I am having issues trying to get the Hex Warrior benefit to work. I should be getting a +5 bonus form CHA, but instead I seem to be getting the +4 bonus form my WIS instead. Is anyone else having this problem, or is there a setting that needs to be done to make this work properly?
All right. So the character builder does not automatically set CHA for the weapons attack when building a Hexblade. It is a feature that will be implemented in the future, for now, you can customize each attack in a way that the CHA modifier is used. Click on the attack and then on "Customize", There you can select the relevant ability for the attack.
It has been over a year since this was last talked about...has there been any update to adding the Hex Warrior benefit (CHA instead of STR for Hexblade)? I have customized my attacks, but it would be nice to have it built into the system.
It has been over a year since this was last talked about...has there been any update to adding the Hex Warrior benefit (CHA instead of STR for Hexblade)? I have customized my attacks, but it would be nice to have it built into the system.
It was last talked about December 15th, 2017. That is 3 months 3 weeks and 2 days ago.
The dates are literally right there on your page next to the posts....
The Hexblade archetype hasn't even been on DNDBeyond for a year. It didn't go on DNDBeyond until after it was published in Xanathar's Guide to Everything which was released 21st November 2017.
Where are you getting "over a year" from?
Anyway, as was stated this is being worked on. When the character sheet revamp is finished, estimated to be completed by end of June, this will have been resolved.
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Whew, got a little heated there, did you? I'm new to participating in forums and I mistook Xerxyes' "Join Date" as the post date.
Apologies if my post made it seem like I've been waiting a year, because obviously I haven't. I'm building my first hexblade right now and found this forum to be useful, but at first glance thought it was out of date. I was just hoping for an update. Thanks for your followup albeit a little harsh.
Apologies if my post made it seem like I've been waiting a year
You have nothing to apologise for.
Thanks for your followup albeit a little harsh.
Not even remotely harsh, at least by intention. You're welcome, though.
I'll be sure to avoid asking in the future.
Why? Even if somebody was being harsh, so what? Better to ask and get an answer put harshly then to not ask and never get one. At the end of the day these are words on a screen from a stranger you don't know who will cease to exist when you change the page. Don't let anyone have such power over you to discourage gaining knowledge, least of all by some stranger on the internet who doesn't really matter.
I'm not being harsh, just Welsh (and by the standards of this culture that raised me I'm actually one of the politest and most laid back).
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Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond. Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ thisFAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
What about now? i still can't figure out how to solve this... Are you still working on it or am i so dumb that i don't see how to do it? Thanks in advance for your replies :)
To designate a weapon as your hexblade weapon, click on it on the character sheet and select customize in the sidebar. You can flag it as a hexblade weapon there.
Here's the real humdinger: How can you implement a class feature in a homebrew subclass on DnDBeyond that does the same thing as the Hexblade's Hex Weapon?
-There's no options in feature modifiers to directly replace attack/damage bonus ability modifier. (A way to do this could be to add "Set --> Melee Attack --> CHA" / "Set --> Melee Damage --> CHA" to the add modifiers options and include attack and damage choices for Melee, One-Handed, Two-handed, Swords, Ranged, Bows, Crossbows, etc...)
-If you make a copy of the Hexblade to build off of, the option to select Hex Weapon to apply CHA bonus in place of DEX or STR will disappear if you rename the "Hex Warrior" feature to anything other than "Hex Warrior". The feature has to retain the same name in order to function on attack and damage listings.
-There's no place to change the name of the "Hex Weapon" toggle to anything else. I can't find anywhere in a copy of the subclass where that value exists.
-It seems like the previous bug with Hexblades was fixed by just directly coding the feature by name, rather than by function. So the Hex Warrior feature can't be duplicated under a different name, nor can a similar feature by created from its concept in other classes.
Is there a workaround to make these things work? Is this just a patch fix until more robust options are added? Just curious how I should go forward with this feature, or if I should just ditch it altogether...
I would love an answer to this. I'm trying to create a feat that essentially mimics Martial Arts and am having similar trouble. I copied Hexblade to see an example of how to implement it but it was unhelpful.
Marking it as a pact weapon doesn't seem to solve the Hex warrior issue. It still is using my strength modifier instead of my charisma. While it does allow me proficiency with the weapon, it's still not doing to to hit bonus correctly.
Ooops, I went back and checked. There is an option for the hex weapon, and that works just fine.
It's been fixed. If you took The Hexblade as patron, then on your character sheet in your Equipment, you click on the weapon (which needs to lack the 2-handed property & be one you're proficient with), then in the sidebar below Customize, there should be a checkbox for "Hex Weapon". Click that and it'll use your Charisma modifier for attacks & damage, if higher than your Strength (or Dex if finesse weapon.)
If you took Pact of the Blade, and can use 2-handed/ranged weapons and ones you wouldn't otherwise be proficient in, you need to checkbox the Pact Weapon on the weapon first, and then you'll get the Hex Weapon checkbox.
thanks for letting me know, but DANG what kind of weak and sloppy interfacing is this that dndb set up?? It's on the level of r20 spaghetti code. why TF make that more obvious what needs to be done, or have a popup reminder for people who have the the prerequisites , but have not clicked the stupid box.
Because not every weapon is automatically your hex weapon? And you can only make a weapon your hex weapon if it lacks the 2-handed property, unless that 2-handed weapon is made into your pact weapon first? That's how the Hex Warrior feature is described, so this is literally following the subclass's rules.
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Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
I am having issues trying to get the Hex Warrior benefit to work. I should be getting a +5 bonus form CHA, but instead I seem to be getting the +4 bonus form my WIS instead. Is anyone else having this problem, or is there a setting that needs to be done to make this work properly?
Please post the URL of your character page, so we mods/staff can give a look at what it is wrong.
I apologize, it is not taking my WIS modifier either, just my STR bonus, and Pro, str for attack.
All right. So the character builder does not automatically set CHA for the weapons attack when building a Hexblade. It is a feature that will be implemented in the future, for now, you can customize each attack in a way that the CHA modifier is used. Click on the attack and then on "Customize", There you can select the relevant ability for the attack.
Will do thank you so much for the quick reply, you guys are doing a great Job.
It has been over a year since this was last talked about...has there been any update to adding the Hex Warrior benefit (CHA instead of STR for Hexblade)? I have customized my attacks, but it would be nice to have it built into the system.
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
Whew, got a little heated there, did you? I'm new to participating in forums and I mistook Xerxyes' "Join Date" as the post date.
Apologies if my post made it seem like I've been waiting a year, because obviously I haven't. I'm building my first hexblade right now and found this forum to be useful, but at first glance thought it was out of date. I was just hoping for an update. Thanks for your followup albeit a little harsh.
I'll be sure to avoid asking in the future.
Nope. Not even slightly.
You have nothing to apologise for.
Not even remotely harsh, at least by intention. You're welcome, though.
Why? Even if somebody was being harsh, so what? Better to ask and get an answer put harshly then to not ask and never get one. At the end of the day these are words on a screen from a stranger you don't know who will cease to exist when you change the page. Don't let anyone have such power over you to discourage gaining knowledge, least of all by some stranger on the internet who doesn't really matter.
I'm not being harsh, just Welsh (and by the standards of this culture that raised me I'm actually one of the politest and most laid back).
Click ✨ HERE ✨ For My Youtube Videos featuring Guides, Tips & Tricks for using D&D Beyond.
Need help with Homebrew? Check out ✨ this FAQ/Guide thread ✨ by IamSposta.
What about now? i still can't figure out how to solve this... Are you still working on it or am i so dumb that i don't see how to do it?
Thanks in advance for your replies :)
To designate a weapon as your hexblade weapon, click on it on the character sheet and select customize in the sidebar. You can flag it as a hexblade weapon there.
Pun-loving nerd | Faith Elisabeth Lilley | She/Her/Hers | Profile art by Becca Golins
If you need help with homebrew, please post on the homebrew forums, where multiple staff and moderators can read your post and help you!
"We got this, no problem! I'll take the twenty on the left - you guys handle the one on the right!"🔊
Here's the real humdinger: How can you implement a class feature in a homebrew subclass on DnDBeyond that does the same thing as the Hexblade's Hex Weapon?
-There's no options in feature modifiers to directly replace attack/damage bonus ability modifier. (A way to do this could be to add "Set --> Melee Attack --> CHA" / "Set --> Melee Damage --> CHA" to the add modifiers options and include attack and damage choices for Melee, One-Handed, Two-handed, Swords, Ranged, Bows, Crossbows, etc...)
-If you make a copy of the Hexblade to build off of, the option to select Hex Weapon to apply CHA bonus in place of DEX or STR will disappear if you rename the "Hex Warrior" feature to anything other than "Hex Warrior". The feature has to retain the same name in order to function on attack and damage listings.
-There's no place to change the name of the "Hex Weapon" toggle to anything else. I can't find anywhere in a copy of the subclass where that value exists.
-It seems like the previous bug with Hexblades was fixed by just directly coding the feature by name, rather than by function. So the Hex Warrior feature can't be duplicated under a different name, nor can a similar feature by created from its concept in other classes.
Is there a workaround to make these things work? Is this just a patch fix until more robust options are added? Just curious how I should go forward with this feature, or if I should just ditch it altogether...
I would love an answer to this. I'm trying to create a feat that essentially mimics Martial Arts and am having similar trouble. I copied Hexblade to see an example of how to implement it but it was unhelpful.
Marking it as a pact weapon doesn't seem to solve the Hex warrior issue. It still is using my strength modifier instead of my charisma. While it does allow me proficiency with the weapon, it's still not doing to to hit bonus correctly.
Ooops, I went back and checked. There is an option for the hex weapon, and that works just fine.
I need to look more closely next time.
how is it now 4 years later and this still isn't fixed?
can you explain what you mean by this?
How were you able to fix this?
It's been fixed. If you took The Hexblade as patron, then on your character sheet in your Equipment, you click on the weapon (which needs to lack the 2-handed property & be one you're proficient with), then in the sidebar below Customize, there should be a checkbox for "Hex Weapon". Click that and it'll use your Charisma modifier for attacks & damage, if higher than your Strength (or Dex if finesse weapon.)
If you took Pact of the Blade, and can use 2-handed/ranged weapons and ones you wouldn't otherwise be proficient in, you need to checkbox the Pact Weapon on the weapon first, and then you'll get the Hex Weapon checkbox.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
thanks for letting me know, but DANG what kind of weak and sloppy interfacing is this that dndb set up?? It's on the level of r20 spaghetti code. why TF make that more obvious what needs to be done, or have a popup reminder for people who have the the prerequisites , but have not clicked the stupid box.
Because not every weapon is automatically your hex weapon? And you can only make a weapon your hex weapon if it lacks the 2-handed property, unless that 2-handed weapon is made into your pact weapon first? That's how the Hex Warrior feature is described, so this is literally following the subclass's rules.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
lol this didn't address what I asked , at all.