Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo a debilitating effect. You can reduce the target's exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following effects on the target:
- One effect that charmed or petrified the target
- One curse, including the target's attunement to a cursed magic item
- Any reduction to one of the target's ability scores
- One effect reducing the target's hit point maximum
I'm having trouble finding any case of petrify where you don't also turn to stone, so that would lead me to believe this would indeed reverse the condition caused by prismatic wall.
Correct, being turned to stone imposes the petrified condition. This undoes the effect that did that, i.e. turning to stone.
Would I be able to use this on myself if say I had only one of my legs petrified?
Speaking strictly from RAW you don't have the condition yet (as that covers you completely being turned), so it wouldn't *technically* do anything. But obviously 99% of DMs would agree it'd be enough. I haven't checked Sage Advice if this was covered or not yet, but that's my take on it personally.
In the description of Bestow Curse it mentions that a Remove Curse will end the effect, but doesn't mention Greater Restoration, however Greater Restoration lists ending the effects of a curse on a target in its description. Does that mean it can remove a curse applied from Bestow Curse?
Why can't a Paladin learn this spell? It's baffling.
being a 5th level spell I'd say Greater Restoration would definitely have the power to function in the same way.
I would say that they have that, because ... why not?
It doesn't make any sence to me that they don't. Good thing I am the DM of my groupe XD
I imagine for game balance, a Paladin isn't meant to do everything a Cleric can, they're strong enough already. Even class feature variants don't give them access to this spell.
Also they only get it at level 17 so there is not gonna be much of a window to for a paladin to use it.
only one lvl of exhaustion? so a lvl5 spell is less effective than a case of red bull.....it is less expensive just to kill your party member and rez him than cure multiple lvls of exhaustion in this way!
Petrified is a condition, and greater restoration states that it can end one condition, so I would say yes.
Does GR restore all of the points lost to an ability score or One point per cast of GR? And does it only work against temporary or does it work on permanent reduction?
in our oneshot we used it to reverse the whole turn to stone thing from a Medusa. so id say yeah. this is actually why im looking it up rn lol.
Greater restoration "end[s] one of the following effects on the target", one of which is "any reduction to one of the target's ability scores". So yes the entire reduction goes away, returning the ability score to normal, whether the effect was meant to be temporary or permanent. In the rare circumstance that an effect would not be able to be undone by greater restoration, it would say so in the effect's description and state what magic, if any, can be used to undo it.
Does anyone else find it odd that Greater Restoration's description doesn't include fixing the same conditions that Lesser Restoration does? That seems to preclude swapping out Lesser Restoration when you get Greater Restoration. I realize that isn't spell-slot effective, but for a Bard, that freed-up known spell would be huge.
Honestly this is a great point. If it's a greater version it should be an upgraded version with the previous effects as well.
I came here because I want to know why neither restorations end the Stunned condition... why is it only Power Word Heal is the only spell that can end this condition...? I feel like petrification is way worse than stunned and should be able to be more easily removed therefore.
Going off Feeblemind, I'd say all points even if permanent.