Haven - between adventures allows PCs not currently in a Pphost Adventure to explore Haven in character, interact with NPCs and other PCs and roleplay any Downtime activity you choose. Each day you participate in this thread you earn one Downtime day (not one Downtime day for each time you post, just to be clear). This thread will be player directed, no story except what you create here.
Haven- This is the reference thread for the settlement of Haven. DMs will continue developing the different locations in and around the settlement. Here you can help. As you explore Haven in this thread and wander into areas not yet filled out, those become the directions for creating new locations.
Downtime Options Players now have the option to roll Downtime Options for their PCs here in this thread. The first three are Buying common equipment, supplies and services, Buying Magic Items and Selling Magic items. Use the templates below, rolling in the forum post for any of these activities. Feel free to embellish the encounter however you like that is consistent with the current lore on Haven (History of Haven is good to know for this and Haven Common Knowledge is in the works). More Downtime Options are in the works (Carousing is next).
Buying common equipment, supplies and services Equipment, supplies and services listed in the Player's Handbook with a set price, as well as items listed in a location, such as a shop or Market stand, that have a set price may simply be purchased in this Downtime thread. Shopping requires one Downtime day. List the Downtime day spent and the price of the item(s) you are buying and edit your Character Sheet to reflect your purchase(s). Negotiation When purchasing common equipment, supplies and services you can attempt to negotiate with the Merchant for a lower price. Negotiations can result in complications. Negotiations: 1d20 + (Persuasion or Intimidation) (If PC asks for poison - Complication #1) 1 Complication 1 2 Roll for Complication 3-5 10% higher price 6-15 no change in price 16-19 10% lower price 20+ 25% lower price and Complication 10 Complications: 1d12 1 Thrown out of the shop/No sale/Disadvantage next Negotiation at same location 2 Additional 10% higher price 3 Negative rumor started about the PC 4 Item is counterfeit or defective 5 Roll for two Complications 6 Robbery attempt on the PC to obtain item 7 Positive rumor started about the PC 8 Learns a rumor or lore 9 Item(s) 50% off in exchange for a task 10 Item(s) free in exchange for a task 11 Additional 10% lower price 12 Valued Customer/Advantage next negotiation at same location
Buying Magic items Magic items are available from a variety of Merchants in Haven but even common ones are not usually easy to find. Roll first for availability against the DC based on the rarity of the item. The number of Downtime days you spend, your knowledge of Arcana and gold spent searching add to your chances of success. If successful, roll for the asking price. You can accept this price and edit your Character Sheet to reflect your purchase. If unsuccessful the Downtime days and gold spent shopping are still spent Buying a Magic item (If PC asks for poison or mind influencing - Complication #1) Availability roll 1d20 + Arcana + 1/5 Downtime days spent + 1/100 gold spent shopping Rarity DC Asking price Common 15 (1d6+1)10gp Uncommon 20 1d6x100gp Rare 30 2d10x1,000gp Very Rare 40 (1d4+1)x10,000gp Legendary 50 2d6x25,000gp Negotiation When purchasing Magic items you can attempt to negotiate with the Merchant for a lower price. Spending more than one Downtime day can be useful if you plan to negotiate for the purchase price as this represents searching a number of locations to compare prices. Negotiations can result in complications. Negotiations: 1d20 + (Persuasion or Intimidation) 1 Complication 1 2 1 Complication 3-5 10% higher price 6-15 no change in price 16-19 10% lower price 20+ 25% lower price and Complication 10 Complications: 1d12 1 Thrown out of the shop/No sale/Disadvantage next Negotiation at this location 2 Additional 10% higher price 3 Negative rumor started about the PC 4 Item is counterfeit or defective 5 Roll for two Complications 6 Robbery attempt on the PC to obtain item 7 Positive rumor started about the PC 8 Learns a detail from it's history (p142 DMG) 9 Item(s) 50% off in exchange for a task 10 Item(s) free in exchange for a task 11 Additional 10% lower price 12 Valued Customer/Advantage next negotiation at this location
Selling Magic items Many establishments and individuals in Haven regularly buy Magic items. To find a buyer, roll first against the DC for availability of a Buyer based on the rarity of the item. The number of Downtime days you spend, your knowledge of Arcana and gold spent searching add to your chances of success. If successful, roll for the offered price. You can accept this price and edit your Character Sheet to reflect your sale. If unsuccessful the Downtime days and gold spent looking are still spent. Selling a Magic item (If PC offers mind influencing items - Complication #1) Finding a buyer roll 1d20 + Arcana + 1/5 Downtime days spent + 1/100 gold spent Rarity DC Offered Price Common 15 (1d6+1)x5gp Uncommon 20 1d6x50gp Rare 30 2d10x500gp Very Rare 40 (1d4+1)x5,000gp Legendary 50 2d6x12,500gp Negotiation When selling Magic items you can negotiate with the Buyer for a higher price. Spending more than one Downtime day can be useful if you plan to negotiate for the purchase price as this represents searching a number of locations to compare offers. Negotiations can result in complications. Negotiations: 1d20 + (Persuasion or Intimidation) 1 Complication 1 2 1 Complication 3-5 10% lower price 6-15 no change in price 16-19 10% higher price 20+ 25% higher price and Complication 10 Complications: 1d12 1 Thrown out of the shop/No sale/Disadvantage next Negotiation for this Buyer 2 Additional 10% lower price 3 Negative rumor started about the PC 4 Buyer believes to be counterfeit or defective 5 Roll for two Complications 6 PC makes a hostile Contact 7 Positive rumor started about the PC 8 PC makes an friendly Contact 9 Additional 10% higher price 10 Additional 100% higher in exchange for a task 11 Additional 25% higher price 12 Valued Customer/Advantage next negotiation at this location
It's early evening when the sun isn't quite so bright yet there are market stands still open, Sarial wanders the Market Place trying to get a grip on her new situation. She sees the Bulletin Board at the south end of the Market Place and reads some of the notices.
____________________________________________________________ Until further notice Wilderness Patrols are being suspended | by order of Capt Kolar | ____________________________________________________________|
Doesn't sound like the kind of work she's looking for anyway
_________________________________________________________________ Two rooms available to rent on a monthly basis. Comfortable | living at a modest price. No troublemakers, Half-Orcs or Tieflings | See widow Birdwell at Birdwell farm | _________________________________________________________________|
She wonders if the widow Birdwell would consider a Drow as a troublemaker. She posts a notice of her own and heads back to the Greasy Weasel Tavern
Injured, bloodied and with soot and dust on her, Cerlinde, an otherwise beautiful red headed elf clad in a green traveling cloak with embroidered leaves and flowers, approaches the bulletin board. She quickly surveys the board and notes Widow Birdwell’s post and heads to Birdwell farm to see if there is still a room available.
Injured, bloodied and with soot and dust on her, Cerlinde, an otherwise beautiful red headed elf clad in a green traveling cloak with embroidered leaves and flowers, approaches the bulletin board. She quickly surveys the board and notes Widow Birdwell’s post and heads to Birdwell farm to see if there is still a room available.
The people you talk to inside the walls are unfamiliar with her but are able to direct you to where the farms are. Once outside the walls you meet fewer people but they all seem to know each other and direct you to the Birdwell farm. It's one of the furthest from town.
"Please, come in" Mrs Birdwell tells you "I do have one room that might be available. The former tenant hasn't been around for nearly a month. The last time I talked to him he said he'd have the rent the following day. He was" she paused momentarily and shrugged "an Adventurer like yourself, so I never know if someone is coming back or not." She tells you, seemingly unaware of your rough condition." If he shows up and wants to cause a fuss over it, I'll figure something out. If you don't already have a place you can have the room 'on the house' so to speak, till the end of the month. If he doesn't show up by then, it's yours no question. It's 30gp at the beginning of each month. I want to stress that, at the beginning of the month. It includes breakfast and an early supper. Meals are with myself, the two hands who work for me, you and the other tenant. If you miss the meal, you have your choice of whatever is leftover till it goes out to the pigs. This is for a single. I want no one in your room overnight except you. Also " she says pausing again " There will be no Magical tinkering. No making potions or scrolls in your room. There are places in town for that sort of thing. You can take a look at the room and see what you think."
It seems that there is something just a little 'off' about Mrs Birdwell, but she seems nice enough.
The room is smallish but still comfortable. there is a bed and nightstand, a small dresser and a small closet. There is a small window over the dresser. The room itself is immaculate.
The other tenant comes in. He sees the two of you and hurries to his room looking concerned. He doesn't speak to either of you.
"Don't mind him" Mrs Birdwell tells you "we've been having words about paying the rent late. I did tell you, the beginning of the month. Well, what do you think?"
A shady half-elf walks to the bulletin board. He sees the post about drow and walks over there.
It' not far through winding paths between Market stalls that you reach the neighborhood they call "the Shadows" and the Greasy Weasel Tavern is in the middle of it. From a distance on the cobbled path between buildings you can hear how loud it is. A quick look over the building you see two other exits. The large circular bar separates the two wings of the Tavern. Towards the east is where most of the cheering and yelling are coming from. Down the west wing things are more hushed and dark. You look around and notice something pretty impressive in terms of the architecture. It's pretty dark around each table and the heavy fabric decor dampens a lot of sound. It seems that nearly every table has a seat with its back to a wall and in eye line of two or more exits. Very rough crowd. Its easy to imagine that anyone tossed out of every Tavern winds up here.
(OOC I'm going to have to figure something out something here since Sariel is one of my PCs, not an NPC and DMPCs are against the DM agreements)
Cerlinde tells the widow “I will take it, for now. Thanks. Do you worry at all about the situation with the Kobolds? You are pretty far away from the walls.” she unpacks her things, cleans up and spends the night. The next day she goes to the chained library to see about spells, and finds a quiet place to scribe. (Does she have any discount as her background is cloistered scholar with the library access feature- alternatively she could work there with her calligraphy skills and her magic quill).
A shady half-elf walks to the bulletin board. He sees the post about drow and walks over there.
It' not far through winding paths between Market stalls that you reach the neighborhood they call "the Shadows" and the Greasy Weasel Tavern is in the middle of it. From a distance on the cobbled path between buildings you can hear how loud it is. A quick look over the building you see two other exits. The large circular bar separates the two wings of the Tavern. Towards the east is where most of the cheering and yelling are coming from. Down the west wing things are more hushed and dark. You look around and notice something pretty impressive in terms of the architecture. It's pretty dark around each table and the heavy fabric decor dampens a lot of sound. It seems that nearly every table has a seat with its back to a wall and in eye line of two or more exits. Very rough crowd. Its easy to imagine that anyone tossed out of every Tavern winds up here.
(OOC I'm going to have to figure something out something here since Sariel is one of my PCs, not an NPC and DMPCs are against the DM agreements)
I look around for any drow
(OOC I see 2 solutions, make an exception, because you are both a player and a DM, or wait for another DM)
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"I don't like those sneaky little thieves, but they're just a nuisance. I'm more afraid of bears and wolves" she tells you "My husband was killed by a bear, going on 20 years now"
The Library is free for everyone. You can negotiate for a lower price on the books you purchase.
(OOC I'm going to have to figure something out something here since Sariel is one of my PCs, not an NPC and DMPCs are against the DM agreements)
I look around for any drow
(OOC I see 2 solutions, make an exception, because you are both a player and a DM, or wait for another DM)
(OOC Yeah, I'll just get another DM to adjudicate any rolls. We've got a lot of new ones)
You need to look at those darkest corners of the Greasy Weasel's west wing you spot one, mostly by the long white mane of hair. Then you notice the pale blue eyes, already watching you as you search.
With a lute strapped to her back and a spring in her step, Soriah enters the Marketplace. She arrived in the world of Haven only recently, mostly by accident. She had heard rumors through the extensive Harpers' network of this world, recently discovered and then even more recently lost again in the vast wilderness of the multiverse. She knew her masters were seeking information on what had become of Haven, and the surviving Danarians, but that was not her assignment. No, her assignment was to keep an eye on the new Chancellor in Melvaunt, whom the Harper Council suspected of being a yuan-ti pureblood. As it turned out, they were right, but she didn't get the chance to report back, as Sartissimus conjured up a planar portal and cast her into it, making her entrance into her current location quite... indelicate. That was three days ago. She managed to find her way to the settlement of Haven, and this morning is having her first look around. She checks her coinpurse for the fourth time, but sadly, like the three previous searches, it remains forlornly empty.
"Well," Soriah says cheerfully to herself, "It's time to earn some coin, and find out what Haven is about!"
She strides to the Bulletin Board and checks for any openings for a hard-working Jane-of-all-trades, but while she is definitely for keeping Halfling weed legal, that probably won't pay for meals or lodging. She decides to check out some of the local taverns, perhaps the Stumbalon Inn or the Copper Dragon, to see if they might offer a humble storyteller a chance to entertain their clientele.
Hurren Oakthorn bids farewell to his companions of the last few days, still pondering the events of the Masquerade ball. He returns to the Temple of All Gods, and seek a place to meditate and recover from his wounds. The following morning, he will begin to explore the town of Haven. He starts at the Marketplace as well, looking into the various booths and tents.
Later he heads to The Scholars district, having heard of the library, but when he sees the sign on the building, he turns away, shocked. He wonders if the other patrons understand the meaning of "Drusilla's Forest" in Elvish. Hurren isn't exactly a prude, but he was raised in a monastery after all.
Feeling somewhat uneasy, he heads to the Copper Dragon inn, where he purchases a meal and a cup of weak ale to settle his stomach. Later, perhaps, he will investigate this fighting pit his comrades told him about in the Greasy Weasel in the Shadows district.
"Well," Soriah says cheerfully to herself, "It's time to earn some coin, and find out what Haven is about!"
She strides to the Bulletin Board and checks for any openings for a hard-working Jane-of-all-trades, but while she is definitely for keeping Halfling weed legal, that probably won't pay for meals or lodging. She decides to check out some of the local taverns, perhaps the Stumbalon Inn or the Copper Dragon, to see if they might offer a humble storyteller a chance to entertain their clientele.
As Soriah wanders in through the front door of the Stumbalon Inn, she is greeted by the delicious smells of baked ham, flapjacks, and eggs. There are several patrons dining, but the large room is nowhere near full, as is usual for the morning hours. You are greeted by a smartly dressed halfling, who says, "What can I do for you, lass? Here for breakfast or will you be needing a room as well?"
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
The Worlds of Pphost
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
between adventures
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Haven - between adventures allows PCs not currently in a Pphost Adventure to explore Haven in character, interact with NPCs and other PCs and roleplay any Downtime activity you choose. Each day you participate in this thread you earn one Downtime day (not one Downtime day for each time you post, just to be clear). This thread will be player directed, no story except what you create here.
Haven - This is the reference thread for the settlement of Haven. DMs will continue developing the different locations in and around the settlement. Here you can help. As you explore Haven in this thread and wander into areas not yet filled out, those become the directions for creating new locations.
Downtime Options
Players now have the option to roll Downtime Options for their PCs here in this thread. The first three are Buying common equipment, supplies and services, Buying Magic Items and Selling Magic items. Use the templates below, rolling in the forum post for any of these activities. Feel free to embellish the encounter however you like that is consistent with the current lore on Haven (History of Haven is good to know for this and Haven Common Knowledge is in the works). More Downtime Options are in the works (Carousing is next).
Buying common equipment, supplies and services
Equipment, supplies and services listed in the Player's Handbook with a set price, as well as items listed in a location, such as a shop or Market stand, that have a set price may simply be purchased in this Downtime thread. Shopping requires one Downtime day. List the Downtime day spent and the price of the item(s) you are buying and edit your Character Sheet to reflect your purchase(s).
When purchasing common equipment, supplies and services you can attempt to negotiate with the Merchant for a lower price. Negotiations can result in complications.
Negotiations: 1d20 + (Persuasion or Intimidation)
(If PC asks for poison - Complication #1)
1 Complication 1
2 Roll for Complication
3-5 10% higher price
6-15 no change in price
16-19 10% lower price
20+ 25% lower price and Complication 10
Complications: 1d12
1 Thrown out of the shop/No sale/Disadvantage next Negotiation at same location
2 Additional 10% higher price
3 Negative rumor started about the PC
4 Item is counterfeit or defective
5 Roll for two Complications
6 Robbery attempt on the PC to obtain item
7 Positive rumor started about the PC
8 Learns a rumor or lore
9 Item(s) 50% off in exchange for a task
10 Item(s) free in exchange for a task
11 Additional 10% lower price
12 Valued Customer/Advantage next negotiation at same location
Buying Magic items
Magic items are available from a variety of Merchants in Haven but even common ones are not usually easy to find. Roll first for availability against the DC based on the rarity of the item. The number of Downtime days you spend, your knowledge of Arcana and gold spent searching add to your chances of success. If successful, roll for the asking price. You can accept this price and edit your Character Sheet to reflect your purchase. If unsuccessful the Downtime days and gold spent shopping are still spent
Buying a Magic item
(If PC asks for poison or mind influencing - Complication #1)
Availability roll 1d20 + Arcana + 1/5 Downtime days spent + 1/100 gold spent shopping
Rarity DC Asking price
Common 15 (1d6+1)10gp
Uncommon 20 1d6x100gp
Rare 30 2d10x1,000gp
Very Rare 40 (1d4+1)x10,000gp
Legendary 50 2d6x25,000gp
When purchasing Magic items you can attempt to negotiate with the Merchant for a lower price. Spending more than one Downtime day can be useful if you plan to negotiate for the purchase price as this represents searching a number of locations to compare prices. Negotiations can result in complications.
Negotiations: 1d20 + (Persuasion or Intimidation)
1 Complication 1
2 1 Complication
3-5 10% higher price
6-15 no change in price
16-19 10% lower price
20+ 25% lower price and Complication 10
Complications: 1d12
1 Thrown out of the shop/No sale/Disadvantage next Negotiation at this location
2 Additional 10% higher price
3 Negative rumor started about the PC
4 Item is counterfeit or defective
5 Roll for two Complications
6 Robbery attempt on the PC to obtain item
7 Positive rumor started about the PC
8 Learns a detail from it's history (p142 DMG)
9 Item(s) 50% off in exchange for a task
10 Item(s) free in exchange for a task
11 Additional 10% lower price
12 Valued Customer/Advantage next negotiation at this location
Selling Magic items
Many establishments and individuals in Haven regularly buy Magic items. To find a buyer, roll first against the DC for availability of a Buyer based on the rarity of the item. The number of Downtime days you spend, your knowledge of Arcana and gold spent searching add to your chances of success. If successful, roll for the offered price. You can accept this price and edit your Character Sheet to reflect your sale. If unsuccessful the Downtime days and gold spent looking are still spent.
Selling a Magic item
(If PC offers mind influencing items - Complication #1)
Finding a buyer roll 1d20 + Arcana + 1/5 Downtime days spent + 1/100 gold spent
Rarity DC Offered Price
Common 15 (1d6+1)x5gp
Uncommon 20 1d6x50gp
Rare 30 2d10x500gp
Very Rare 40 (1d4+1)x5,000gp
Legendary 50 2d6x12,500gp
When selling Magic items you can negotiate with the Buyer for a higher price. Spending more than one Downtime day can be useful if you plan to negotiate for the purchase price as this represents searching a number of locations to compare offers. Negotiations can result in complications.
Negotiations: 1d20 + (Persuasion or Intimidation)
1 Complication 1
2 1 Complication
3-5 10% lower price
6-15 no change in price
16-19 10% higher price
20+ 25% higher price and Complication 10
Complications: 1d12
1 Thrown out of the shop/No sale/Disadvantage next Negotiation for this Buyer
2 Additional 10% lower price
3 Negative rumor started about the PC
4 Buyer believes to be counterfeit or defective
5 Roll for two Complications
6 PC makes a hostile Contact
7 Positive rumor started about the PC
8 PC makes an friendly Contact
9 Additional 10% higher price
10 Additional 100% higher in exchange for a task
11 Additional 25% higher price
12 Valued Customer/Advantage next negotiation at this location
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
It's early evening when the sun isn't quite so bright yet there are market stands still open, Sarial wanders the Market Place trying to get a grip on her new situation. She sees the Bulletin Board at the south end of the Market Place and reads some of the notices.
Until further notice Wilderness Patrols are being suspended |
by order of Capt Kolar |
Doesn't sound like the kind of work she's looking for anyway
Two rooms available to rent on a monthly basis. Comfortable |
living at a modest price. No troublemakers, Half-Orcs or Tieflings |
See widow Birdwell at Birdwell farm |
She wonders if the widow Birdwell would consider a Drow as a
troublemaker. She posts a notice of her own and heads back to
the Greasy Weasel Tavern
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Injured, bloodied and with soot and dust on her, Cerlinde, an otherwise beautiful red headed elf clad in a green traveling cloak with embroidered leaves and flowers, approaches the bulletin board. She quickly surveys the board and notes Widow Birdwell’s post and heads to Birdwell farm to see if there is still a room available.
A shady half-elf walks to the bulletin board. He sees the post about drow and walks over there.
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
The people you talk to inside the walls are unfamiliar with her but are able to direct you to where the farms are. Once outside the walls you meet fewer people but they all seem to know each other and direct you to the Birdwell farm. It's one of the furthest from town.
"Please, come in" Mrs Birdwell tells you "I do have one room that might be available. The former tenant hasn't been around for nearly a month. The last time I talked to him he said he'd have the rent the following day. He was" she paused momentarily and shrugged "an Adventurer like yourself, so I never know if someone is coming back or not." She tells you, seemingly unaware of your rough condition." If he shows up and wants to cause a fuss over it, I'll figure something out. If you don't already have a place you can have the room 'on the house' so to speak, till the end of the month. If he doesn't show up by then, it's yours no question. It's 30gp at the beginning of each month. I want to stress that, at the beginning of the month. It includes breakfast and an early supper. Meals are with myself, the two hands who work for me, you and the other tenant. If you miss the meal, you have your choice of whatever is leftover till it goes out to the pigs. This is for a single. I want no one in your room overnight except you. Also " she says pausing again " There will be no Magical tinkering. No making potions or scrolls in your room. There are places in town for that sort of thing. You can take a look at the room and see what you think."
It seems that there is something just a little 'off' about Mrs Birdwell, but she seems nice enough.
The room is smallish but still comfortable. there is a bed and nightstand, a small dresser and a small closet. There is a small window over the dresser. The room itself is immaculate.
The other tenant comes in. He sees the two of you and hurries to his room looking concerned. He doesn't speak to either of you.
"Don't mind him" Mrs Birdwell tells you "we've been having words about paying the rent late. I did tell you, the beginning of the month. Well, what do you think?"
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
It' not far through winding paths between Market stalls that you reach the neighborhood they call "the Shadows" and the Greasy Weasel Tavern is in the middle of it. From a distance on the cobbled path between buildings you can hear how loud it is. A quick look over the building you see two other exits. The large circular bar separates the two wings of the Tavern. Towards the east is where most of the cheering and yelling are coming from. Down the west wing things are more hushed and dark. You look around and notice something pretty impressive in terms of the architecture. It's pretty dark around each table and the heavy fabric decor dampens a lot of sound. It seems that nearly every table has a seat with its back to a wall and in eye line of two or more exits. Very rough crowd. Its easy to imagine that anyone tossed out of every Tavern winds up here.
(OOC I'm going to have to figure something out something here since Sariel is one of my PCs, not an NPC and DMPCs are against the DM agreements)
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Cerlinde tells the widow “I will take it, for now. Thanks. Do you worry at all about the situation with the Kobolds? You are pretty far away from the walls.” she unpacks her things, cleans up and spends the night.
The next day she goes to the chained library to see about spells, and finds a quiet place to scribe. (Does she have any discount as her background is cloistered scholar with the library access feature- alternatively she could work there with her calligraphy skills and her magic quill).
I look around for any drow
(OOC I see 2 solutions, make an exception, because you are both a player and a DM, or wait for another DM)
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
"I don't like those sneaky little thieves, but they're just a nuisance. I'm more afraid of bears and wolves" she tells you "My husband was killed by a bear, going on 20 years now"
The Library is free for everyone. You can negotiate for a lower price on the books you purchase.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Cerlinde will buy the cheaper enduring spellbook, and try to get a discount price, perhaps in exchange for some caligraphy work. ..
(OOC Yeah, I'll just get another DM to adjudicate any rolls. We've got a lot of new ones)
You need to look at those darkest corners of the Greasy Weasel's west wing you spot one, mostly by the long white mane of hair. Then you notice the pale blue eyes, already watching you as you search.
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
I walk over and say "Have you seen any other drow around here?"
I exist sometimes, especially when I'm DMing Curse of Strahd.
The Drow regards you like you were vermin "No" is the only reply you get
The Worlds of Pphost a community of DMs and Players making PbP better
Malichi, Tiefling Rogue - Worlds of Pphost- The Amazing Teleportation Machine
DM Worlds of Pphost - Haven 'A Few Days at a Tavern'
Extended Signature
Fresh from his adventures at the masquerade ball, Skrach will take Zula on a 'date' to the Greasy Weasel to watch the fights.
He will try to get a table close to the pits, and order them food and wine.
(He is secretly hoping to see Flint in action again)
Skrach is clearly nervous, but will try his best.
Skrach / Miner
With a lute strapped to her back and a spring in her step, Soriah enters the Marketplace. She arrived in the world of Haven only recently, mostly by accident. She had heard rumors through the extensive Harpers' network of this world, recently discovered and then even more recently lost again in the vast wilderness of the multiverse. She knew her masters were seeking information on what had become of Haven, and the surviving Danarians, but that was not her assignment. No, her assignment was to keep an eye on the new Chancellor in Melvaunt, whom the Harper Council suspected of being a yuan-ti pureblood. As it turned out, they were right, but she didn't get the chance to report back, as Sartissimus conjured up a planar portal and cast her into it, making her entrance into her current location quite... indelicate. That was three days ago. She managed to find her way to the settlement of Haven, and this morning is having her first look around. She checks her coinpurse for the fourth time, but sadly, like the three previous searches, it remains forlornly empty.
"Well," Soriah says cheerfully to herself, "It's time to earn some coin, and find out what Haven is about!"
She strides to the Bulletin Board and checks for any openings for a hard-working Jane-of-all-trades, but while she is definitely for keeping Halfling weed legal, that probably won't pay for meals or lodging. She decides to check out some of the local taverns, perhaps the Stumbalon Inn or the Copper Dragon, to see if they might offer a humble storyteller a chance to entertain their clientele.
Hurren Oakthorn bids farewell to his companions of the last few days, still pondering the events of the Masquerade ball. He returns to the Temple of All Gods, and seek a place to meditate and recover from his wounds. The following morning, he will begin to explore the town of Haven. He starts at the Marketplace as well, looking into the various booths and tents.
Later he heads to The Scholars district, having heard of the library, but when he sees the sign on the building, he turns away, shocked. He wonders if the other patrons understand the meaning of "Drusilla's Forest" in Elvish. Hurren isn't exactly a prude, but he was raised in a monastery after all.
Feeling somewhat uneasy, he heads to the Copper Dragon inn, where he purchases a meal and a cup of weak ale to settle his stomach. Later, perhaps, he will investigate this fighting pit his comrades told him about in the Greasy Weasel in the Shadows district.
As Soriah wanders in through the front door of the Stumbalon Inn, she is greeted by the delicious smells of baked ham, flapjacks, and eggs. There are several patrons dining, but the large room is nowhere near full, as is usual for the morning hours. You are greeted by a smartly dressed halfling, who says, "What can I do for you, lass? Here for breakfast or will you be needing a room as well?"
Come join the Worlds of Pphost, a new and growing PbP community! Adventures are currently running in the world of Haven or do some role-playing!
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Waking in an alley he doesn't remember crawling into, Skrach look around somewhat bemused.
He scrabbles in the pockets of his furs, finding a note from Zula (I will leave another DM to tell me what it says)
With the day free and clear, he decides to pay respect to the spiders, and heads into the Shadows, with the objective of finding a Shrine to Lolth.
He will start his search at the Greasy Weasel, purchasing some breakfast, and an ale to offset the worst of the hangover.
Once settled he will ask around at the Greasy Weasel for possible hits on a Shrine.
Skrach / Miner