I am the DM with the Master Tier subscription. I have created the campaign have the sourcebooks and have enabled content sharing and checked all were shared.
I have provided the link to the players to join the campaign and/or create a character in the campaign. after following the link.
They are not seeing the shared content. I have tried to import their characters and I have helped them create a character on their device using the link I sent...the source books are not showing up.
I have read topic threads on here re this but have not found a solution in what I have found and tried.
Make sure your Entitlements are in sync. Try turning Content Sharing off and back on again.
Your players may also need to sync their Entitlements as well (following that same link.)
Just to be sure... do you own the full sourcebooks, or just the compendium-only versions? Compendium-only doesn't include being able to use the book options in the Character Builder.
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Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
Thank you for responding. I bought the Sourcebook bundle and numerous other books. It shows my Entitlements are in sync and I have turned content sharing off and on again...I will ask them to check their entitlement sync
Their characters either have to already be in the campaign, or be built in that campaign. You aren’t sharing content with the players, you’re only sharing it with that specific campaign and the characters in that campaign, not the actual players.
Thank you for responding. Yes, they are in that campaign. We tried characters that were added using the campaign link...we tried using the link and going in to create characters that way.
I am aware the sharing does not extend outside the campaign
Make sure your Entitlements are in sync. Try turning Content Sharing off and back on again.
Your players may also need to sync their Entitlements as well (following that same link.)
Just to be sure... do you own the full sourcebooks, or just the compendium-only versions? Compendium-only doesn't include being able to use the book options in the Character Builder.
Allow me to consolidate all the most frequent advice when this comes up, please bear with me if you've tried some of this already.
Does someone in the campaign have a subscription that allows for them to share content and do they have content sharing enabled? If neither of these things is the case then you would be unable to have access to the content.
Are the players making the character in the campaign that the content is shared with them? They will only have access to the content in the character builder if they are making the character within the campaign.
Toggle the content sharing on and off again. Simple as that.
Do they have the necessary sliders toggled to allow them to use said content? Make sure that the slider is red (to the right) to have the content enabled. Linked here is an article written by the staff of Dndbeyond about how the sliders work and what each slider actually enables.
Have you made sure that you and your players have their entitlement in sync? You can go here to ensure that all content you should have access to is being properly mapped to your account. If you don't want to follow the link you can go to the drop-down menu that pops up when you hover on your username at the top right of the page and click Account->Marketplace. You should see something that will tell you to sync your entitlements or that your entitlements are in sync.
Do the players have access to read the content on Dndbeyond but not access to it on the character builder? If so, you may have purchased the compendium only part of the book which allows you to read the content but not use any of the tools in the character builder. The best way to check this is to go to the market page for the book and see if you have the checkmark next to any of the stuff aside from what is labeled 'Compendium Only' at the bottom of the page. If you only own the compendium content you'll need to buy the integrated tools to be able to use that content on the character sheet.
Try using a different device or just wait to see if it fixes itself. Sometimes the servers on Dndbeyond are slow. It can take a while for the stuff to update for your players. Maybe there is some backend work that is happening that is temporarily stopping you from accessing that content. These things happen. I've been in situations where my players have problems with content when they make a new character and about an hour later those issues are gone. I can't explain it, sometimes you just need to wait.
If any of these you have tried and didn't work, please let us know as much information as possible in regards to each one so we can try and figure out where the problem is.
So this is happening to me as well. I just created a new campaign and when my player tried to build a wizard they only have access to evocation. We did everything on that list and still nothing, its as if they only have access to the starter base set despite me owning every book.
My players are having this issue. They can read the sourcebooks on the mobile app, but the website blocks them & asks to purchase, as if content sharing isn't enabled (it is). Gone through the above troubleshooting. One player literally bought Curse of Strahd without realizing that I'm content sharing it because the website isn't allowing him to read it, but the app is.
I am the DM with the Master Tier subscription. I have created the campaign have the sourcebooks and have enabled content sharing and checked all were shared.
I have provided the link to the players to join the campaign and/or create a character in the campaign. after following the link.
They are not seeing the shared content. I have tried to import their characters and I have helped them create a character on their device using the link I sent...the source books are not showing up.
I have read topic threads on here re this but have not found a solution in what I have found and tried.
I hope there is a solution.
Make sure your Entitlements are in sync. Try turning Content Sharing off and back on again.
Your players may also need to sync their Entitlements as well (following that same link.)
Just to be sure... do you own the full sourcebooks, or just the compendium-only versions? Compendium-only doesn't include being able to use the book options in the Character Builder.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
Thank you for responding. I bought the Sourcebook bundle and numerous other books. It shows my Entitlements are in sync and I have turned content sharing off and on again...I will ask them to check their entitlement sync
Their characters either have to already be in the campaign, or be built in that campaign. You aren’t sharing content with the players, you’re only sharing it with that specific campaign and the characters in that campaign, not the actual players.
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Content Troubleshooting
Thank you for responding. Yes, they are in that campaign. We tried characters that were added using the campaign link...we tried using the link and going in to create characters that way.
I am aware the sharing does not extend outside the campaign
From which sourcebooks are they having a hard time using material?
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
DDB Buyers' Guide
Hardcovers, DDB & You
Content Troubleshooting
I have the same apparent problem, Eberron sourcebook, and possibly other sourcebooks as well.
Do the characters have Eberron Content toggled on (red/right) in their HOME | Preferences?
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
Yes, they do.
And have you and your players all checked that your entitlements are in sync, and have turned Content Sharing off and back on?
Allow me to consolidate all the most frequent advice when this comes up, please bear with me if you've tried some of this already.
If any of these you have tried and didn't work, please let us know as much information as possible in regards to each one so we can try and figure out where the problem is.
Buyers Guide for D&D Beyond - Hardcover Books, D&D Beyond and You - How/What is Toggled Content?
Everything you need to know about Homebrew - Homebrew FAQ - Digital Book on D&D Beyond Vs Physical Books
Can't find the content you are supposed to have access to? Read this FAQ.
"Play the game however you want to play the game. After all, your fun doesn't threaten my fun."
So this is happening to me as well. I just created a new campaign and when my player tried to build a wizard they only have access to evocation. We did everything on that list and still nothing, its as if they only have access to the starter base set despite me owning every book.
Still having this issue
Any new campaigns I make, do not have the "Share Content" option at all. I am a DM Master Tier subscription.
Are you sharing content with many other campaigns? The maximum is 5.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
My players are having this issue. They can read the sourcebooks on the mobile app, but the website blocks them & asks to purchase, as if content sharing isn't enabled (it is). Gone through the above troubleshooting. One player literally bought Curse of Strahd without realizing that I'm content sharing it because the website isn't allowing him to read it, but the app is.
Thanks, I didn't see that there was a limit anywhere else. This resolves it for me, but it really sucks that there is a limit.
ive tryed resyncing and getting the owner to turn it off and on again still cant view shared content
And your character is in the campaign?
If so, what content are you trying to access? Some content can be turned off and on on the home page of the builder.
Trying to Decide if DDB is for you? A few helpful threads: A Buyer's Guide to DDB; What I/We Bought and Why; How some DMs use DDB; A Newer Thread on Using DDB to Play
Helpful threads on other topics: Homebrew FAQ by IamSposta; Accessing Content by ConalTheGreat;
Check your entitlements here. | Support Ticket LInk
Same problem here, I've purchased Tasha and many others, and my players can't see the spells from the sourcebooks in the browser.