I figured it was a bit messy organizing our meetings in the same forum that we accept new members. Therefore, I have established a new place for us to discuss our plans.
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Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
We need to know who we can trust as far as other cults go, as well as who we need to keep tabs on. I, personally, am a bit worried about the Jerry Hive, but we shouldn't take action unless we know they are against us.
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Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Calling everyone in the Spider Guild! We need you all to gather resources to create a champion to fight Mendigo and the armies of Jerry! These are the resources we need so far to complete PROJECT R.A.A.I.E. :
Gold Dragon Scales
Tarrasque Bones & Scales
LOADS of Spider Silk
A Dragon's Heart
A Beholder's Brain
Astral Crystals& Stardust
Rocket Fuel (For missiles)
Wires, Gears and Bolts
3 Loyal Souls
Go forth, fellow Acolytes of Arachnids, and help us end the tyranny of Jerry once and for all! Good luck, and may Lolth be with you.
As you have allied yourselves with myself against the Jerry Hive, I will see what I and my fellow deities can do to help you construct these devices. The one thing I know we cannot provide for you are the souls you need. Otherwise, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to supplies the rest of the materials you need. Just provide us with the specifications required (especially on this "rocket fuel" you need), and we will do the rest.
Also, tell me if you require any weapons, and I will see what we can do.
Best of luck to my newest allies,
Elendon Starguide, Patron God of Adventurers and Hero of the Creation War.
As you have allied yourselves with myself against the Jerry Hive, I will see what I and my fellow deities can do to help you construct these devices. The one thing I know we cannot provide for you are the souls you need. Otherwise, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to supplies the rest of the materials you need. Just provide us with the specifications required (especially on this "rocket fuel" you need), and we will do the rest.
Also, tell me if you require any weapons, and I will see what we can do.
Best of luck to my newest allies,
Elendon Starguide, Patron God of Adventurers and Hero of the Creation War.
I cannot thank you enough for your help. As for the souls, you don't need to worry about them. The souls for the machine have already stated that they are more than willing to participate in this experiment. The rocket fuel mentioned can be replaced by a couple of Fire Elemental Gems. All we have to do is assemble the first batch of R.A.A.I.E., and then we are ready to fight!
With that, four brilliant beams of light hit the ground in an arc before you. Four newcomers step out of those beams, one a Wood elf, one a human, one a Dragonborn, and one a Dwarf. They introduce themselves as Saelihn Tressatra, Matron Goddess of Rangers and rogues, Elidain Undaphior, Patron God of Wizards and mages, Aliadnind Stormsword, Patron God of Fighters and Soldiers, and Doraggic Frostbeard, Patron God of clerics and paladins. Saelihn steps forward and tells you, Yvonne, that they are here to provide you with any materials you need, as well as help train any soldiers you wish to lead into battle against the Jerry Hive.
With that, each of them reaches behind them and pull forth four fire elemental gems, for a total of 16 gems.
Elidain tells you that these gems are far more powerful than most, as they each hold a shard of the essence of a fire primordial. They should be more than powerful enough for the missiles that you plan to build.
Aliadnind and Doraggic tell you that they are there to train your soldiers in martial combat, and to further enhance the powers of your clerics and healers, respectively.
With that, four brilliant beams of light hit the ground in an arc before you. Four newcomers step out of those beams, one a Wood elf, one a human, one a Dragonborn, and one a Dwarf. They introduce themselves as Saelihn Tressatra, Matron Goddess of Rangers and rogues, Elidain Undaphior, Patron God of Wizards and mages, Aliadnind Stormsword, Patron God of Fighters and Soldiers, and Doraggic Frostbeard, Patron God of clerics and paladins. Saelihn steps forward and tells you, Yvonne, that they are here to provide you with any materials you need, as well as help train any soldiers you wish to lead into battle against the Jerry Hive.
With that, each of them reaches behind them and pull forth four fire elemental gems, for a total of 16 gems.
Elidain tells you that these gems are far more powerful than most, as they each hold a shard of the essence of a fire primordial. They should be more than powerful enough for the missiles that you plan to build.
Aliadnind and Doraggic tell you that they are there to train your soldiers in martial combat, and to further enhance the powers of your clerics and healers, respectively.
I thank the gods respectfully but tell them that fire is the elemental weapon of Jerry and his followers. Got any water gems?
Here's a taarasque Skull, Spine, Back thigh bones, & left pinky toe bone (that's really charred by what looks like lightning). Also here's at least 100 of its scales. *I placed the bones on a table and dropped the scales beside it.* Hey heres 1 bolt, & a little spider silk too.
HA! Jerry has total ownership of anything combustible, so no rocket fuel for you!
And gold dragons are creatures of fire. Jerry is becoming the god of fire. Good luck.
Do beholders even have brains? Their anatomy is so alien that we might never know....
*kills a gold dragon*
*wishes all gold dragons and their scales out of existence*
"Now now, none of that." Stargazer snaps his fingers, Wishes Helmut out of existence and returns all gold dragons back into existence.
Great I have to kill it again!
*immediately re-exists, now in the form of a CR 563 Celestial*
"Oh, what was that? I thought this was a war. Are we not allowed to fight?"
("Also, missiles will not be a problem, as Jerry and all his followers are immune to fire.")
Stargazer just looks at Helmut. "Nice trick, but not something I haven't seen before. You're dealing with a creation Deity here, and I'm not going to tolerate erasing AN ENTIRE SPECIES FROM EXISTENCE. Unless it's the Grell. Still not sure where those things came from, and they're just so... brainy...." As he trails of, a look of confusion with a hint of disgust crosses Stargazer's face.
"Anyways, where was I? Oh right." Stargazer looks at Helmut again, and time seems to rewind for Helmut alone. First, he was gone, then he wasn't. Time continues to reverse, until Helmut's a child, then an infant, and then, suddenly, just gone.
*BTW, for those of the Spider Guild, Stargazer is a draconic deity, taking the form of a dragon with lightning-bolt shaped horns, black scales with silver highlights, piercing blue eyes, and a blade on the end of his tail that drips with corrosive acid. He stands about 70 ft. tall at the shoulder and is well of 200 ft long.*
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I figured it was a bit messy organizing our meetings in the same forum that we accept new members. Therefore, I have established a new place for us to discuss our plans.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
I am an Arachpriest, Cat Cultist, Sauce Monk, Angel of Death, and First Spinjitzu Master.
I play Thirteen the necromancer elf, Timber the tabaxi child, and more at the tavern. Hope you like yams!
Oh yeah, don't forget to be kind and loving and stuff. Not on during weekends.
We need to know who we can trust as far as other cults go, as well as who we need to keep tabs on. I, personally, am a bit worried about the Jerry Hive, but we shouldn't take action unless we know they are against us.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Calling everyone in the Spider Guild! We need you all to gather resources to create a champion to fight Mendigo and the armies of Jerry! These are the resources we need so far to complete PROJECT R.A.A.I.E. :
Go forth, fellow Acolytes of Arachnids, and help us end the tyranny of Jerry once and for all! Good luck, and may Lolth be with you.
Spider Queen Yvonne
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
As you have allied yourselves with myself against the Jerry Hive, I will see what I and my fellow deities can do to help you construct these devices. The one thing I know we cannot provide for you are the souls you need. Otherwise, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to supplies the rest of the materials you need. Just provide us with the specifications required (especially on this "rocket fuel" you need), and we will do the rest.
Also, tell me if you require any weapons, and I will see what we can do.
Best of luck to my newest allies,
Elendon Starguide, Patron God of Adventurers and Hero of the Creation War.
I cannot thank you enough for your help. As for the souls, you don't need to worry about them. The souls for the machine have already stated that they are more than willing to participate in this experiment. The rocket fuel mentioned can be replaced by a couple of Fire Elemental Gems. All we have to do is assemble the first batch of R.A.A.I.E., and then we are ready to fight!
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
All of that is easily done then!
With that, four brilliant beams of light hit the ground in an arc before you. Four newcomers step out of those beams, one a Wood elf, one a human, one a Dragonborn, and one a Dwarf. They introduce themselves as Saelihn Tressatra, Matron Goddess of Rangers and rogues, Elidain Undaphior, Patron God of Wizards and mages, Aliadnind Stormsword, Patron God of Fighters and Soldiers, and Doraggic Frostbeard, Patron God of clerics and paladins. Saelihn steps forward and tells you, Yvonne, that they are here to provide you with any materials you need, as well as help train any soldiers you wish to lead into battle against the Jerry Hive.
With that, each of them reaches behind them and pull forth four fire elemental gems, for a total of 16 gems.
Elidain tells you that these gems are far more powerful than most, as they each hold a shard of the essence of a fire primordial. They should be more than powerful enough for the missiles that you plan to build.
Aliadnind and Doraggic tell you that they are there to train your soldiers in martial combat, and to further enhance the powers of your clerics and healers, respectively.
I will not let the Spider Guild be forgotten! The acolytes of arachnids shall rise once again!
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
I thank the gods respectfully but tell them that fire is the elemental weapon of Jerry and his followers. Got any water gems?
I am an Arachpriest, Cat Cultist, Sauce Monk, Angel of Death, and First Spinjitzu Master.
I play Thirteen the necromancer elf, Timber the tabaxi child, and more at the tavern. Hope you like yams!
Oh yeah, don't forget to be kind and loving and stuff. Not on during weekends.
Here's a taarasque Skull, Spine, Back thigh bones, & left pinky toe bone (that's really charred by what looks like lightning). Also here's at least 100 of its scales. *I placed the bones on a table and dropped the scales beside it.* Hey heres 1 bolt, & a little spider silk too.
Keep in mind I'm in the UK so my time zone's GMT.
Definitely not an undead.
HA! Jerry has total ownership of anything combustible, so no rocket fuel for you!
And gold dragons are creatures of fire. Jerry is becoming the god of fire. Good luck.
Do beholders even have brains? Their anatomy is so alien that we might never know....
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
*kills a gold dragon*
Keep in mind I'm in the UK so my time zone's GMT.
Definitely not an undead.
*wishes all gold dragons and their scales out of existence*
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
"Now now, none of that." Stargazer snaps his fingers, Wishes Helmut out of existence and returns all gold dragons back into existence.
Great I have to kill it again!
Keep in mind I'm in the UK so my time zone's GMT.
Definitely not an undead.
*immediately re-exists, now in the form of a CR 563 Celestial*
"Oh, what was that? I thought this was a war. Are we not allowed to fight?"
("Also, missiles will not be a problem, as Jerry and all his followers are immune to fire.")
Paladin main who spends most of his D&D time worldbuilding or DMing, not Paladin-ing.
Keep in mind I'm in the UK so my time zone's GMT.
Definitely not an undead.
Allow me.
Suddenly, three plasma blasts fire out from the darkness as Anahita lumbers forth. 30 23 23
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
Stargazer just looks at Helmut. "Nice trick, but not something I haven't seen before. You're dealing with a creation Deity here, and I'm not going to tolerate erasing AN ENTIRE SPECIES FROM EXISTENCE. Unless it's the Grell. Still not sure where those things came from, and they're just so... brainy...." As he trails of, a look of confusion with a hint of disgust crosses Stargazer's face.
"Anyways, where was I? Oh right." Stargazer looks at Helmut again, and time seems to rewind for Helmut alone. First, he was gone, then he wasn't. Time continues to reverse, until Helmut's a child, then an infant, and then, suddenly, just gone.
*BTW, for those of the Spider Guild, Stargazer is a draconic deity, taking the form of a dragon with lightning-bolt shaped horns, black scales with silver highlights, piercing blue eyes, and a blade on the end of his tail that drips with corrosive acid. He stands about 70 ft. tall at the shoulder and is well of 200 ft long.*