Casting Time
1 Action
V, S, M *
1 Minute
You touch one willing creature. Once before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one saving throw of its choice. It can roll the die before or after making the saving throw. The spell then ends.
* - (a miniature cloak)
Wait, does this count yourself, or only someone else?
"You touch one willing creature." Counts as yourself but only if your willing.
This spell wouldn't suck if it scaled. Not worth it for an action at higher levels.
Cast on myself, I wasnt willing, didnt work :(
The material component of this spell is one of the oddest in the game.
Am I just dense, or does anyone else notice that it doesn't say anything other then when it ends?
Verbal Caduceus. Verbal.
Maybe it's a reference to a Cloak of Protection?
In combat, this spell isn't super helpful, but if you cast this on someone right before they started picking a lock or opening a door? The extra d4 to help avoid a trap can be very helpful.
Bardic inspiration...but a cantrip
That would be guidance.
1 min
I wish you could cast it as a reaction. The problem is most saving throws come without warning, negating most situations you’d want to use this spell
It still has its uses. Your thief is going to disarm a trap, cast Resistance. You are going to run down a trap filled corridor, Resistance. You are about to fight a Dragon, before you rush into its lair cast... Resistance. It has a duration of one minute, which is longer than most combats. Keep in mind it is Concentration.
If iam not wrong this and bless also work on a death safe. Which makes it pretty powerful in this case.
Ti my understanding this is correct so long as they were initially conscious and haven't used it yet
If a Chwinga casts it, does it need a miniature Chwinga cloak?
This is technically true, but making a Medicine check to stabilize a downed person is probably a better idea than casting this spell on them. The Medicine check DC and the base death save DC are the same (10) and most people who have this spell will probably have a Medicine skill modifier that beats the 1d4 granted by this spell most of the time, plus the Medicine check completely stabilizes the target.