Dungeon Masters Only

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Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Betting on Dinosaur Races >>
by Androsofthewoods
4 573
How do you deal with nat ones in combat? >>
by GracefulLion
70 15,272
6 ways to use >>
by alexanderatoz
39 619
My players are fighting a reskinned ancient blue dragon... At level 5. >>
by Robo_t
10 122
How often (if ever) do you give monsters with weapons weapon mastery? >>
by Shoktona70
2 38
My party wants dragons >>
by TheCopperVampire
14 192
What would an ancient Drow house need from Zhentarim? >>
by Shreddingmaterial
4 63
1st level campaign advice? >> 2 29
Got an interesting idea for a campaign... >>
by Mattan_Braddus
4 71
Bastion and Downtime rules interactions? >>
by Peculiar_Aspect
1 27
Cause for multiversal Glitch in planescape >>
by Kaine02
6 68
Opinions on Side Quests - Good or Bad? >>
by TartarusBlack
7 64
my players just killed the npc that the story revolves around help >>
by notaname47314
14 206
Does anyone have the Minecraft promotional booklet? >>
by Good_Drow
4 35
Help with design of an Airship Casino >>
by DuffPhD
10 1,318
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