You create a floating, spectral weapon within range that lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again. When you cast the spell, you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of the weapon. On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the weapon up to 20 feet and repeat the attack against a creature within 5 feet of it.
The weapon can take whatever form you choose. Clerics of deities who are associated with a particular weapon (as St. Cuthbert is known for his mace and Thor for his hammer) make this spell's effect resemble that weapon.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every two slot levels above 2nd.
Ran into an instance where the cleric went to 0hp. The group ruled the weapon stays in play, but takes no action due to no direction from the cleric. Just wanted to share for anyone who may run into this scenario in the future.
That would be accurate, because it isn't a concentration spell. It lasts for the duration, but only acts via the caster's bonus action.
So when I first cast this spell, I can make an attack with it, followed by a bonus action of moving it (or choosing not to) and making another attack. (2 attacks total)
Each following round after I take my regular action (casting, attacking, whatever), I can take a bonus action to move the spiritual weapon (or choose not to move it) and make one attack. (1 attack total)
Have I got that right?
I think that would make it a slight bit OP if it is played that way.
The way I read it, the casting of the spell is done as a Bonus Action, that follows your Action. That means you can take your action (dodge, attack, cast a spell, etc.) [PHB 192-193], then as a BA during that turn you cast Spiritual Weapon, which only gets an opportunity to attack if you cast it next to a visible target. /End Turn.
Then on all future turns during the duration of the spell (10 rounds or recast), the SW can move up to 20 ft. and make an attack as a BA as described in the spell.
You are only allowed one BA per turn, if your skills or abilities allow. [PHB 189] So if you have multiple skills or spells that grant a BA, you have to choose one.
You're right, I see it now. I know we're only allowed a single BA per turn, but I missed that casting this spell is also a BA....just assumed it was a regular Action.
Thanks for helping me clear that up in my head!
Odd question but I've seen examples where the weapon can float into the air, so with that in mind can the weapon bear weight? Such as someone hold onto to it and it carry them around?
The thing is the spell description literally states :
And then this is followed by :
Yes, as written, it is a powerful low level spell in my opinion. From my experiences up to now in DnD 5th edition, players interpret this description and apply it different ways. But, as written, using the gameplay terms, it says:
Since the casting time is a bonus action, wouldn't that mean you cannot make a second attack on the first turn you cast it (you already used up the bonus action)?
On another note, I was surprised to realize that this does not require concentration. That makes it much more useful, I think.
Here's a thought. What if a cleric summoned the weapon and then used it like a hoverboard. Low level flying spell.
The weapon is a construct of energy, you can hit things with it but you can't stand on it. z.b. you can feel a strong blast of wind and even get hurt by one but I wouldn't recommend stepping off a cliff into an updraft
Could you use this spell to fly?
Like, can a cleric cast spiritual weapon and grab it so he can float while using it?
I feel like this would be up to the DM, but can spiritual weapon be held and used like a normal weapon?
Literally says that when cast you can make a melee spell attack.
I don't see why not, it's a physical weapon under your command.
I could see a cleric wielding it like mjolnir, in the shape of a hammer you then can "throw" have it attack, and have return to you as a bonus action.
No, only one attack the first turn
"You create a floating, spectral weapon within range that lasts for the duration or until you cast this spell again." I believe the term "spectral" implies that the weapon is ghostly or intangible. It also deals force damage rather than bludgeoning/piercing/slashing damage like a physical weapon that it resembles would deal. So it makes sense that it's gonna hurt when it hits you but it shouldn't be an actual physical weapon. The name of the spell is spiritual weapon after all.
^ This ^
Sorry folks, it's overpowered enough for a third level war cleric. Besides, if you're 'throwing' it, you're missing out on an attack if you're in melee range or a cast if you're not since throwing it would consume an action. Best just to send it over to your enemies and have it follow them around, beating them mercilessly for 10 turns.
Furthermore, if the weapon were physical (or physical enough to be wielded, ridden, or lift something), it would have hit points and could potentially be destroyed by an enemy.
I know this spell is available to paladins at 5th level who take the Oath of Conquest. However, why wouldn't it be included in the regular list of paladin spells? It seems odd that the magic weapon spell is on the regular paladin spell list, but spiritual weapon is. Does anyone know the reasoning behind this?
If I'm playing with the grid variation of combat, is an enemy able to move trough the weapon? Does it even appear on the grid as something with the usual control Zone? The wording says nothing about a control Zone so I guess not but does it occupy space? Can I use it for CC and close gaps and control the battlefield?