The Competition of the Finest Brews IV
Poll: DM Option: Relativistic Revelry
DM Option: Relativistic Revelry - Score
- Zenlos2_0's Dagaz Raido 3.273
- Smokehorn_knight_of_Cats's Gravity Trap 2.818
- Yamana_Eajii's Chronurgal Glory 3.273
- Thauraeln_The_Bold's Portal Dragon 3.750
- MilestoGo_24's Temporal Anomaly 3.636
- Third_Sundering's Living Paradox 3.727
- Drumitch's Chronomite Swarm 3.636
- ThorukDuckSlayer's Mirror of Missed Opportunities 3.750
- HomebrewMindFlayer's Crushers 3.917
Ended Nov 14, 2021
Poll: PC Option: Spellcaster Shutdown
PC Option: Spellcaster Shutdown - Score
- Thauraeln_The_Bold's Spellslayer 3.385
- Yamana_Eajii's College of Wishes 2.909
- MilestoGo_24's Antimagic Gate 3.636
- Zenlos2_0's Warp Weave 3.545
- FallenPhoenixIV's Dampen Spell 3.545
- Drumitch's Sealer 3.333
- HomebrewMindFlayer's Spell Duelist 3.615
- Stephanie252's Spell Eater 3.182
Ended Nov 14, 2021
Poll: Inspirational Option: Festivals and Gatherings
Inspirational Option: Festivals and Gatherings - Score
- Zenlos2_0's The Spirit Game 3.167
- Thauraeln_The_Bold's Ordenstone 3.556
- Yamana_Eajii's Mixed Spell Schools/Chaotic Celebrant 3.333
- Drumitch's Savage Snowball Fight 4.111
- ThorukDuckSlayer's Festival of Petty Disputes 3.429
Ended Nov 14, 2021
This is a pretty cool magic item, and could live some intresting results (how did the always poor street urchin become a noble, how did the farmer become a hermit)
My homebrew content: Monsters, subclasses, Magic items, Feats, spells, races, backgrounds
Here's my PC option submission!
Spell Duelist
Spell duelists are imbued with the arcane power of dueling with magic. Some have this power because they are descended from an archmage, and witch hunter, a mage slayer, and a wizard duelist. Other were were caught in a duel between powerful mages and was infected by the magic. The possibilities are endless.
However you get your powers, Spell duelists specialize in fighting other spellcastes. They have tools to deal with nearly any type of spell.
Duelist's Magic
1st level Spell Duelist feature
You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Dueling Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of sorcerer spells you know.
Dueling Spells
detect magic, shield
see invisibility, arcanist's magic aura
dispel magic, counterspell
banishment, resilient sphere
antilife shell, circle of power
Act First
1st level Spell Duelist feature
You are an expert at duels, letting you react quickly. You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your charisma modifier. During your first round of combat, you have two reactions instead on only one.
Spell Duel
1st level Spell Duelist feature
You can use your spells to counter enemy's spells. As a reaction when a creature makes a spell attack against you will a level of spell that you can cast, you can use your reaction to cast a cantrip that requires a spell attack, targeting that creature. Instead of making an attack roll, you roll a d20 with a disadvantage and add your spell attack modifier. If the result is higher than the attack roll of the spell targeting you, that spell misses and your cantrip automatically hits. Otherwise, your cantrip misses and the spell attack against you automatically hits.
You can use this feature once, regaining use after a long rest. You can also spend a number of sorcery points equal to the level of the spell targeting you (1 for cantrips) to use this feature if you are out of uses and have sorcery points.
Combat Concentration
6th level Spell Duelist feature
You can concentrate on difficult spells even in the heat of battle. You gain a bonus to constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration equal to half your proficiency bonus.
In addition, you can break your opponents concentration with ease. When you damage a creature with a cantrip, the target must subtract a number from any constitution saving throws made to to maintain concentration from that damage equal to the level of the spell you damaged them with (1 for cantrips).
Duelist's Mark
14th level Spell Duelist
You are an expert at wizardly duels. As a bonus action, you can put your duelist's mark on a creature within 60 feet of you. The mark lasts for a minute, or until you use your action to reclaim it early. The creature marked by your duelist's mark has a disadvantage on all spell attack rolls made against creatures other than you, and creature's other than you have an advantage on saving throws against spells cast by the creature marked by your duelist's mark.
The sorcery point cost to use your Spell Duel feature is halved if spell is cast by a creature marked by your duelist's mark.
You can only mark a creature in this way once, regaining use after a long rest. If the marked creature dies or you use your action to reclaim the mark, you regain use of the feature early.
Arcane Mimicry
18th level Spell Duelist feature
You can copy your opponents most potent spells. When you counter a spell of 7th level or lower, either with you spell duel feature or with the counterspell spell, you can use this feature to mimic that spell. When you do this, as part of the same reaction, you cast the spell requiring no spell slot. (this is instead of the cantrip if you countered the spell with Spell Duel). If the spell normally targets a creature, you must target the creature who cast the spell.
After this, you learn the spell and it counts as a sorcerer spell for you. You loose the spell after a minute. During this time, the caster looses the spell.
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest, unless you spend 9 sorcery points to use it again.
The DM option is still coming, ad may take a while. We'll see if I get it done in time. I also have a published version on my alt account, so if you want to use this in the character builder I can send it over.
I am an average mathematics enjoyer.
>Extended Signature<
Very cool and unique idea!
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
Just over half way........ I need a new ioun stone of Inspiration Options!
Frequent Eladrin || They/Them, but accept all pronouns
Luz Noceda would like to remind you that you're worth loving!
We have a little less than 2 weeks remaining for submissions.
At this point we have 17 entries across all three categories. The majority of these entries have gone into the DM Options and PC Options with the Inspirational Options currently only carrying two entries.
I look forward to everything that is added in the coming weeks.
Please let me know if I have not yet added your submission or if there is any issue with the link I have provided to your submission.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
It's a bit of a stretch, but here is my new Inspirational Option, which isn't specifically festive but it includes a festive example spell... It's at the end of the document, and you can deny it if you wish.
Frequent Eladrin || They/Them, but accept all pronouns
Luz Noceda would like to remind you that you're worth loving!
I am torn. This is a very cool and inspirational option but really only the example spell given fits the given theme for this competition. For the time being I will include it.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
My inspirational option! An encounter with the local kids who challenged you to a snowball fight! They've been practicing their cold magic for just this moment! Will you be there? or be square?
This encounter is made for a party of 4th or 5th level characters. (if you want it to be balanced don't allow your party to prepare fireball for this encounter)
I don't know how to actually show the statblocks on a comment, so you'll have to use links to view things, sorry!
The encounter takes place in an urban environment, but with steady snowfall and low temperatures. The gound in most spots will be difficult terrain due to deep snow (mid-shin), slowing movement for the pitchers and the party.
3x Snowball Pitchers
4x Savage Snowballs
1x Savage Snowball Swarm
Conjure Savage Snowball spell (used by snowball pitchers)
Sunday DM and creator of homebrew for both DMs and players. I do lots of conversions!
My best brews: Berserker (Fire Emblem - barbarian subclass) | Swordmaster (Fire Emblem - fighter subclass) | Deserter (background) | Flame Atronach (Skyrim - monster)
My Fire Emblem Conversion Thread
General homebrew links
Spells | Monsters | Magic Items | Backgrounds | Feats | Races | Subclasses
I have made an Inspirational option; The Festival of Petty Disputes!
Do your players often quibble over little things relating to food - like whether you put jam or cream first on a cream tea, or whether it's pronounced "scone" or "scone" (spoiler - it's "scone")?
Give them this little festival in a silly halfling village they may encounter on their travels!
The Festival of Petty Disputes (homebrewery)
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
One week left to submit.
If you've been sitting on an idea for a while, now is the time to flesh it out
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Three days remaining until submissions end and voting begins.
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Here's my DM option! It's a condensed version of my lore for a monster called Crushers. Hope you al enjoy it! (homebrewery link)
I am an average mathematics enjoyer.
>Extended Signature<
Is it just me, or is the link broken? Did it work for you guys?
I totally advise riding an animated castle.
It works for me
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Quick submission to the Player Options section. Bit rushed but lotsa fun to make! I like these events Kaboom979, so thanks for organising this one!
The wizard muttered the forbidden incantation and raised his hands to point at the lich his allies fought across the other side of the ravine. Behind them, a shadowy creature appeared, formed of hunger and a lightless hungering for magic. A sweat broke over the wizard's face as he remained there, attempting to keep a modicum of control over the beast that drained the lich of their magical might before his eyes. With this spirit present, they quickly defeated the lich, but then the spirit roared across the ravine, making for the wizard himself. Cursing, he invoked ancient magic and forced the creator back to the void from whence it came.
Spell Eater
Chilling kinda vibe.
A very interesting concept. Added to the list
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
This was gonna be a DM Options submission. Then I realised that it was more of an Inspiration Options thing. Which has a whole different brief. Ah, well imma post it here anyway in the hope that someone enjoys reading it. :-)
Warping dungeon guidance:
Perhaps your dungeon was created by aberrations or is situated by a portal to the Far Realm. For whatever reason, strange illogical magic has permeated your dungeon and the layout of the dungeon is twisted. You'll likely want a set of guidelines to help you, the DM, navigate your creation, lest you become prey to the madness of the Far Realm yourself!
Create your dungeon as normal and add these simple rules to add the spatial madness!
1) Any creature that walks through a door exits through a random door located elsewhere in the dungeon. Turning widdershins before entering the door negates this property.
2) Randomly select a quarter of the rooms in your dungeon. Reorient the direction of gravity in these rooms.
3) Corridors are long. Or perhaps they are short? Maybe even both. Roll a d4. On a 1, every foot moved in the corridor takes 2ft of movement. On a 2, a creature's speed is doubled in this corridor. This is due to the fact that perspective functions differently in the corridor, messing with the distances perceived and the actual distances in the passages.
4) Attempts to teleport in this dungeon cause the creature to appear in a random area of the dungeon. Space is wibbly.
5) If you have any stairways (collapsed or otherwise), consider making them into Penrose Stairs.
6) Make your own versions! This is only a short outline of possibilities to get you going - feel encouraged to add your own twists or ignore things in here a s you see fit!
Chilling kinda vibe.
Happy Halloween. Today is the final day to submit before voting begins
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Last day everyone! Then we can vote!!
Good luck everyone! May your homebrew fair well.
I am an average mathematics enjoyer.
>Extended Signature<
Good luck, guys!
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.