Casting Time
1 Minute
V, S, M *
8 Hours
Buff (...)
You touch a willing creature and bestow a limited ability to see into the immediate future. For the duration, the target can't be surprised and has advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. Additionally, other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the target for the duration.
This spell immediately ends if you cast it again before its duration ends.
* - (a hummingbird feather)
spellu asta e cel mai bun b0ss
Honestly? This spell is amazing. Advantage on EVERYTHING. It isn't even concentration!
Why is this not on the sorcerer list?
The Kraken Slarkrethel in Storm Kong’s Thunder can use this spell. Would it be OP if it used this spell on itself in a fight? Because it’s one big powerful beast with high stats already.
The adventure specifically states that he uses it before he initiates the fight. Absolutely have him use it. He's practically a demi-god that's been alive for well over 40,000 years. Just remember that the adventure also says he's not out to kill the adventurers, btu to intimidate and humble them.
So..it ends prematurely if the wizard casts it again?
Dont wizards only get one level 9 spell slot?
You could take a long rest before the duration ends (elves). There's also the Boon of High Magic, which grants another 9th level slot.
There are other possibilities, though. With a spell scroll, or as an Epic Boon; The Boon of High Magic "a spellcaster can gain an additional 9th-level spell slot provided they already have one." -=DMG - Other Rewards, pg 232.
With the new Metamagic Adept feat, this spell can very easily be broken. Using Extended spell, the duration becomes 16 hours. More than enough time to long rest. Cast this before you take a long rest as an extended spell, and the next day of adventuring you have perma-advantage.
Applying this to the party’s Rogue sounds like a fun way to break things, considering constant sneak attack.
So what I'm understanding about this; if a sorc had a spell scroll of this + comprehend languages, they still wouldn't be able to use it would they?
Indeed, spell scrolls depend on the spell being on your spell list for the class; tis not a language barrier at all. Even perfect understanding of the scroll won't be enough to use it.
Or give the Samurai 16 attacks in one turn.
Does mind blank cancel foresight if you are a bard and cast both on yourself? Darn
samurai rapid strike only works once per turn
Because Twinned Spell is a thing that exists