Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
V, S
1 Hour
WIS Save
You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
I wish it could be for artificers
Casting Spellword is:
Visicus Wonderium
A+ spell for short term social situations.
This is NOT a mind-control spell! The charmed character regards the charmer as a Friendly Acquaintances, meaning they think of them as a best friend or friends.
The description makes no mention as to whether or not the target must be conscious or able to hear / understand you. Would it still take affect if the target is asleep / unconscious? I was also going to ask if it would work if the target doesn't understand you (know your language) or can't hear you (either deafened by a spell, or can't hear because of other means), but I suppose because you're not issuing any commands it wouldn't really apply to this.
I was also wondering if the caster would have advantage on an unconscious target, but then again perhaps the spell would actually automatically fail because it is a Wisdom saving throw maybe the target needs to be awake to have its mind affected and casting it on an unconscious person would cause the spell to automatically fail?
I'd say the sleeping person is vulnerable according to the spell text, though you don't get a huge benefit versus if they were awake. The reason you might do it while they are asleep is so they don't hear the Verbal and see the Somatic components of the spell, so they'd be less likely to guess that they have been charmed (one of the probably often ignored downsides of this spell is that in the middle of a conversation you are waving your hands and saying archaic words to them, which would be pretty suspicious to someone if the made their save and wasn't charmed by you after).
So yeah, you could get a free "try" without raising suspicion as long as the verbal component didn't wake them up (maybe a roll for that?), then if it works, you could wake them up and tell them some story with the charmed benefits. Seems to me a DM would be right to give you some big bonuses to your rolls in addition to your charmed advantages based on the confusion and surprise of being awoken by a friend.
We're supposed to go based on exactly what the spell says, so I'd assume that the WIS save proceeds as normal. I found several sources where people agree that because the rules about saving throws specifically say that sleeping people fail STR and DEX, but say nothing about WIS/INT/CHA, that anything but a STR/DEX save proceeds as normal.
So then why wouldn't the spell work? If it doesn't say they have to be conscious, or hear you, or understand, then they should work no matter what as long as the person is in range. Compare this to the Suggestion spell, which only works on creatures "that can hear and understand you". If Charm Person had that requirement, it would say so.
What is the wisdom saving throw that they need to make number
Depends on the caster's Spell Save DC.
Can be with eyes of charming
Does the huamanoid have a chance to make a saving throw per round?
I assume this means the "Charmed" creature can still attack other PC's, just not the PC casting the spell.
Yep very true, it's friendliness is only towards the caster, atleast initially. It's up to the caster and DM how it plays out, but it would make sense if someone you consider friendly who had advantage on social checks, pleaded with you to stop hurting their friends as they will not hurt you either and you listened. The charm is also potent enough that it is unaffected by any hostile actions taken towards the charmed target's allies.
What is the extent of the power of the spell?
eg. A life Cleric will always cast a healing spell on someone (allies, enemies, strangers..etc) who is dying from blood loss or at least spare the dying. If this life Cleric failed it's wisdom save and the charmer told the Cleric to not heal the injured person, what would the Cleric do?
eg2. A player knows that the magic item "the deck of many things". Another player wants the first player to draw a card from the deck of many things, but the (first) player believes it to be dangerous and does not wish to risk it. The other player casts charm person and tells the first player to draw a card. What happens.
The way the spell says "the charmed person will regard the caster as a friendly acquaintance" but you won't do everything a friendly acquaintance asks.
It doesn't require concentration, so can I cast charm person multiple times and each time charm a new target? I know at higher levels it lets you attempt to charm multiple people, but can I cast it twice as a first level spell, in two different action phases, and have two different characters charmed to me at the same time?
Yup. Make some friends!
Check out infusion/ replicate items/ second tier
I have a question regarding the 'offensiveness' of this spell.
In a game I am part of, an npc cast this spell on my entire party. Everyone failed their save except for me. At the time, we were in negotiations with the NPC, and we were having none of what they were offering. The npc equated the casting of the spell to him 'trying to lighten the mood'. Now, my question is, is this considered a hostile action? My DM said no at the time as it just changes your disposition towards someone, even though I tried to equate it to mind manipulation. The NPC was then getting close and buddy buddy with my other party members, and I did not want to risk endangering them, so I let is go and we role-played through the rest of the negotiations.
So, what are your thoughts? I think in a world of magic, most people would be pissed about being subjected to mind affecting magic. :)
The thing about being charmed is you don't know about it until after it's over, so no, the PCs affected by it would not perceive being charmed as a hostile action while they were charmed.
If that were the case, Charm Person would be nearly useless as a spell. A good rule of thumb is that if your specific situation would break something in all other situations, it's probably not being ruled correctly. In this case, your DM ruled correctly. The point of charming someone is that they don't think you're being hostile: that's harder to do if they are covered in the wounds you've given them, but a negotiation leaves no such obvious traces.
you can artifice Eyes of Charming with the Replicate Magic Item artificing feature!
What if you don't have any spell slots, and attempt to charm a person?