbook
One book in all of 5e had a new class in it. And several species got reworked to such a degree that they might as well be new (e.g. Goliath, Dragonborn, Human.) Your expectations are unreasonable.
Was in agreement with you, right up until you said :
[Human's] got reworked to such a degree that they might as well be new.
5.[4th-edition] has some interesting/exciting changes, but I'd hardly highlight what they've done to the Human species as one to shout about.
Also, now that 5.[4th-edition] lives, can we get the Avenger and the Warden class back in the inevitable PHB2. (Broken record, I know, and the Wilden species)
(if you read, I thank you for your time, Sláinte)
I noticed that there not much information on Species in the 2024 On line Rules. 2014 Basic Rules covers every race and class,, although it skimpy on Backgrounds. Although we are talking about the species in the extremely expensive PHB2024,. Should there be a 2024 basic rules already be in place, I can at the moment can get information on every class but only on Humans, Halflings, Dwarfs and Elves. Also only the Criminal. Sage, Soldier & Acolyte backgrounds are available
My expectations are just fine, 'cause this isn't free. It is reasonable that if they want 50 dollars for this book, then there at least be something in it that I haven't already paid for. Tasha's and MoMM are currently $30 and way more value then this rip off.
This isn't errata and this isn't UA. It's not free. If they're going to charge for it, they need to provide something. And all they've done is repackage and adjust things they've already sold. I've purchased plenty of books for D&D on multiple platforms. This is, and has been the entire time, a rip off. They are reselling things that already exist, that they've already sold, and that haven't been changed.
This isn't art. It's not morality. This is a product. It should be treated as such.
Is removing the term Half in front of any species racist. I know WOTC want to bring things into this stupid era, but removing the term half from Half-Elf and Half-Orc dosn't realy make snse. Half-Elves been here since day one. Orcs are usualy considered evil in most fantasy gendre, ask Tolkien.
Removing the mixed heritage, suppose I can't say Mixed Species as it now sounds more racist than mixed race and so there for term is considered racist. (cased closed M'lud)
The only person who DID NOT belive in mixed races and wanted a pure race was a certain Dictator that was famed to have started a World War
Next idea will be to make a species non-binary as both male and female have same looks.
Feels like a downgrade tbh, we lost some of the really good races (The half Elves were goated) and the new rules don't make sense for spellcasters under 3rd level. I'm pretty fond of playing half elf forge clerics and warlocks, but that doesn't feel like a good option to use now. I'm probably just going to stick with the legacy and 5e rules, the old books were actually worth their prices.