Name:Dagum Hagnuts Race: Human Class: Wizard Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): The application said wizard, but the human brickwall in front of you seems gangly and awkward and speaks a tad too loudly with a rough, rural accent, "M'name's Dagum Hagnuts, of the Hagnuts Hagfish Company, LLC. M'dad is Obyar Hagnuts. He wanted me to inherit the family business and become a Hagfish merchant like'im. Problem is, I'm not good with words like dad is. And when possible business partners mocked my appearance or speech, I'd tend to make them swallow their teeth. Dad gave up on me, but Mom told me to follow my passions: technical application of the arcane arts to improve the daily lives of the working class. I'm pretty good at that. I helped design a way for the hagfishes to gather in enough numbers to create a water bridge between pools when one gets too dirty. I'm really good with sums, accounting, history, and magic. Just not words and talking to folks. And if I'm out of magic, I can always give someone a black eye." Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated:"Need a job to help get my own business off the ground. Name to be determined, but I want to create magical filters to detoxify water. I also 'eard you don't mind if we have a criminal record. It's nothing major, just several counts of battery. They all deserved it, too." Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:"Helping folks with the tough parts of life via magic. And maybe breaking a few aristocrats' noses." Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?:"You should let me in because I'm probably the smartest feller to walk through that door today, despite the way I look and sound. I'm good at what I do, but I also think critically. And electrum would be viable if we didn't have plentiful gold resources to mint coins. It's a good way to stretch a valuable metal, but our economy is based, somewhat poorly, on alchemical interaction and the occasional windfall of a monster's treasure hoard entering the economy. Those kind of make practical and naturally occurring alloys a bit superfluous."
This looks awesome, I'd love to join! I've had a great idea for a character, hopeful the background isn't too long! Thanks for considering me!
Name:Pushover Gerilwitz
Race: Tiefling
Class: Wizard
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): 'When I was young, I was always bullied by other kids, not just because of my race, but also because of how I'm so easily pressured into doing things for others in fear that I'd upset them if I didn't, so much so that I'd almost always follow anybody's orders! So, when my father passed away, he entrusted me with Aebelskink, who was a powerful archdevil, but has now been turned into a blank spellbook by powerful magic, and kept that way. He hoped I would find some agency in my life by becoming a wizard, so gave it to me as his dying wish, so I of course followed his orders! Also Aebelskink sometimes talks to me and only I can hear. They tell me to do things like 'set them free' or 'unleash the power of the Nine Hells', but I haven't figured out how to do that yet, so can't. I hope I haven't upset them....'
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: 'I was told that I need to get a job eventually, so here I am! Also, I, um, need someone to tell me what to do, so, a boss would be great!'
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: 'I'm not quite sure, where would you like me to be?'
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: 'I'm happy to do whatever you'd like me to! Unless you don't want me to do anything for you, and in that case I guess I could do that for you...but wait hang on wouldn't that mean- no Aebelskink I told you I don't know when the next blood moon is!'
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): A very colorful fellow who had a knack for making money off money, finding money, and improving hoards of money. With skills like that, why do all the work when you can have others work for you, sure you still have to get your hands dirty once in awhile. But why not?
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: franchising.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Owning Waterdeep.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: first, electrum is a very viable currency, for if nothing else to signal a cry for help or a criminal contact- like a safe word. Second, if you don’t let me join the corporation, I am fully confident I can create, hire, and operate a rival company that can threaten your future earnings and potential.
Just a heads up, you've set your stats to always reroll ones instead of once. Will need a new post for stats.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): My life's been so depressing, it's inspired a whole genre of music. Sure, I'm a bard, but I won't be playing any catchy tavern songs. I'll be singing songs like "Waterdeep Down Blues" and "Ain't got but two Electrums".
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: My therapist said it would be good for me to put myself out there. Apparently I haven't had enough practice with rejection.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Rejected.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: No You probably shouldn't, but if you do I'll be able to give you, in painstaking detail, the downside and worst case scenarios to every decision being made.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian(Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Ability scores: 1391415129
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): Garrote is a born bully. Bullies have lotsa enemies. Garrotes enemies are asken for one a his lucky feet. Well Garrote likes his feet so time to make a fortune an hire some bodyguards.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: I need to make a fortune.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Selling hordes to dragons.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: When I make money you make money. You like money right? Protect your money maker! Let’s flip this mixed gold & silver coin see if you luck out.
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head.Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): A very colorful fellow who had a knack for making money off money, finding money, and improving hoards of money. With skills like that, why do all the work when you can have others work for you, sure you still have to get your hands dirty once in awhile. But why not?
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: franchising.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Owning Waterdeep.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: first, electrum is a very viable currency, for if nothing else to signal a cry for help or a criminal contact- like a safe word. Second, if you don’t let me join the corporation, I am fully confident I can create, hire, and operate a rival company that can threaten your future earnings and potential.
Just a heads up, you've set your stats to always reroll ones instead of once. Will need a new post for stats.
12 15 14 12
I just eliminated the re-roll 1s to make it easier. For simplicity. I’ll stay the same everything despite the different rolls.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): Gor is a dwarf round and stocky, his master would say he's quite cocky. He challenged his trainers, who scrambled his brainers, and made any prospects quite rocky. (couldn't resist a limerick)
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Since being shunned by his monastery, Gor has been looking for work, and AI seems like the trendy thing to do
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: "Back in the monastery, after proving myself"
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: I'm strong, I'm tough, and I've got nothing left to lose
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): La totally doesn’t care what others think about them (cough cough sarcasm); but she does believe she’s “special”… she kind of has to think that to get through her often starving musician grind days… but sometimes when she concentrates hard enough or gets angry stressed out enough, weird things happen… and since her musical career hasn’t been going so well, or at all, it might be time to try something else besides hanging outside bars hoping to run into a band who just had a member quit…
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: coin would help, but mostly La wants to “be somebody”… they aren’t sure who they wanna be, but perhaps something… besides normal sounds nice right about now.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: with experience and some wicked stories to tell, as well as perhaps a few cool scars to prove the myth. Also a fancy house with a collection of antiques and stories memorabilia to brag about might be nice…
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: when people piss me off, magical stuff happens, also when I’m daydreaming about music… also, I’m entertaining and even perhaps inspiring, even when it seems like shits hit the fan.
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory: Blessed (or cursed) from a young age with overwhelming ambition Endel was not content to repair books like his parents. But he saw few ways of attaining his desires, instead spending his time reading the tomes as he fixed them. But when a holy book of a certain (not exactly welcome in polite society) deity was brought in for repairs Endel saw his chance. A few prayers, a trip to the graveyard to repurpose some bones nobody would miss (it's not like he stole a skull!), and Endel was the newest Cleric of a god that he's not going to tell you about. Proprietary information, he hopes you understand.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Money, power, and did I mention money and power? Plus the contacts and resources to get even more money and power!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Sitting on a throne while holding a glass of extremely expensive wine in one hand and a huge bag of gold in the other while a servant holds up a book in front of him. Or maybe the servant is holding the gold and Endel's holding the book, he's not quite sure yet.
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, have I got a Cleric for you! With most Clerics all they can offer is healing. The few who can actually smite their enemies tend to be cackling maniacs intent on bringing about eternal darkness while sacrificing anyone within reach to their vile deities. Endel keeps you on your feet, puts your enemies in an early grave, and all he's asking for is a piece of the action! Terms and conditions may apply.
As for electrum, cash is cash. If somebody's willing to accept electrum Endel will be happy to exchange it for goods or services. And if it does end up being worthless as coinage it can be melted down into jewelry and sold!
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): Valiant got everything he wanted as a youth; except danger and adventure. Coming of age, he turned his “look for trouble” inner self outward, and began both his religious readings as well as search for glory.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: my parents always wanted me to hang out with other children of noblility… but god are they boring…
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: elbow deep in a dozen tankards of ale on any given night, or meeting various people in need, looking to use vanquishing their worries as an excuse to cut into a baddie here or there, and be rewarded with more titles and boons, if I make it past 27…
Is Electrum a viable currency? Why should we let you join our corporation?: I am quite versed with a sharp or blunt weapon and needed, and loyal to a fault to the concept of found family and vengeance. Of course, there are always those places that only someone with the noble tongue and the education to back it can get in
Name: Dagum Hagnuts
Race: Human
Class: Wizard
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory, (short form please): The application said wizard, but the human brickwall in front of you seems gangly and awkward and speaks a tad too loudly with a rough, rural accent, "M'name's Dagum Hagnuts, of the Hagnuts Hagfish Company, LLC. M'dad is Obyar Hagnuts. He wanted me to inherit the family business and become a Hagfish merchant like'im. Problem is, I'm not good with words like dad is. And when possible business partners mocked my appearance or speech, I'd tend to make them swallow their teeth. Dad gave up on me, but Mom told me to follow my passions: technical application of the arcane arts to improve the daily lives of the working class. I'm pretty good at that. I helped design a way for the hagfishes to gather in enough numbers to create a water bridge between pools when one gets too dirty. I'm really good with sums, accounting, history, and magic. Just not words and talking to folks. And if I'm out of magic, I can always give someone a black eye."
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: "Need a job to help get my own business off the ground. Name to be determined, but I want to create magical filters to detoxify water. I also 'eard you don't mind if we have a criminal record. It's nothing major, just several counts of battery. They all deserved it, too."
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: "Helping folks with the tough parts of life via magic. And maybe breaking a few aristocrats' noses."
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: "You should let me in because I'm probably the smartest feller to walk through that door today, despite the way I look and sound. I'm good at what I do, but I also think critically. And electrum would be viable if we didn't have plentiful gold resources to mint coins. It's a good way to stretch a valuable metal, but our economy is based, somewhat poorly, on alchemical interaction and the occasional windfall of a monster's treasure hoard entering the economy. Those kind of make practical and naturally occurring alloys a bit superfluous."Character sheet for Pushover if needed to take a closer look at her stats!: Pushover Gerilwitz's Character Sheet - D&D Beyond
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Just a heads up, you've set your stats to always reroll ones instead of once. Will need a new post for stats.
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?:NoYou probably shouldn't, but if you do I'll be able to give you, in painstaking detail, the downside and worst case scenarios to every decision being made.Ready to DM and chew bubblegum. And I'm alllll outta bubblegum.
Kellen Rivian (Level 12 Lore Bard)- Ghosts of Saltmarsh (cbaer8)
Ruven Gilrel (Level 4 Bladesinger)- The Shattered Obelisk
Ability scores: 12 8 16 8 17 14
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Ability scores: 13 9 14 15 12 9
Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: When I make money you make money. You like money right? Protect your money maker! Let’s flip this mixed gold & silver coin see if you luck out.Eron, Greyhawk: Tides of War. Leif, Tomb of Horrors. Zinzenzax, Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. Sha-gravis, Heavy is the Head. Chase, mamoduck’s Lost Mine of Phandelver, Atigash Count’s Lament
I just eliminated the re-roll 1s to make it easier. For simplicity. I’ll stay the same everything despite the different rolls.
Str-7 Dex 14 con 16 int 14 wis 11 cha 17
before racial rods
Ability scores: 12 15 11 13 16 16
Ability scores: 15 9 12 13 13 17
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: I'm strong, I'm tough, and I've got nothing left to loseAbility scores: 15 12 12 14 16 7
La Flambour
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: when people piss me off, magical stuff happens, also when I’m daydreaming about music… also, I’m entertaining and even perhaps inspiring, even when it seems like shits hit the fan.(Just a heads up, will be closing recruitment on the weekend and will announce the accepted party. Also surprised at the lack of martial characters)
Ability scores: 18 17 11 17 9 17
Name: Endel Zera Monet
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Cleric (Death Domain)
Inspiring or Depressing Backstory: Blessed (or cursed) from a young age with overwhelming ambition Endel was not content to repair books like his parents. But he saw few ways of attaining his desires, instead spending his time reading the tomes as he fixed them. But when a holy book of a certain (not exactly welcome in polite society) deity was brought in for repairs Endel saw his chance. A few prayers, a trip to the graveyard to repurpose some bones nobody would miss (it's not like he stole a skull!), and Endel was the newest Cleric of a god that he's not going to tell you about. Proprietary information, he hopes you understand.
Reason for applying for Acquisitions Incorporated: Money, power, and did I mention money and power? Plus the contacts and resources to get even more money and power!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Sitting on a throne while holding a glass of extremely expensive wine in one hand and a huge bag of gold in the other while a servant holds up a book in front of him. Or maybe the servant is holding the gold and Endel's holding the book, he's not quite sure yet.
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, have I got a Cleric for you! With most Clerics all they can offer is healing. The few who can actually smite their enemies tend to be cackling maniacs intent on bringing about eternal darkness while sacrificing anyone within reach to their vile deities. Endel keeps you on your feet, puts your enemies in an early grave, and all he's asking for is a piece of the action! Terms and conditions may apply.As for electrum, cash is cash. If somebody's willing to accept electrum Endel will be happy to exchange it for goods or services. And if it does end up being worthless as coinage it can be melted down into jewelry and sold!
if a martial is what we need/ will fit better I don’t mind doing the grunt work ;)
(I applied a sorc above but I love to play Paladin as well so:)
point buy build link above
Is Electrum a viable currency?Why should we let you join our corporation?: I am quite versed with a sharp or blunt weapon and needed, and loyal to a fault to the concept of found family and vengeance. Of course, there are always those places that only someone with the noble tongue and the education to back it can get inSo, what are the Dice Gods going to declare?
Ability scores: 14 15 15 12 12 11
Second try, because why not?
Ability scores: 8 14 11 12 13 13
First was +8 overall and second s +7. Meh. Still very workable. Both are better than the default stat array, so . .. . Let me think on what for a bit.
And, yes, I remember: rolling the second means using the second.