[Wow, this was a very sudden revival but welcome back!]
(Hey, Shiver! Don't think me and Arch have forgotten about that deal involving your bards just because Arch is on extended leave!)
[Of course not, though the college has been shut down for some time after the fire. Guess it'll also need a revival, or we could just cobble it onto the side of the tavern, which would make sense as it's a dead thread. Snap's brother has a degree in Structural Engineering and Carpentry after all!]
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
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Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
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Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
“So we are just going to have to figure this out with any information before. That’s not anything new that we haven’t done before right Kath?” He says with a laugh, taking the cigarette for himself.
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
“So we are just going to have to figure this out with any information before. That’s not anything new that we haven’t done before right Kath?” He says with a laugh, taking the cigarette for himself.
Kath chuckles a bit upon remembering old times.
Äramil pulls out a sword, the blade of which seems to be several pieces of sharpened metal held together with crackling arcane energy. The pommel of the sword is a deep crimson ruby that radiates heat in waves. Äramil begins to fiddle with it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
“So we are just going to have to figure this out with any information before. That’s not anything new that we haven’t done before right Kath?” He says with a laugh, taking the cigarette for himself.
Kath chuckles a bit upon remembering old times.
Äramil pulls out a sword, the blade of which seems to be several pieces of sharpened metal held together with crackling arcane energy. The pommel of the sword is a deep crimson ruby that radiates heat in waves. Äramil begins to fiddle with it.
He sighs “For the now we need to just watch and wait. And enjoy ourselves in the meantime.”
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
“So we are just going to have to figure this out with any information before. That’s not anything new that we haven’t done before right Kath?” He says with a laugh, taking the cigarette for himself.
Kath chuckles a bit upon remembering old times.
Äramil pulls out a sword, the blade of which seems to be several pieces of sharpened metal held together with crackling arcane energy. The pommel of the sword is a deep crimson ruby that radiates heat in waves. Äramil begins to fiddle with it.
He sighs “For the now we need to just watch and wait. And enjoy ourselves in the meantime.”
Kath pulls his bandana back up, smiling underneath it. "Very well then. How's 'bout start up a drinkin' contest, huh?"
Aramil immediately perks up at the mention of a drinking contest. "I'm no dwarf, but I can certainly keep my ale down better than one o' those stonesniffers."
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi guys! This is my desktop alt account. My mobile one goes by the name of AgateElk8337, so maybe you've heard of me? Who knows! For those who don't know, I'm a demiromantic, very socially awkward he/him from the Sooner State. I'm also an unofficial therapist on Onions Are LIke Worms.
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with barbecue sauce."
The elf speaks up, immediately making it apparent that he has a strong Scottish accent. "Ol' Kath 'ere's told me a lil' bit about ya." He pulls out a quill and a small book, which he begins to write in while assessing every nook and cranny of Sliver's metal body. "Very impressive construction...", he mutters.
A brow ripples onto his face as he raises it "Still a livin' person ya know, I may be metal and steam, but that ain't mean I don't have a preference whether people draw me er not." He says drinking from his flask "Not an issue now, but ask next time." He turns to Kath "They got all the water in the world here, it's uncanny."
The elf grimaces, realizing his mistake. He puts the quill inside the book and snaps it shut, tossing it behind him. It dissappears into thin air with a pop! "Terribly sorry, sir. I fergot 'bout my manners soon as I saw ya. Äramil Ilphekiir, at yer service."
Kath looks quite shocked at the mention of that much water, knowing how scarce it was back home. "Do they now? Interestin'..."
He waves a hand, dismissing the issue from Aramil's mind "I lived in the same buildin' as Kath and several criminals, I ain't worried about a little disrespect. Nice to meet ya Aramil. Silverfoot, but everyone just calls me Silver." He leans back in his chair, his back hissing with steam "We might want to keep some for ourselves."
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
“So we are just going to have to figure this out with any information before. That’s not anything new that we haven’t done before right Kath?” He says with a laugh, taking the cigarette for himself.
Kath chuckles a bit upon remembering old times.
Äramil pulls out a sword, the blade of which seems to be several pieces of sharpened metal held together with crackling arcane energy. The pommel of the sword is a deep crimson ruby that radiates heat in waves. Äramil begins to fiddle with it.
He sighs “For the now we need to just watch and wait. And enjoy ourselves in the meantime.”
Kath pulls his bandana back up, smiling underneath it. "Very well then. How's 'bout start up a drinkin' contest, huh?"
Aramil immediately perks up at the mention of a drinking contest. "I'm no dwarf, but I can certainly keep my ale down better than one o' those stonesniffers."
Silver just laughs “That’s funny to hear Kath, let’s see how long Aramil will last compared to the two of us.” He pours down three drinks, one for each of them and puts his cigarette out before getting ready to drink.
Kath gulps down his glass as soon as Silver finishes pouring it.
Äramil stuffs the sword in one of the pockets of his apron, and somehow the whole thing manages to dissappear completely into it. His picks up his drink and guzzles it down too.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Kath gulps down his glass as soon as Silver finishes pouring it.
Äramil stuffs the sword in one of the pockets of his apron, and somehow the whole thing manages to dissappear completely into it. His picks up his drink and guzzles it down too.
Whenever their cup empties Silver refills it without concern, able to drink his down without even needing to take time to swallow because of his unique makeup. Silver doesn’t slow down, no matter how many drinks he does, the excess simply turning into steam in his body.
Kath gulps down his glass as soon as Silver finishes pouring it.
Äramil stuffs the sword in one of the pockets of his apron, and somehow the whole thing manages to dissappear completely into it. His picks up his drink and guzzles it down too.
Whenever their cup empties Silver refills it without concern, able to drink his down without even needing to take time to swallow because of his unique makeup. Silver doesn’t slow down, no matter how many drinks he does, the excess simply turning into steam in his body.
Kath begins to swallow one glass after another, quickly reminding Silver of their days at Buttons' Best.
Äramil takes his time after the first drink, and lets out a loud belch after four more glasses. "Pardon me."
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Kath gulps down his glass as soon as Silver finishes pouring it.
Äramil stuffs the sword in one of the pockets of his apron, and somehow the whole thing manages to dissappear completely into it. His picks up his drink and guzzles it down too.
Whenever their cup empties Silver refills it without concern, able to drink his down without even needing to take time to swallow because of his unique makeup. Silver doesn’t slow down, no matter how many drinks he does, the excess simply turning into steam in his body.
Kath begins to swallow one glass after another, quickly reminding Silver of their days at Buttons' Best.
Äramil takes his after the first drink, and lets out a loud belch after four more glasses. "Pardon me."
After a while Silver decides to clock out before he starts rusting “I think I’ll be done fer now, I know if I keep going Kath an I will be doin this all day.” He laughs and leans back, refilling their drinks whenever they need it.
Kath gulps down his glass as soon as Silver finishes pouring it.
Äramil stuffs the sword in one of the pockets of his apron, and somehow the whole thing manages to dissappear completely into it. His picks up his drink and guzzles it down too.
Whenever their cup empties Silver refills it without concern, able to drink his down without even needing to take time to swallow because of his unique makeup. Silver doesn’t slow down, no matter how many drinks he does, the excess simply turning into steam in his body.
Kath begins to swallow one glass after another, quickly reminding Silver of their days at Buttons' Best.
Äramil takes his after the first drink, and lets out a loud belch after four more glasses. "Pardon me."
After a while Silver decides to clock out before he starts rusting “I think I’ll be done fer now, I know if I keep going Kath an I will be doin this all day.” He laughs and leans back, refilling their drinks whenever they need it.
Kath keeps drinking, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter as he gets more excited.
Äramil's movements begin to become more sluggish, but he still seems sober for now.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
*Konton: Planet of a Thousand Cities, by 0verkill*
A young chitine walks into the tavern, fiddling with some small contraption in their hands. She has a dirty green T-shirt and jeans, and bits of rugged leather are strapped to her arms and knees. Estelle looks around before sitting in a corner to continue modifying the device.
Erica is absent-mindedly sorting things on shelves. It's not her job to- not here, anyways- but she's trying to occupy her mind with something else.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
*Konton: Planet of a Thousand Cities, by 0verkill*
A young chitine walks into the tavern, fiddling with some small contraption in their hands. She has a dirty green T-shirt and jeans, and bits of rugged leather are strapped to her arms and knees. Estelle looks around before sitting in a corner to continue modifying the device.
Erica is absent-mindedly sorting things on shelves. It's not her job to- not here, anyways- but she's trying to occupy her mind with something else.
She notices two men, a tiefling and an elf, going at it in a drinking contest. A robotic contraption resembling a humanoid sits nearby, pouring drinks for them.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
[Of course not, though the college has been shut down for some time after the fire. Guess it'll also need a revival, or we could just cobble it onto the side of the tavern, which would make sense as it's a dead thread. Snap's brother has a degree in Structural Engineering and Carpentry after all!]
Xaul Lackluster: Half-Orc Fathomless Warlock: Warlock Dragon Heist
Borvnir Chelvnich: Black Dragonborn Barbarian: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Sparkles: Aasimar Monk: Drakkenheim: What's in the Here and Now
Lith Ja’mas: Githyanki Sorcerer: Ghosts Of Saltmarsh
Pushover Gerilwitz: Tiefling Wizard: Acquisitions Incorporated
DMing The 100 Dungeons of the Blood Archivist! and The Hunt for the Balowang!
Killer Queen has already extended this signature, though not by much!
Erica is still looking out the window, thinking back to a happy memory of someone.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
"A criminal, eh? I myself work in the smithy. 'Til I joined an extradimensional theives' guild. That din't last long, though." Äramil notices all the soot on his metal arm, and his brow furrows. He rummages around in one of his aprons' pockets, pulls out a screwdriver, and unscrews his prostectic arm from a metal plate that is attached to the stump of his previous arm. He then pulls out a cloth and begins to wipe down the arm thoroughly.
Kath pulls down his bandana, once again revealing the scar that crosses his lower and upper lip. He rubs his chin thoughtfully, and nods. "Yeah, we do. But how're we 'sposed ta keep it? All I gots is a single canteen, an' that ain't gonna hold much." He pulls a small metal canteen out of his overcoat and shows it to Silver.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
"With all this water they've got to have some kind of storage here to keep it all. We've got to find a way out of here before we try to take some for ourselves first." He says, lighting another cigarette and offering one to Aramil before leaning forward "Don't need to worry about that right now, first we need to figure out what happened to Buttons' and where we are exactly. It seems I'm a strong as I was before, so whatever is keeping us here isn't weakening us for some reason."
Local Jokester, Viber, Doctor, and Therapist, I do my best to make your day better, and if I fail I'll try again tomorrow.
"Life is like a roller coaster, and you just took your seatbelt off."
"Nothing is beautiful because it lasts."
Äramil absentmindedly waves the cigarette away, but he uses his detached metal arm to do it.
Kath thinks for a moment, before clicking his tongue. "I can't remember exactly how we got here, but maybe Äramil does. Not only does he got a perfect memory, he also writes down everythin' in that book o' his. If he knows how we got in, maybe he knows how ta get out too."
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
He turns to Aramil “Well, do ya have any idea how ya got here, cause I can’t remember nothin’ other than not being here and then bein’ here. It’s real disorienting for somebody who don’t forget much like me.”
Äramil glances around quickly before retrieving his screwdriver and reattaching his now-cleaned arm. "Uh, no, not particularly. Never in my 357 years o' life has somethin' like this happened before, and never before have I not been able ta remember it. I DO remember walkin' through a door with Kath behind me, but even that memory's fuzzy."
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
“So we are just going to have to figure this out with any information before. That’s not anything new that we haven’t done before right Kath?” He says with a laugh, taking the cigarette for himself.
Kath chuckles a bit upon remembering old times.
Äramil pulls out a sword, the blade of which seems to be several pieces of sharpened metal held together with crackling arcane energy. The pommel of the sword is a deep crimson ruby that radiates heat in waves. Äramil begins to fiddle with it.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
He sighs “For the now we need to just watch and wait. And enjoy ourselves in the meantime.”
Kath pulls his bandana back up, smiling underneath it. "Very well then. How's 'bout start up a drinkin' contest, huh?"
Aramil immediately perks up at the mention of a drinking contest. "I'm no dwarf, but I can certainly keep my ale down better than one o' those stonesniffers."
Hi guys! This is my desktop alt account. My mobile one goes by the name of AgateElk8337, so maybe you've heard of me? Who knows! For those who don't know, I'm a demiromantic, very socially awkward he/him from the Sooner State. I'm also an unofficial therapist on Onions Are LIke Worms.
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with barbecue sauce."
"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"
Click here for cool art!
Silver just laughs “That’s funny to hear Kath, let’s see how long Aramil will last compared to the two of us.” He pours down three drinks, one for each of them and puts his cigarette out before getting ready to drink.
(Cut for Jester)
Kath gulps down his glass as soon as Silver finishes pouring it.
Äramil stuffs the sword in one of the pockets of his apron, and somehow the whole thing manages to dissappear completely into it. His picks up his drink and guzzles it down too.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
Whenever their cup empties Silver refills it without concern, able to drink his down without even needing to take time to swallow because of his unique makeup. Silver doesn’t slow down, no matter how many drinks he does, the excess simply turning into steam in his body.
Kath begins to swallow one glass after another, quickly reminding Silver of their days at Buttons' Best.
Äramil takes his time after the first drink, and lets out a loud belch after four more glasses. "Pardon me."
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
After a while Silver decides to clock out before he starts rusting “I think I’ll be done fer now, I know if I keep going Kath an I will be doin this all day.” He laughs and leans back, refilling their drinks whenever they need it.
Kath keeps drinking, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter as he gets more excited.
Äramil's movements begin to become more sluggish, but he still seems sober for now.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig
*Konton: Planet of a Thousand Cities, by 0verkill*
A young chitine walks into the tavern, fiddling with some small contraption in their hands. She has a dirty green T-shirt and jeans, and bits of rugged leather are strapped to her arms and knees. Estelle looks around before sitting in a corner to continue modifying the device.
Erica is absent-mindedly sorting things on shelves. It's not her job to- not here, anyways- but she's trying to occupy her mind with something else.
Former Spider Queen of the Spider Guild, and friendly neighborhood scheming creature.
"Made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders."
My pronouns are she/her.
Web Weaver of Everlasting Narrative! (title bestowed by Drummer)
She notices two men, a tiefling and an elf, going at it in a drinking contest. A robotic contraption resembling a humanoid sits nearby, pouring drinks for them.
Hi there! My name's Elk. I'm NoiSilverheart's doppelgänger. I'm a demiromantic, socially awkward Okie who may or may not be a pyromaniac. *random confetti blast*
I'm a warlock of the ArchCrone, my patron is TheFriendlyArchfey. Was Nicknamed AchatesCervus8337 by VitusW. Given the titles "Swashbuckling Scorcher", "The Unpredictable Jedi", "Burning Fury of the Ancients", and "Combustion Knight" by DrummerBoyDragonSlayer.
Extended sig