"Splendid, Hugh!" says Eggo Lass admiring the rogue's handiwork on the lock.
Regarding the snuffling animals Eggo Lass delightedly muses, "Perhaps it's nestling an Ivory between its ivories." She sighs, fearing it would be too good to be true, "Looks like we'll be having our first encounter."
Hugh effortlessly picks the lock and it clicks open as easily as if the key had been used. The gate opens back to reveal a treasure chest on the other side of the door as suspected, however from the design of it, being made of a strange dark blue wood with bronze accents, it looks entirely out of place in the sandy environment. Now that you are through the gate and have access to the next room, you can hear the movement of the creature clearer. It seems to have heard the door opening once again, as the movements it was making have slowed.
[If you choose to go into the encounter soon, I won’t be able to run it for a good few hours until this evening as I won’t have my laptop or the stat block(s) on me, so feel free to investigate the chest and stuff like that but maybe hold off on going into the next room. From tomorrow I’ll be off for 2 whole weeks so I should be much more available then :)]
You detect no threats coming from the chest, though it was definitely put here by someone as it doesn’t match the surrounding environment at all. As you go to open it you also notice a plaque on the lid with an inscription in red ink and written in the Elvish script. When you open the chest you find 25 GPs worth of coins scattered around the bottom, and a +1 Mace. The mace is made of a silvery metal and has light blue bindings around the handle. An inscription just beneath the base reads ‘Guster’
Galochka removes the items from the chest and lays them on the floor. It takes 5 gold for itself, then sends to the party, "Bounty has found us. Rejoice... our prey is near."
OOC - Guster will work better for someone who is stronger. Aridrey would be a better choice.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Aridrey picks up 5g. “Oooh, shiny.” She then picks up the mace that Galochka left on the ground, and takes a few overenthusiastic practice swings, nearly hitting herself and accidentally knocking over the empty chest. “Oops.” Aridrey gives a slightly sheepish smile to the rest of the group.
Initiative: 8
“Awesome work on picking the door lock, Hugh, and excellent work on picking the chest lock, Galochka.”
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Initiative 16
Hugh puts his back to a wall and starts looking to the entrance and scanning the walls for any hidden doors that might appear. The changing noise level has him on edge. He draws his rapier and is very on edge.
(Perception for Hidden doors 23, I figure perception sine he is looking not across the room, not actively searching so investigating which would be at a much closer range.)
(Since I won't be able to post unit about 7 PM tomorrow and I am posting this at 8:30PM on Wednesday, if a fight breaks out, Hugh will keep his back to the wall, and work to flank with the closest ally. I am ok if Shiverquill wants to roll my combat to move things along. If a fight does not break out, then Hugh will follow the group and check any doors/chests for traps and again I'm ok with Shiverquill rolling for me to keep things moving.
It’s been about a day since I’ve asked for initiative, so anybody that hasn’t given an initiative yet might need to be botted for the next combat. Feel free to enter the next room whenever you want!
"Splendid, Hugh!" says Eggo Lass admiring the rogue's handiwork on the lock.
Regarding the snuffling animals Eggo Lass delightedly muses, "Perhaps it's nestling an Ivory between its ivories." She sighs, fearing it would be too good to be true, "Looks like we'll be having our first encounter."
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
Hugh effortlessly picks the lock and it clicks open as easily as if the key had been used. The gate opens back to reveal a treasure chest on the other side of the door as suspected, however from the design of it, being made of a strange dark blue wood with bronze accents, it looks entirely out of place in the sandy environment. Now that you are through the gate and have access to the next room, you can hear the movement of the creature clearer. It seems to have heard the door opening once again, as the movements it was making have slowed.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
[If you choose to go into the encounter soon, I won’t be able to run it for a good few hours until this evening as I won’t have my laptop or the stat block(s) on me, so feel free to investigate the chest and stuff like that but maybe hold off on going into the next room. From tomorrow I’ll be off for 2 whole weeks so I should be much more available then :)]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
I’m all free now so feel free to start the encounter whenever you wish
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Galochka approaches the dark blue check, wary of traps. It's carapace matches the color of the stone walls around it.
Perception: 8
If none are detected, it tries to open the chest.
You detect no threats coming from the chest, though it was definitely put here by someone as it doesn’t match the surrounding environment at all. As you go to open it you also notice a plaque on the lid with an inscription in red ink and written in the Elvish script. When you open the chest you find 25 GPs worth of coins scattered around the bottom, and a +1 Mace. The mace is made of a silvery metal and has light blue bindings around the handle. An inscription just beneath the base reads ‘Guster’
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
"dark blue chest"
Galochka removes the items from the chest and lays them on the floor. It takes 5 gold for itself, then sends to the party, "Bounty has found us. Rejoice... our prey is near."
OOC - Guster will work better for someone who is stronger. Aridrey would be a better choice.
"Oooh, shinies! Good find, Galochka!" delights Eggo Lass while taking the 5gp cut. She then readies her crossbow, "Seems like it knows we're here."
Initiative: 10+3 = 13 //rolling in log since it seems like we'll need it pretty soon
This is a signature. It was a simple signature. But it has been upgraded.
Belolonandalogalo, Sunny | Draíocht, Kholias | Eggo Lass, 100 Dungeons
Talorin Tebedi, Vecna: Eve | Cherry, Stormwreck | Chipper, Strahd
Let's Test Monsters! | We Are Modron
Get rickrolled here. Awesome music here. Track 45, 2/3/25, Adiemus
[Good idea, everyone roll for initiative since you’ll need it as soon as you go through the door]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Initiative: 6
I’ll roll initiative for the beast in the other room: 20
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
KookAid man about to bust through the wall.
Aridrey picks up 5g. “Oooh, shiny.” She then picks up the mace that Galochka left on the ground, and takes a few overenthusiastic practice swings, nearly hitting herself and accidentally knocking over the empty chest. “Oops.” Aridrey gives a slightly sheepish smile to the rest of the group.
Initiative: 8
“Awesome work on picking the door lock, Hugh, and excellent work on picking the chest lock, Galochka.”
Current Initiative
Big Scary Nasty Beast: 20
Aridrey: 16
Eggo Lass: 13
Galochka: 6
I'll wait until tomorrow morning to start the combat, hopefully Hugh and Tarkun have their initiative rolled by then
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Initiative 16
Hugh puts his back to a wall and starts looking to the entrance and scanning the walls for any hidden doors that might appear. The changing noise level has him on edge. He draws his rapier and is very on edge.
(Perception for Hidden doors 23, I figure perception sine he is looking not across the room, not actively searching so investigating which would be at a much closer range.)
(Since I won't be able to post unit about 7 PM tomorrow and I am posting this at 8:30PM on Wednesday, if a fight breaks out, Hugh will keep his back to the wall, and work to flank with the closest ally. I am ok if Shiverquill wants to roll my combat to move things along. If a fight does not break out, then Hugh will follow the group and check any doors/chests for traps and again I'm ok with Shiverquill rolling for me to keep things moving.
You scan the room for any secrets, but aside from the door with the beast behind, there aren't any further secrets in this room.
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
It’s been about a day since I’ve asked for initiative, so anybody that hasn’t given an initiative yet might need to be botted for the next combat. Feel free to enter the next room whenever you want!
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Galochka girds their thorax and steps into the room.
Aridrey keeps her shield, and the mace she was just fooling around with, ready and follows Galochka.