I'm making a bow for a brutal level 20 meat-grinder game. I'm throwing the worst of the worst at them such as Hecatoncheires, Demiliches, Beholders and any other monsters designed to TPK. I want my group's ranger to have bow that can do two things but I may be asking too much. So, I guess my official questions are about how to do the following:
1. I want the bow to be able to cast Conjure Volley. The arrows that fall will be magical.
2. While making multiple attacks in succession, any arrow fired after the initial arrow, will do the same damage and always find the same target without fail, even if the target takes cover behind an object. If the first arrow misses, the archer may choose to not fire the subsequent arrows. I'm not sure that this can be mechanically done with the item creator.
3. I would like to change between bracer and bow forms, offering a +3 to AC or attack depending on the form. I'm guessing that this part will have to be achieved mostly through RP.
I've been considering having the bow cast hunters mark on the last attacked target to free up the rangers concentration.
I'm not sure any of this is possible but that's the dream.
Regarding answer 1, Conjure Volley isn't in the spell selection window. The only 2 items in my list, with "V and "O" sequentialy are Clarivoyance and Devine Favor. "LOL Why can I attach Wish, Forcecage or Tree Stride but Conjure Volley is too much?
Regarding answer 1, Conjure Volley isn't in the spell selection window. The only 2 items in my list, with "V and "O" sequentialy are Clarivoyance and Devine Favor. "LOL Why can I attach Wish, Forcecage or Tree Stride but Conjure Volley is too much?
Thanks for the quick help, btw!
Because those other spells were published for free under the Basic Rules & SRD, as well as in the PHB. Therefore, those spells are free access and everyone can both access them, and publish homebrews utilizing them.
Conjure Volley was instead only published in the PHB, therefore it is not free access. To attach it to a homebrew you must either purchase the “Full Version” of the PHB from this website, or at least that spell from the book. You will also not be able to publish any homebrew with that spall attached.
I'm making a bow for a brutal level 20 meat-grinder game. I'm throwing the worst of the worst at them such as Hecatoncheires, Demiliches, Beholders and any other monsters designed to TPK. I want my group's ranger to have bow that can do two things but I may be asking too much. So, I guess my official questions are about how to do the following:
1. I want the bow to be able to cast Conjure Volley. The arrows that fall will be magical.
2. While making multiple attacks in succession, any arrow fired after the initial arrow, will do the same damage and always find the same target without fail, even if the target takes cover behind an object. If the first arrow misses, the archer may choose to not fire the subsequent arrows. I'm not sure that this can be mechanically done with the item creator.
3. I would like to change between bracer and bow forms, offering a +3 to AC or attack depending on the form. I'm guessing that this part will have to be achieved mostly through RP.
I've been considering having the bow cast hunters mark on the last attacked target to free up the rangers concentration.
I'm not sure any of this is possible but that's the dream.
The only one that needs anything to be “done” is adding charges to it and adding the spell.
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Answers 2 - 4 seem legit.
Regarding answer 1, Conjure Volley isn't in the spell selection window. The only 2 items in my list, with "V and "O" sequentialy are Clarivoyance and Devine Favor. "LOL Why can I attach Wish, Forcecage or Tree Stride but Conjure Volley is too much?
Thanks for the quick help, btw!
You can just add it to the text description of the item.
"Sooner or later, your Players are going to smash your railroad into a sandbox."
"real life is a super high CR."
"............anybody got any potatoes? We could drop a potato in each hole an' see which ones get viciously mauled by horrible monsters?"
-Ilyara Thundertale
Because those other spells were published for free under the Basic Rules & SRD, as well as in the PHB. Therefore, those spells are free access and everyone can both access them, and publish homebrews utilizing them.
Conjure Volley was instead only published in the PHB, therefore it is not free access. To attach it to a homebrew you must either purchase the “Full Version” of the PHB from this website, or at least that spell from the book. You will also not be able to publish any homebrew with that spall attached.
(Scroll down to see purchase options such as individual spells or subclasses.)
I hope that helps.
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