The Competition of the Finest Brews IV
Poll: DM Option: Relativistic Revelry
DM Option: Relativistic Revelry - Score
- Zenlos2_0's Dagaz Raido 3.273
- Smokehorn_knight_of_Cats's Gravity Trap 2.818
- Yamana_Eajii's Chronurgal Glory 3.273
- Thauraeln_The_Bold's Portal Dragon 3.750
- MilestoGo_24's Temporal Anomaly 3.636
- Third_Sundering's Living Paradox 3.727
- Drumitch's Chronomite Swarm 3.636
- ThorukDuckSlayer's Mirror of Missed Opportunities 3.750
- HomebrewMindFlayer's Crushers 3.917
Ended Nov 14, 2021
Poll: PC Option: Spellcaster Shutdown
PC Option: Spellcaster Shutdown - Score
- Thauraeln_The_Bold's Spellslayer 3.385
- Yamana_Eajii's College of Wishes 2.909
- MilestoGo_24's Antimagic Gate 3.636
- Zenlos2_0's Warp Weave 3.545
- FallenPhoenixIV's Dampen Spell 3.545
- Drumitch's Sealer 3.333
- HomebrewMindFlayer's Spell Duelist 3.615
- Stephanie252's Spell Eater 3.182
Ended Nov 14, 2021
Poll: Inspirational Option: Festivals and Gatherings
Inspirational Option: Festivals and Gatherings - Score
- Zenlos2_0's The Spirit Game 3.167
- Thauraeln_The_Bold's Ordenstone 3.556
- Yamana_Eajii's Mixed Spell Schools/Chaotic Celebrant 3.333
- Drumitch's Savage Snowball Fight 4.111
- ThorukDuckSlayer's Festival of Petty Disputes 3.429
Ended Nov 14, 2021
I would think so, it won last time!
Frequent Eladrin || They/Them, but accept all pronouns
Luz Noceda would like to remind you that you're worth loving!
I totally advise riding an animated castle.
Absolutely fine to do either of those. Honestly, encounters / tables are really what I am hoping to get more of since I figured alot of DMs would be looking for things to use for running fun Holiday one-shots when they meet up with friends and family over the next few months
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
My inspiration option, A skill challenge Where you must play an unusual strategy/trivia game.Sorry ahead of time for any grammar or formatting mistakes.
The spirit game
My homebrew content: Monsters, subclasses, Magic items, Feats, spells, races, backgrounds
Two days in and we already have 11 entries stretching across all three categories. Great energy so far. Keep it up!
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
Ill probably enter, if I can get any good ideas... Hoping to come up with something unexpected, of sorts
Enethia is running a library, Kalnor is with one of his friends(Likely Mithris), Mali is making an elixir, Asari is sad, Ink is dying in Kalnoia, Nox is dead, Zal is eating cheese fries, Tefeerinn is experiencing fuller life, Shardia is watching the safehouse, Mabij is prepping for a trial, Hrakor is running from prophesy, Viperitahk is locked in a strange battle, Void is watching, Redd is writing all of these. See the EXTENSION for the rest
Okay, here's my Dungeon Master's Option, the horrific and abominable Living Paradox; the result of manipulating dunamancy magic so much that the world breaks and tries to take revenge! (It also could probably kill the Tarrasque in a 1v1 battle, and permanently. This thing is a beast, and your players will hate you if you ever include it in your campaign.)
Please check out my homebrew, I would appreciate feedback:
Spells, Monsters, Subclasses, Races, Arcknight Class, Occultist Class, World, Enigmatic Esoterica forms
My inspirational option is a game called Ordenstone, which is played by giants. Though it's not completely a festival or celebration, I feel like games tie into the holiday spirit.
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
I totally advise riding an animated castle.
I’ve been one-upped (this was pretty close to the concept of my DM option).
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Never let an alternative one-up you. I'd still like to see your option! Especially if it's a lower CR
Frequent Eladrin || They/Them, but accept all pronouns
Luz Noceda would like to remind you that you're worth loving!
We are now one-week in to the Competition of the Finest Brews IV.
So far we have seen 14 submissions in total, with the most popular category appearing to be the DM Option, Relativistic Revelry. Looking forward to what other homebrew people have been working on for this
Three-time Judge of the Competition of the Finest Brews! Come join us in making fun, unique homebrew and voting for your favorite entries!
I am wanting to submit a monster, but the monster I am making is a swarm of other custom monsters (meaning I'll have to make the individual first). Is this allowed, or would I have to use the individual monster?
Sunday DM and creator of homebrew for both DMs and players. I do lots of conversions!
My best brews: Berserker (Fire Emblem - barbarian subclass) | Swordmaster (Fire Emblem - fighter subclass) | Deserter (background) | Flame Atronach (Skyrim - monster)
My Fire Emblem Conversion Thread
General homebrew links
Spells | Monsters | Magic Items | Backgrounds | Feats | Races | Subclasses
I imagine that a swarm of >oogabooganators< would be fairly self contained - whilst it would be based on an individual >oogabooganator<, the stats will all be there, and provided you describe them adequately, you shouldn't need the original. We don't have individual bees, for example, but we can get a stat block for a swarm of them!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
Thanks! I'll begin working immediately lol
Sunday DM and creator of homebrew for both DMs and players. I do lots of conversions!
My best brews: Berserker (Fire Emblem - barbarian subclass) | Swordmaster (Fire Emblem - fighter subclass) | Deserter (background) | Flame Atronach (Skyrim - monster)
My Fire Emblem Conversion Thread
General homebrew links
Spells | Monsters | Magic Items | Backgrounds | Feats | Races | Subclasses
Not sure how to get a visual of a statblock to put into the comments here, but I've got a link to the page:
This is my entry for Relativistic Revelry!
Sunday DM and creator of homebrew for both DMs and players. I do lots of conversions!
My best brews: Berserker (Fire Emblem - barbarian subclass) | Swordmaster (Fire Emblem - fighter subclass) | Deserter (background) | Flame Atronach (Skyrim - monster)
My Fire Emblem Conversion Thread
General homebrew links
Spells | Monsters | Magic Items | Backgrounds | Feats | Races | Subclasses
Just wanted to let you know, Yamana, four of your tooltips didn't work for your Carnival of Death entry. One was in the Special Quest Rewards, one was under Searching the Tents, one was under Murderer on the Loose, and one was under Return to the Carnival.
All stars fade. Some stars forever fall.
Homebrew: Magic Items, Monsters, Spells, Subclasses
If there was no light, people wouldn't fear the dark.
I have removed it as I just don't think it's good enough. I might try something else (sorry Kaboom, more linking for you)
Frequent Eladrin || They/Them, but accept all pronouns
Luz Noceda would like to remind you that you're worth loving!
This next one will be my entry for Spellcaster Shutdown:
I had actually just created this offline for my campaign the other day before I saw this thread. Figured I might as well make it on here for the competition! The Sealer is a fighter subclass that is typically taken by high-ranking law enforcement in the capitol city of Thale (it's the name of the city and the country, I know, original). They regulate the usage of magic on the streets and arrest those who use magic for nefarious purposes or in a harmful manner.
In your games just feel free to flavor them however you'd like though :D
P.S. can anyone tell me how to import an image of my monster that I submitted earlier?
Sunday DM and creator of homebrew for both DMs and players. I do lots of conversions!
My best brews: Berserker (Fire Emblem - barbarian subclass) | Swordmaster (Fire Emblem - fighter subclass) | Deserter (background) | Flame Atronach (Skyrim - monster)
My Fire Emblem Conversion Thread
General homebrew links
Spells | Monsters | Magic Items | Backgrounds | Feats | Races | Subclasses
I have a submission for the DM options! Presenting the Mirror of Missed Opportunities - a chance to wind back the clock, and find out what might have been - but be warned, for it is you that is looking out of the mirror - you who made those decisions.
The Mirror of Missed Opportunities
wondrous item, rare
This small locket contains a strange window into the multiverse - a mirror in which you see yourself, but not quite right. Perhaps your hair is a little longer, or your skin paler, perhaps a small scar, or maybe it's just a twinkle in your eye - but something seems different.
This locket can be opened once per day, during the first hour after dawn. Any attempts to open it outside of this hour do not succeed. After it has been opened, it will not open for the same person for one week.
When you open this locket, you will look upon a reflection of yourself, but one for whom small decisions early in life caused things to play out differently, which has changed the life they have led in subtle ways. When you peer into the mirror, you and this other you swap places - or perhaps it was always them in the mirror, and you were the one who made those decisions?
When you open this locket, you lose any and all features (except items) granted by your Background. Then, randomly select a background for your character - you can do this using any source material you have access to. The features granted by your new background (but not items) are then added to your character sheet. This change is permanent, though could change again if you choose to use the locket again. It is recommended that you subtly change your backstory to reflect this change.
It's a bit difficult to wrap ones head around, but then, that is time for you!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!