I was trying to make a Ring that could function as a container.
I'd like this thing to show up on the character sheet as a usable container like a Bag of Holding or Handy Haversack.
I tagged it as such, tried it as a Ring item, tried it as a Wondrous Item, I even tried making a copy of some items and just changing the name to Ring...all to no avail.
Please see the Homebrew Items & Equipment FAQ, question #5 for the (unfortunate) answer. You could always add a standard alms box to the character and customize it.
When you customise a container, please consider how you want it to affect encumbrance. There are (at least) two types of containers.
a) An ordinary item like alm's box or backpack where Weight Override gives the container its weight. The weight of anything you put into the container is added to it. Everything is included in the character's weight calculation and the character sheet will tell you if you have exceeded your carrying capacity.
b) A magical item like bag of holding or portable hole where Weight Overridecaps the container's weight. The weight of anything you put into the container is ignored. This is probably what you want for your ring, so you should add portable hole and customize that.
Capacity Weight Override allows you to compare the weight of items with the limit you have imposed on the container. AFAIK, the character sheet does not warn you if you exceed this.
When designing the rules of your ring, you should consider how characters put items in and take them out. For example, a bag of holding has a mouth roughly 2 feet in diameter and doesn't like sharp objects. A ring is tiny... only suitable for worms or rolled up papers. Maybe the attuned user can teleport into and out of the ring at will (with the danger of being trapped somehow)? Read the rules of other magical containers and see how their rules constrain their use.
Also, the character sheet does not allow you to nest containers. That is, you cannot add/move a container to another container. You should decide if your ring cares about this limitation. The rules of some items like bag of holding says both containers are destroyed.
Edits: You cannot edit the text of a non-homebrew item, so your ring owner will be stuck with the text of whichever container you have decided to customise. You can put your text into the Notes field. Alternatively, add your nice homebrew ring as an item in the customised container ring. For example, the customized item is an ordinary or magical container ring, and your homebrew item is the magical gem/sigil/demiplane that is "in the ring". That way the player can see all your homebrew ring rules in one place.
The Manage Inventory search in the character sheet has filters for Wondrous and Container - see list below for what my subscription gives me access to.
I was trying to make a Ring that could function as a container.
I'd like this thing to show up on the character sheet as a usable container like a Bag of Holding or Handy Haversack.
I tagged it as such, tried it as a Ring item, tried it as a Wondrous Item, I even tried making a copy of some items and just changing the name to Ring...all to no avail.
Any ideas?
Please see the Homebrew Items & Equipment FAQ, question #5 for the (unfortunate) answer. You could always add a standard alms box to the character and customize it.
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Thanks so much. Mea culpa! I did indeed miss that when skimming the FAQ.
When you customise a container, please consider how you want it to affect encumbrance. There are (at least) two types of containers.
a) An ordinary item like alm's box or backpack where Weight Override gives the container its weight. The weight of anything you put into the container is added to it. Everything is included in the character's weight calculation and the character sheet will tell you if you have exceeded your carrying capacity.
b) A magical item like bag of holding or portable hole where Weight Override caps the container's weight. The weight of anything you put into the container is ignored. This is probably what you want for your ring, so you should add portable hole and customize that.
Capacity Weight Override allows you to compare the weight of items with the limit you have imposed on the container. AFAIK, the character sheet does not warn you if you exceed this.
When designing the rules of your ring, you should consider how characters put items in and take them out. For example, a bag of holding has a mouth roughly 2 feet in diameter and doesn't like sharp objects. A ring is tiny... only suitable for worms or rolled up papers. Maybe the attuned user can teleport into and out of the ring at will (with the danger of being trapped somehow)? Read the rules of other magical containers and see how their rules constrain their use.
Also, the character sheet does not allow you to nest containers. That is, you cannot add/move a container to another container. You should decide if your ring cares about this limitation. The rules of some items like bag of holding says both containers are destroyed.
You cannot edit the text of a non-homebrew item, so your ring owner will be stuck with the text of whichever container you have decided to customise. You can put your text into the Notes field. Alternatively, add your nice homebrew ring as an item in the customised container ring. For example, the customized item is an ordinary or magical container ring, and your homebrew item is the magical gem/sigil/demiplane that is "in the ring". That way the player can see all your homebrew ring rules in one place.
The Manage Inventory search in the character sheet has filters for Wondrous and Container - see list below for what my subscription gives me access to.
Magical containers
Cartographer's Map Case
Chest of Preserving
Documancy Satchel
Living Loot Satchel
Portfolio Keeper
Voting Kit
Bag of Holding
Efficient Quiver
Quiver of Ehlonna
Robe of Useful Items
Cauldron of Plenty
Daern's Instant Fortress
Flying Chariot
Folding Boat
Handy Haversack
Heward's Handy Haversack
Instant Fortress
Portable Hole
Bag of Devouring
Carpet of Flying (3 ft. x 5 ft.)
Carpet of Flying (4 ft. x 6 ft.)
Carpet of Flying (5 ft. x 7 ft.)
Carpet of Flying (6 ft. x 9 ft.)
Tasha’s Creeping Keelboat
Apparatus of Kwalish
Apparatus of the Crab