I've tried to remove a lot of homebrews from my collection, they are created by other users.
If I press "remove from collection" it goes straight to "Requires subscription" and then it shows "add to collection". But, if i press f5 or refresh website, it goes back to "remove from collection"
You must be a subscriber to add or remove other people’s homebrews to your collection. Even a simple 1-month Hero tier sub ($3 if I recall) will suffice.
Hello there.
I've tried to remove a lot of homebrews from my collection, they are created by other users.
If I press "remove from collection" it goes straight to "Requires subscription" and then it shows "add to collection".
But, if i press f5 or refresh website, it goes back to "remove from collection"
You must be a subscriber to add or remove other people’s homebrews to your collection. Even a simple 1-month Hero tier sub ($3 if I recall) will suffice.
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