While learning the new Character Builder system within DDB, I noticed that in Step 2, you select what you want for your Ability Score Bonuses (+1, +1 & +1 or +2 & +1), but you don't roll your ability scores until Step 4.
I know for a lot of the changes, there was an explanation, even if it was just something as simple as 'for ease of use' as a reason.
Do any of you know why this specific decision was made to separate the selection of the Ability Score Bonuses BEFORE you roll your Ability Scores?
I have only created one character so far, and I found myself skipping the Ability Score Bonus selection, and continuing the builder until I had my Ability Scores established, then went back to select the Bonus, so it seemed off to separate these selections.
Determine Ability Scores: Determine your ability scores by using one of the following three methods
Assign Ability Scores: Once you’ve generated six scores, assign them to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, keeping in mind your class’s primary ability.
Adjust Ability Scores: After assigning your ability scores, adjust them according to your background.
Determine Ability Scores: Determine your ability scores by using one of the following three methods
Assign Ability Scores: Once you’ve generated six scores, assign them to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, keeping in mind your class’s primary ability.
Adjust Ability Scores: After assigning your ability scores, adjust them according to your background.
Thank you Plaguescarred,
I was aware of how to create my characters ability scores, but was just wondering if anyone new the WHY these two features were split up and separated, with the Bonus Selection being in Step 2, and the actual score creation in Step 4.
I think this creation method serves new players more than min/maxers. New players might know what class they want and have an idea of what they want as their background. It is a 'who is your PC' first, and the stats second. Min/maxers, in my experience, choose all that stuff after they see the results of their rolls.
I don’t have the 2024 PHB and haven’t looked at the builder with updates so not sure what step you select your background. But if it is part of Step 2 then that’s why. Modifiers are part of background. It was the same in 2014 as the modifiers were part of race and you chose that before you selected/rolled stats.
And since standard array and point buy seem to be the preferred method over rolling stats, at least it seems that way to me, if you know you are putting a +2 in Wisdom because you are playing a cleric you know now what score to put in Wis if you want to start with a 16 or 17 in it and it’s an easy back and forth to adjust as needed, even if you roll
Greetings D&D Beyond and Community,
While learning the new Character Builder system within DDB, I noticed that in Step 2, you select what you want for your Ability Score Bonuses (+1, +1 & +1 or +2 & +1), but you don't roll your ability scores until Step 4.
I know for a lot of the changes, there was an explanation, even if it was just something as simple as 'for ease of use' as a reason.
Do any of you know why this specific decision was made to separate the selection of the Ability Score Bonuses BEFORE you roll your Ability Scores?
I have only created one character so far, and I found myself skipping the Ability Score Bonus selection, and continuing the builder until I had my Ability Scores established, then went back to select the Bonus, so it seemed off to separate these selections.
Just curious :)
In the 2024 core rules you
Determine Ability Scores: Determine your ability scores by using one of the following three methods
Assign Ability Scores: Once you’ve generated six scores, assign them to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, keeping in mind your class’s primary ability.
Adjust Ability Scores: After assigning your ability scores, adjust them according to your background.
Thank you Plaguescarred,
I was aware of how to create my characters ability scores, but was just wondering if anyone new the WHY these two features were split up and separated, with the Bonus Selection being in Step 2, and the actual score creation in Step 4.
I think this creation method serves new players more than min/maxers. New players might know what class they want and have an idea of what they want as their background. It is a 'who is your PC' first, and the stats second. Min/maxers, in my experience, choose all that stuff after they see the results of their rolls.
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I don’t have the 2024 PHB and haven’t looked at the builder with updates so not sure what step you select your background. But if it is part of Step 2 then that’s why. Modifiers are part of background. It was the same in 2014 as the modifiers were part of race and you chose that before you selected/rolled stats.
And since standard array and point buy seem to be the preferred method over rolling stats, at least it seems that way to me, if you know you are putting a +2 in Wisdom because you are playing a cleric you know now what score to put in Wis if you want to start with a 16 or 17 in it and it’s an easy back and forth to adjust as needed, even if you roll
EZD6 by DM Scotty
I expect DDB Character gen steps will eventually change to match 2024 core rules order.