This thread was marked as Locked by LaTiaJacquise.
Site Update
This thread was marked as Locked by LaTiaJacquise.
Yeah, dice rolling makes sense (and the forum already has such functionality integrated), doesn't it?
I mean, I imagine a lot of people here prefer to use physical dice with their games (and the majority of them have impressive collections of such!), and there are a gajillion apps, web pages and whatnot that provide said functionality, but it's easy to do (relatively easy to do well, in any case :p ) and you can't really have a D&D toolset without having some way to roll dice integrated to it, even if few of the user base actually use it.
I imagine that's the reason it ranked so low at the "excitement" survey too. It's a given, why would we get overly excited about it? :p
Now, offline access to my tablet/phone without all those tedious loading times depending on the network? That I am excited about! :D
If your interested in dice you should look into Tale Spire that is currently under development. I'm looking forward to playing D&D with it. I didn't realize D&D Beyond was considering a VTT. That's interesting because I thought it was just going to be an online resource.
A VTT, which DDB clearly is not and not meant to be, is higher on the list of people's priorities than a dice roller...
Roll to disbelieve: 18
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."
― Oscar Wilde.
Someone correct me if i'm wrong but I believe it was VTT integration, not it's own platform.
What you just described is exactly what Tale Spire is. It has dice, minis with a specific color process to have a painted look, music, ambient sounds, tile sets for locations that snap together, the ability to load a new location, and a fog of war system. It also has Tale Weaver creation tools. You should take a look at the vids they have from their last stream. I hope wotc talks to the devs for d&d specific stuff like d&d beyond. Their vtt already looks amazing.
*Ignore: forget to hit quote button and mobile won't let me delete this*
Thanks for all the work the team has done. Looking at where it is now compared to what it looked like when the beta first opened is pretty incredible. You guys have always taken the time to listen and give thoughtful responses to feedback. I think a lot of people feel like they have contributed to the app's growth thanks to how all of you have responded and incorporated ideas and suggestions into the development process.