Casting Time
1 Action
120 ft
V, S
1 Round
A flash of light streaks toward a creature of your choice within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
Somehow I never noticed that Guiding Bolt applies advantage to the "next attack roll made against the target" which means you could use it to help set up an ally or make your rogue very happy.
Hmm...basically, a weaponized Faerie Fire.
I like that.
My new Half-Drow Heroism Paladin will be able to combine "Guiding Bolt" with his racial "Faerie Fire" to give advantage for days : )
This will go very well with my war cleric. Use this as an action, use divine favor (war cleric) as a bonus action, and then next turn lay into the enemy with 2 greatsword attacks (can attack again as a bonus action 4 times) for a usual damage of 4d6 + 2d4 per turn. Adding to that, I have great weapon master feat so I could take a -5 to hit to get a +10 damage, which I'd probably use with the advantage I get on my first attack.
And all this, at level one. (Variant Human)
this is called 'Guiding Bolt' so you'd think it actually is guided towards it, but its name should be 'bolt of radiance' because it is just a bolt of radiance
I think it makes sens being called 'Guiding Bolt'.
It isn't guided, because it isn't 'GuidED Bolt', but 'GuidING Bolt' and it actually guides the next attack by giving advantage
Sorry, somewhat new to using DnD Beyond and have a mechanical question.
I have a gnome domain of life cleric, and in DnD Beyond Guiding Light populates as both a spell and an attack action. Does that mean I can use it at will in combat, like Eldritch Blast? Or do I have to burn spell slots to use it? Seems to me I need to burn spell slots, but then I don't know why it populates as an attack action when other spells do not.
A warlock in my party also has Scorching Ray as both an attack action and spell, and uses it as an attack action (i.e., does not burn a spell slot). I guess I want to know if he's using it correctly, or if we're misinterpreting the rules.
Made an Blood Hunter Order of the profane Soul, selected The Celestial as my Patron. Was expecting to be able to use Guiding Bolt but I cannot seem too. Any idea why?
@Haplito Eldritch Blast is a cantrip (which counts as a level zero spell). You can use cantrips at will with the only cost being the time to cast it. Guiding Bolt is a 1st level spell. Any spell of 1st level or higher always requires a spell slot to cast (unless you have a feature that specifically states otherwise). Being in combat does not change what is required to cast a spell. Any spell that takes an action to cast will be listed under actions on your action menu, same for bonus actions and reactions. Spells that require a spell attack roll (as opposed to the target making a saving throw) will be listed under your attacks. Hope this helped.
@Daemus_1980 The choice of a Patron gives blood hunters different features than what warlocks get. Among other things, warlocks receive an expanded spell list. When a blood hunter chooses a celestial patron, that choice only influences these features- Rite Focus (You can expend a use of your Blood Maledict feature as a bonus action to heal one creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. They regain a number of hit points hit points equal to one roll of your hemocraft die + your intelligence modifier.); Revealed Arcana (You can cast lesser restoration once using a pact magic spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.); and Unsealed Arcana (You can cast revivify once without expending a spell slot. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.)
Thanks @carsonlake7. Makes sense. I wish DnD Beyond didn't feature such spells in the Action section, though, as it's a little confusing.
Thanks again for clearing this up.
I think this is should be a debuff because it affects an enemy, a Buff implies you are making something better. But in this case, you are effectively making their AC worse
I'm playing a Divine Soul Sorcerer and somehow have access to this spell but I'm not sure how, does anyone know why?
As Divine Soul Sorcerer any time you would normally be able to learn or replace a known spell (cantrip or leveled) you can select a spell from the clerics spell list. Check "Features and Traits" tab on you character page and look for "Divine Magic" under Sorcerer Features.
If you cast a bonus action spell you can’t cast an action spell on the same turn
The divine soul sorcerer feature gives access to the cleric spells as well as sorcerer spells.
Based on the wording, would I be correct in assuming if an ally hits an enemy with Guiding Bolt, would my Oathbreaker Paladin get advantage on the Inflict Wounds roll? In addition, if he would gain advantage and crits, does that mean the Inflict Wounds damage gets doubled?
unless one of the spell is a cantrip.
yes to both.
As a Circle of Stars Druid, if I can cast this without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to my prof mod, does that mean I cast it at level 1 or can I cast it at the highest level I’m able to cast?