Casting Time
1 Action
120 ft
V, S
1 Round
A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
One of the best spells in the game.
Probably the best level 1 spell, if your speaking damage wise, that there is.
Yeah. This string didn't read the complete description.I'd call it Guiding Boost.
Guiding Bolt and Scorcing Ray both burn spell slots. It's the way you determinate whether it actually does something to your victim that makes it show up as attack option: its a (ranged) spell attack roll. You roll the D20.
should also say available for "circle of the stars"
Ah yes, you can never have too much of the glorious art of minmaxing. The DM might be dying inside but that 26 damage in one turn is worth it.
I guess the circle of stars Druid can’t use these anymore.
(why is it not listed in the available classes?)
Needs tag for circle of stars druid