I can't seem to find any good source for how to run a spelljammer campaign in 5e. I also have never played a spelljammer campaign and I'm not too familiar with it, but I think it would be a really cool campaign setting to try. So far I know it's sort of like D&D in space, but with guns too, and I think space pirates? Sort of like space is the ocean and spaceships are pirate ships. I might be wrong.
But has anyone ran a spelljammer in 5e? If so, what sources did you use and what how did you run it with space ships and what not, what kind of plot did you guys use?
Have you ever seen Disney's Treasure Planet? That's very much like Spelljammer in look and feel, except instead of aliens, toss in fantasy D&D races. There may be some Spelljammer material on the horizon, as there's some official Giff material in the upcoming book.
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"The mongoose blew out its candle and was asleep in bed before the room went dark." —Llanowar fable
Running a 5e Spelljammer campaign right now. I use the old books from back when I was a kid (most of which you can buy here in PDF format).
The guys are loving it so far. They left Toril and have visited The Rock of Bral, now they've signed on as guards on board a small merchant-smuggler.
Next episode they will visit the spectacular planet of Ebberon for a planet side adventure while the captain loads the ship up with soarwood lumber and low level magic goods to take back to Bral.
In addition to the other resources mentioned by people, there's a Wiki with conversion information here.
I haven't ever played Spelljammer ( although they exist in my campaign world, as a crashed Spelljammer features in one adventure arc ), or used any of the conversion data, so I can't vouch for it.
Disclaimer: This signature is a badge of membership in the Forum Loudmouth Club. We are all friends. We are not attacking each other. We are engaging in spirited, friendly debate with one another. We may get snarky, but these are not attacks. Thank you for not reporting us.
In Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage there is a Spelljamming Helm, and an asteroid (Stardock) you get to go to. In my campaign I have a Paladin who plans on becoming a Death Knight, and there's an Artificer who has modified his lungs so he no longer needs to breath. They have a Diviner Wizard on their team that can (wo)man the Spelljamming Helm, and a Swashbuckler Rogue who can sneak onto other ships they'll pass by and then disable their weapons, steal stuff, assassinate certain creatures, and so on. They're essentially going to be space pirates.
I have tried a few times, homebrew conversions are never a good idea (unless your an even handed unfeeling, undriven disembodied mind.. then its will be fair and well done lol)
I'm not 100% it will fit for you but, its totally well done and 5e... look at "Hyperlanes" its Scrivened-LLC's work, https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/10337/Scrivened-LLC , along with "HellScapes" that is post-apocalyptic (your players will love it if they wanna be baddies, lol)
I am currently in a 5e Spelljammer Campaign right now, and they like it so far. I think it can be converted well, but I do avoid other people's homebrew whenever I can, and this doesn't just apply to this campaign. I like the game, I like the strange rules, and I will continue the campaign. What are your experiences with it? Why do you think it is so bad in 5e?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
So far I know it's sort of like D&D in space, but with guns too, and I think space pirates? Sort of like space is the ocean and spaceships are pirate ships. I might be wrong.
My friends and I have written a campaign setting called Spelljammer Aeterus. It takes place in the future of DND. Complete with races, backgrounds classes and subclasses, rules for ship combat. We even wrote new psionics rules. Would you be interested in something like that?
I can't seem to find any good source for how to run a spelljammer campaign in 5e. I also have never played a spelljammer campaign and I'm not too familiar with it, but I think it would be a really cool campaign setting to try. So far I know it's sort of like D&D in space, but with guns too, and I think space pirates? Sort of like space is the ocean and spaceships are pirate ships. I might be wrong.
But has anyone ran a spelljammer in 5e? If so, what sources did you use and what how did you run it with space ships and what not, what kind of plot did you guys use?
Published Subclasses
Have you ever seen Disney's Treasure Planet? That's very much like Spelljammer in look and feel, except instead of aliens, toss in fantasy D&D races. There may be some Spelljammer material on the horizon, as there's some official Giff material in the upcoming book.
You might also enjoy Dragonstar. It has a more Sci-Fi feel but it mixes tech and magic. It is 3.5 but I'm sure there are conversionshttps://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/dragonstar/
Ongoing Projects: The Mimic Book of Mimics :: SHARK WEEK
Completed Projects: The Trick-or-Treat Table
My Homebrews: Races :: Classes :: Spells :: Items :: Monsters
Running a 5e Spelljammer campaign right now. I use the old books from back when I was a kid (most of which you can buy here in PDF format).
The guys are loving it so far. They left Toril and have visited The Rock of Bral, now they've signed on as guards on board a small merchant-smuggler.
Next episode they will visit the spectacular planet of Ebberon for a planet side adventure while the captain loads the ship up with soarwood lumber and low level magic goods to take back to Bral.
Fun for the players and real fun to DM. :-)
In addition to the other resources mentioned by people, there's a Wiki with conversion information here.
I haven't ever played Spelljammer ( although they exist in my campaign world, as a crashed Spelljammer features in one adventure arc ), or used any of the conversion data, so I can't vouch for it.
My DM Philosophy, as summed up by other people: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rN5w4-azTq3Kbn0Yvk9nfqQhwQ1R5by1/view
Disclaimer: This signature is a badge of membership in the Forum Loudmouth Club. We are all friends. We are not attacking each other. We are engaging in spirited, friendly debate with one another. We may get snarky, but these are not attacks. Thank you for not reporting us.
I've run Spelljammer in 5e with the above rules that I converted myself.
It was tons of fun and I highly recommend running Spelljammer.
Power Word Skill
In Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage there is a Spelljamming Helm, and an asteroid (Stardock) you get to go to. In my campaign I have a Paladin who plans on becoming a Death Knight, and there's an Artificer who has modified his lungs so he no longer needs to breath. They have a Diviner Wizard on their team that can (wo)man the Spelljamming Helm, and a Swashbuckler Rogue who can sneak onto other ships they'll pass by and then disable their weapons, steal stuff, assassinate certain creatures, and so on. They're essentially going to be space pirates.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
DO NOT USE spelljammer in 5e.
I have tried a few times, homebrew conversions are never a good idea (unless your an even handed unfeeling, undriven disembodied mind.. then its will be fair and well done lol)
I'm not 100% it will fit for you but, its totally well done and 5e... look at "Hyperlanes" its Scrivened-LLC's work, https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/10337/Scrivened-LLC , along with "HellScapes" that is post-apocalyptic (your players will love it if they wanna be baddies, lol)
I am currently in a 5e Spelljammer Campaign right now, and they like it so far. I think it can be converted well, but I do avoid other people's homebrew whenever I can, and this doesn't just apply to this campaign. I like the game, I like the strange rules, and I will continue the campaign. What are your experiences with it? Why do you think it is so bad in 5e?
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
Don't forget the Space Hamsters... https://spelljammer.fandom.com/wiki/Giant_space_hamster
And Miniature Giant Space Hamsters (definitely not normal hamsters)
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
But do you recall the most famous miniature giant space hamster of all?
"Go for the eyes, Boo! FOR THE EYES!"
Ongoing Projects: The Mimic Book of Mimics :: SHARK WEEK
Completed Projects: The Trick-or-Treat Table
My Homebrews: Races :: Classes :: Spells :: Items :: Monsters
try this:
Yep, I've seen this, I've used some of its rules in my game.
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
My friends and I have written a campaign setting called Spelljammer Aeterus. It takes place in the future of DND. Complete with races, backgrounds classes and subclasses, rules for ship combat. We even wrote new psionics rules. Would you be interested in something like that?
Andrew Cole (he/him/his) | Social Studies Educator
Tulsa Public Schools, Thomas Edison Preparatory High School
H: 8804 S 91 E Ave, Tulsa Ok 74133
T: 918-381-4825
Thanks, this looks really good. I'm going to be a new DM and I look forward to using this to Spelljamming my campaign.
Thank you I've been trying to find these books
time for a resurrection.
5e Spelljammer officially announced. From the sounds of it this will be the first campaign setting that will release as a Box Set.