I am playing a human level 7 oath of ancients paladin. Level 8 is coming up and I'm not sure which to take: +2 CHA or the resilient feat (CON). My stats are as follows:
STR (18), DEX (10), CON (15), INT (8), WIS (10), CHA (16)
I already have the heavy armor master and inspiring leader feats. I like playing more defensively, tanking hits and keeping the rest of my party protected. I really appreciate the bonus from aura of protection and extra CHA adds to my feat. I'm more inclined to eventually max CHA and leave my STR at 18. However, CON saves are very common in our game (a 52 damage dragon breath comes to mind) and having proficiency in CON may help prolong my HP enough to "lay on hands" my party to survival. Also, that odd stat bothers me. Extra HP is always good.
Any advice to help end my hemming and hawing would be greatly appreciated!
If CON saves are common for you, Resilient (Constitution) would go a long way for you. It would raise it to a 16 and give you the proficiency.
Sentinel is also a good "tanking" feat as far as protecting your friends goes. It says, "hey, focus on me."
I think an often overlooked feat is Tavern Brawler. It also gives +1 CON. I'd say that you could bash something with your shield as an improvised weapon and then use your bonus action to grapple the creature assuming you drop your weapon as a free action to gain a free hand to do so. This also says "hey, focus on me". You could then continue making unarmed strikes on them for 1d4+4 (STR mod) damage. I really like this option.
Durable also gives you +1 CON and makes short rest healing more potent for you.
If it were me, I'd go Tavern Brawler at 8, and then focus on CHA after that.
I"m a huge fan of Resilient Con, it's a great feat and as you've seen Con saves are pretty common. I would also second the suggestion for Sentinel as well based on your play style. I wouldn't probably worry about your strength too much as at your level you might get a chance at a belt of giant strength as some point.
I have definitely been looking at sentinel and shield master (though, no con here) as possible feats. I love that tavern brawler strategy, but our wizard loves using web and hold person too much for it to shine in my party, I feel. (I can hear him now: "You grappled a guy? How cute. I cast web and attempt to restrain all the enemies", lol)
There's no doubt that sentinel helps stopping mooks from reaching said wizard. The only thing is that all of the feat's features are a reaction, meaning I can use it once per turn. That's pretty awesome in that I only use my reactions for OAs, but I guess I'm still weighing that benefit with a +1 to saves, via my aura, to all nearby allies (basically helping any ally near me to halve damage, quarter it if it's a spell due to my ancients aura).
Though, after both of your posts, I'm definitely leaning more towards a feat that boosts CON over the CHA boost for now. Very helpful!
I'll cast another vote for Resilient(Con). Failing a Con save, especially against mid- and high-level creatures SUCKS OUT LOUD(Sometimes literally, if you're fighting vampires). Those are the kind of saves that can leave you poisoned, petrified, your Strength drained, etc. Plus, lots of Paladin spells require Concentration and you're likely right in the thick of battle taking damage.
With three important stats for a Paladin, it can be tough to find room for feats, but using one to even out a stat and boost an important saving throw type is worth it.
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I am playing a human level 7 oath of ancients paladin. Level 8 is coming up and I'm not sure which to take: +2 CHA or the resilient feat (CON). My stats are as follows:
STR (18), DEX (10), CON (15), INT (8), WIS (10), CHA (16)
I already have the heavy armor master and inspiring leader feats. I like playing more defensively, tanking hits and keeping the rest of my party protected. I really appreciate the bonus from aura of protection and extra CHA adds to my feat. I'm more inclined to eventually max CHA and leave my STR at 18. However, CON saves are very common in our game (a 52 damage dragon breath comes to mind) and having proficiency in CON may help prolong my HP enough to "lay on hands" my party to survival. Also, that odd stat bothers me. Extra HP is always good.
Any advice to help end my hemming and hawing would be greatly appreciated!
If CON saves are common for you, Resilient (Constitution) would go a long way for you. It would raise it to a 16 and give you the proficiency.
Sentinel is also a good "tanking" feat as far as protecting your friends goes. It says, "hey, focus on me."
I think an often overlooked feat is Tavern Brawler. It also gives +1 CON. I'd say that you could bash something with your shield as an improvised weapon and then use your bonus action to grapple the creature assuming you drop your weapon as a free action to gain a free hand to do so. This also says "hey, focus on me". You could then continue making unarmed strikes on them for 1d4+4 (STR mod) damage. I really like this option.
Durable also gives you +1 CON and makes short rest healing more potent for you.
If it were me, I'd go Tavern Brawler at 8, and then focus on CHA after that.
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I"m a huge fan of Resilient Con, it's a great feat and as you've seen Con saves are pretty common. I would also second the suggestion for Sentinel as well based on your play style. I wouldn't probably worry about your strength too much as at your level you might get a chance at a belt of giant strength as some point.
I have definitely been looking at sentinel and shield master (though, no con here) as possible feats. I love that tavern brawler strategy, but our wizard loves using web and hold person too much for it to shine in my party, I feel. (I can hear him now: "You grappled a guy? How cute. I cast web and attempt to restrain all the enemies", lol)
There's no doubt that sentinel helps stopping mooks from reaching said wizard. The only thing is that all of the feat's features are a reaction, meaning I can use it once per turn. That's pretty awesome in that I only use my reactions for OAs, but I guess I'm still weighing that benefit with a +1 to saves, via my aura, to all nearby allies (basically helping any ally near me to halve damage, quarter it if it's a spell due to my ancients aura).
Though, after both of your posts, I'm definitely leaning more towards a feat that boosts CON over the CHA boost for now. Very helpful!
I'll cast another vote for Resilient(Con). Failing a Con save, especially against mid- and high-level creatures SUCKS OUT LOUD(Sometimes literally, if you're fighting vampires). Those are the kind of saves that can leave you poisoned, petrified, your Strength drained, etc. Plus, lots of Paladin spells require Concentration and you're likely right in the thick of battle taking damage.
With three important stats for a Paladin, it can be tough to find room for feats, but using one to even out a stat and boost an important saving throw type is worth it.