So, just for clarification, if we link a custom spell, for example, we won't be able to share a subclass that uses it (say, as part of a Cleric Domain spell), even if that homebrew spell is "published, approved"?
You can attach the spell to the subclass, you just cannot include the hyperlink. If you attach the spell to the subclass,* as long as you have published those spells, you will still be able to publish the subclass. You just won’t be able to put the active link to the spell in the description. But the spell will still be available on the character sheets as long as the folks who’ve added the subclass also add your spells to their collection too. *(Spells could be attached to your subclass as subclass spells like the Cleric domain spells you mentioned, or as a unique feature like how the Way of the Open Hand subclass for monks has the 11th level Tranquility feature lets them cast Sanctuary once per day.)
It still isn't working for me. When you attach the spell, are you attaching it in the "Additional Specific Spells" section of the Basic Information, or as a part of the "Domain Spells" feature?
The domain spells get added as “additional specific spells.” The Domain Spells feature is just a description with a fancy table, and a snippet. The spells don’t actually get attached there.
Is your homebrewed spell published? It will only work if the spell is already published.
This Subclass cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Subclass has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Subclass.
Remember, private homebrew is automatically shared with other users in your campaigns and does not need to be shared with the community for players to access.
Or is it this one?
This Spell cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Spell has text that includes External Links
Remember, private homebrew is automatically shared with other users in your campaigns and does not need to be shared with the community for players to access.
Turns out that the homebrew spell thing was a red herring. I had listed Aura of Purity as one of the spells for the domain, which isn't in the basic rules or the EEPG (of which spells seem to be fine) to add. Removing Aura of Purity and replacing it with something else is now allowing me to publish.
Turns out that the homebrew spell thing was a red herring. I had listed Aura of Purity as one of the spells for the domain, which isn't in the basic rules or the EEPG (of which spells seem to be fine) to add. Removing Aura of Purity and replacing it with something else is now allowing me to publish.
That’s what I was starting to suspect, that’s why I asked. I’m glad it’s sorted out!
There are options that have been suggested by other users for the future, such as flagging published homebrew as requiring certain purchases before it is functional, so you may see Druid Subclass - circle of Darkness (requires Player's Handbook). There's no promise this is coming, but it is something that has been requested.
Please, please allow this to happen. It feels very counterproductive to have a hobby of doing homebrew content to the site that seems to be best prepared in handling it, but equally has so many things slowing down the process. I understand that it most likely is a lot more complicated than what a single GM can understand, but this would assist many of the people I know and myself in creating more homebrews. I just don't feel like having to water down everything to fit the Basic Rules when I have so many other options to include in my games.
I have the same problem the spells are from both the player handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything book. And I bought both books.
Mine says
This Item cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Item has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Item.
(Expend one charge to cast Heroism at 1st level or increase the level by expending the number of charges equal to your desired level or expend one charge to cast Protection from Evil and Good) (Expend two charges to cast Thunderous Smite, Zone of Truth or Guiding Bolt at 1st level or increase the level by expending the number of charges equal to your desired level) (Expend three charges to cast Beacon of Hope or Dispel Magic at 3rd level or increase the level by expending the number of charges equal to your desired level) (Expend four charges to cast Aura of Purity, Aura of Life or Freedom of Movement) (Expend five charges to cast Holy Weapon or Dawn) (Expend six charges to cast Heroes' Feast) (Expend seven charges to cast Fire Storm) (Expend eight charges to cast Holy Aura)
I have the same problem the spells are from both the player handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything book. And I bought both books.
Mine says
This Item cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Item has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Item.
Currently we're not allowed to publish homebrew that links to licensed content (as in, anything not made available for free in the Basic Rules or Elemental Evil Player's Companion.) Even if we own the books. But you can still use the private homebrew in your own campaigns.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
All 5 of the spells I listed are in the Players Handbook, I've checked multiple sources. The message is below, copy pasted
This Subclass cannot be shared with the community for the following reasons:
This homebrew Subclass has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Subclass.
Remember, private homebrew is automatically shared with other users in your campaigns and does not need to be shared with the community for players to access.
Not everything in the Player's Handbook is included in the Basic Rules. Wizards of the Coast only allows DDB to provide access to Basic Rules/SRD content for free, everything else needs to be paid for. You can't use non-SRD content in published homebrew.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
I have the same issue here, where it says "This homebrew Subclass has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Subclass", but I only have basic rules spells linked in this subclass. Could someone help me please, here's the link to the homebrew...
You have to re-save the whole subclass. That’s the only time it rechecks those compliances.
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Hrm. I thought I did that, but I will try again. Thanks.
It still isn't working for me.
When you attach the spell, are you attaching it in the "Additional Specific Spells" section of the Basic Information, or as a part of the "Domain Spells" feature?
The domain spells get added as “additional specific spells.” The Domain Spells feature is just a description with a fancy table, and a snippet. The spells don’t actually get attached there.
Is your homebrewed spell published? It will only work if the spell is already published.
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
Yeah, it's published:
Is this the error message you are seeing?
Or is it this one?
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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The first one.
Edit:The spell I am trying to include was only made public today, so I'm wondering if it needs time to establish itself, or something.
Turns out that the homebrew spell thing was a red herring.
I had listed Aura of Purity as one of the spells for the domain, which isn't in the basic rules or the EEPG (of which spells seem to be fine) to add. Removing Aura of Purity and replacing it with something else is now allowing me to publish.
That’s what I was starting to suspect, that’s why I asked. I’m glad it’s sorted out!
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
I just wanted to figure out how to make a private one public...
Please, please allow this to happen. It feels very counterproductive to have a hobby of doing homebrew content to the site that seems to be best prepared in handling it, but equally has so many things slowing down the process. I understand that it most likely is a lot more complicated than what a single GM can understand, but this would assist many of the people I know and myself in creating more homebrews. I just don't feel like having to water down everything to fit the Basic Rules when I have so many other options to include in my games.
I have the same problem the spells are from both the player handbook and Xanathar's Guide to Everything book. And I bought both books.
Mine says
(Expend one charge to cast Heroism at 1st level or increase the level by expending the number of charges equal to your desired level or expend one charge to cast Protection from Evil and Good)
(Expend two charges to cast Thunderous Smite, Zone of Truth or Guiding Bolt at 1st level or increase the level by expending the number of charges equal to your desired level)
(Expend three charges to cast Beacon of Hope or Dispel Magic at 3rd level or increase the level by expending the number of charges equal to your desired level)
(Expend four charges to cast Aura of Purity, Aura of Life or Freedom of Movement)
(Expend five charges to cast Holy Weapon or Dawn)
(Expend six charges to cast Heroes' Feast)
(Expend seven charges to cast Fire Storm)
(Expend eight charges to cast Holy Aura)
Currently we're not allowed to publish homebrew that links to licensed content (as in, anything not made available for free in the Basic Rules or Elemental Evil Player's Companion.) Even if we own the books. But you can still use the private homebrew in your own campaigns.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
For some reason, I get this message on my Savage Stalker build and it doesn't make any sense.
All 5 of the spells I listed are in the Players Handbook, I've checked multiple sources. The message is below, copy pasted
If any of those spells from the Player's Handbook are not the Basic Rules, then they aren't SRD material that can be included in homebrew.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
That's so dumb. You literally can't not have Players Handbook content on this site
Not everything in the Player's Handbook is included in the Basic Rules. Wizards of the Coast only allows DDB to provide access to Basic Rules/SRD content for free, everything else needs to be paid for. You can't use non-SRD content in published homebrew.
Helpful rewriter of Japanese->English translation and delver into software codebases (she/e/they)
The EEPC spells are also free content and can be used in homebrew. The full list of free content spells can be hound here: (
Creating Epic Boons on DDB
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Content Troubleshooting
I have the same issue here, where it says "This homebrew Subclass has data mapped to it that is licensed content or private homebrew. This typically occurs when licensed or private homebrew spells are linked to the Subclass", but I only have basic rules spells linked in this subclass. Could someone help me please, here's the link to the homebrew...
Your issue has been answered in a different thread that you made.
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